[latexrefman] Twain's quotation

Vincent Belaïche vincent.belaiche at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 09:08:21 CEST 2021

Dear Karl,

Thank you for the feedback, I did all the fixes you suggested except
for the quotation.
It was also my feeling that the quotation is (mis)used in the context
of US politics. I can leave it in the Fench version because the
republicans/democrats disensus does not make sense to the Fench, and
the quote would be taken more objectively I think. And also, I did not
find any translation to French for this quote on the net, so it would
be my challenge to propose a good one.

For the English version I propose a quote by Anatole France, made
about WWI « You think you are dying for you country, you die for the
industrials ». The same could have been said about the US Civil war,
but said by a foreign writer about another war it would be less
contrversial than Twain's blaming the losers for being losers (as I
understand Twain's quote currently, but unsure that I am right,
probably he was also blaming oneself for switching sides and looking
for an arrangement with his own conscience. Am I completely wrong, and
Twain is just abstrusely criticising christianism, Jesus being what is
meant by « dead radicals », Or is he just trying to be funny ? Well,
this quote is quite hard to translate, I am afraid I would have to
read all Twain's works before I can succeed…).


Le sam. 7 août 2021 à 23:44, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> a écrit :
>     BTW, I found difficult translating correctly the quotation by Twain,
> Personally I think a different, and more neutral, quote would be
> appropriate. I see no reason to induce translation difficulties relating
> to politics (in any direction) in a technical document.
>     I also did a few other changes
> It wasn't your bug, but "is" is missing before "non-discardable":
> +The @code{*}-form inserts horizontal space that non-discardable.
>     -* \frenchspacing::   Equal interword and inter-sentence space.
>     +* \frenchspacing & \nonfrenchspacing::   Equal interword and inter-sentence space.
> It is not desirable to rename nodes, but I guess it is needed for
> consistency in this case. When it happens, please leave an anchor behind
> with the old name. Otherwise existing links (outside this document) will
> break.
> End of comments from the peanut gallery :). -k

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