[latexrefman-discuss] \emptyset and other math symbols...

Karl Berry karl at domain.hid
Wed Mar 9 00:01:04 CET 2016

Some belated replies on your previous message ...

    Well, to my knowlegde, it is not reversed. 


    2) \varnothing looks better (a diagonally stiked-though circle, whereas
       \emptyet looks like a diagonally stiked-though zero).

Not "better", just "different".  Some people prefer the striked-through
circle and others the striked-through zero.  ("Striked-through" doesn't
sound exactly right to me, but my brain isn't coming up with a better
term right now.)

    Maybe it would be good to say also « right tack » and « left tack »

I know what you're trying to get at, but "tack" wouldn't be used in
English for these.  As far as I know.

    stile turning on the left

That doesn't sound right to me either.  Let me think about it.

    \epsilon is termed « Greek-text ».

"Text" isn't right, but it is a Greek letter, of course.

    Would it be good to add to the English text « lunar » 

Lunar?  No.  But "curly" doesn't seem quite right either.  Again, I'll
have to ponder.


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