[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex2e] doc-v3beta: getting rid of kvoptions (thanks ulrike) -- need some code cleanup, but for starters it looks fine (623a3773)

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Tue Nov 16 22:18:36 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : doc-v3beta
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/623a37739f2edb9ac72d3a7df6002c2002870248


commit 623a37739f2edb9ac72d3a7df6002c2002870248
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 16 22:18:36 2021 +0100

    getting rid of kvoptions (thanks ulrike) -- need some code cleanup, but for starters it looks fine


 base/changes.txt |   2 +-
 base/doc.dtx     | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/base/changes.txt b/base/changes.txt
index 55ef8920..6191e1db 100644
--- a/base/changes.txt
+++ b/base/changes.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ are not part of the distribution.
 	The old doc can be reactivated with \usepackage{doc}[=v2].
 	Hyperref usage (on by default) can be turned off with
-	New options etc are documented: use texdoc doc-doc
+	New options etc are documented: use texdoc doc
 	(code documentation only partly done).
 2021-11-12  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org>
diff --git a/base/doc.dtx b/base/doc.dtx
index ee48e779..3c4cea3b 100644
--- a/base/doc.dtx
+++ b/base/doc.dtx
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@
 %\NewDocElement[macrolike = false ,
 %		 toplevel  = false,
-%                idxtype   = key ,
-%                idxgroup  = Package keys ,
-%                printtype = \textit{key}
-%               ]{Key}{key} 
+%                idxtype   = option  ,
+%                idxgroup  = Package options ,
+%                printtype = \textit{option}
+%               ]{Option}{option}
 % \renewcommand\code[1]{\mbox{$\ell$-#1}}
 % \renewcommand\main[1]{\underline{\mbox{$\ell$-#1}}}
@@ -420,11 +420,11 @@
 % \NewIn{v3}
 % Starting with version~3 the \DOC package now offers a small number
 % of package options to modify its overall behavior. These are:
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{multicol}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{hyperref}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{debugshow}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{noindex}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{noprint}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{multicol}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{hyperref}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{debugshow}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{noindex}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{noprint}
 % \begin{description}
 % \item[\opt{hyperref}] Boolean (default \texttt{true}). Load the
 %    \pkg{hyperref} package and make index references to code lines
@@ -698,13 +698,13 @@
 %   |\NewDocElement{Env}{environment}|
 % though that's not quite what has been done, as we will see later.
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{macrolike}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{envlike}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{toplevel}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{notoplevel}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{idxtype}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{printtype}
-% \DescribeKey[noprint]{idxgroup}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{macrolike}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{envlike}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{toplevel}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{notoplevel}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{idxtype}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{printtype}
+% \DescribeOption[noprint]{idxgroup}
 % The \meta{options} are keyword/value and define further details on
 % how that \DOC element should behave. They are:
 % \begin{description}
@@ -1907,48 +1907,106 @@
 % \subsection{Keys supported by \DOC{}}
-%    For historical reasons this uses \pkg{kvoptions} but this will be
+%    In the past this used \pkg{kvoptions} but this will be
 %    replaced by using \texttt{l3keys} at some point in the future.
-%    \fmi{replace kvoptions}
+%    Right now this is only a lightweight shift---the code could and
+%    should be altered further.
+%    \fmi{cleanup replacement of kvoptions}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % These two options are available for use in \cs{usepackage} or in the
 % generated item \api's:
-%    \begin{macrocode}
+% \fmi{cleanup documentation (and perhaps code)}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newif \ifdoc at noprint
+\newif \ifdoc at noindex
+\newif \ifdoc at hyperref \doc at hyperreftrue
+\newif \ifdoc at multicol \doc at multicoltrue
+\newif \ifdoc at debugshow
+\keys_define:nn {doc}
+  {
+    noprint  .choice:,
+    noprint / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at noprint } },
+    noprint / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at noprint } },
+    noprint  .default:n = { true },
+    noindex  .choice:,
+    noindex / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at noindex } },
+    noindex / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at noindex } },
+    noindex  .default:n = { true },
+    hyperref  .choice:,
+    hyperref / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at hyperref } },
+    hyperref / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at hyperref } },
+    hyperref  .default:n = { true },
+    multicol  .choice:,
+    multicol / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at multicol } },
+    multicol / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at multicol } },
+    multicol  .default:n = { true },
+    debugshow  .choice:,
+    debugshow / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at debugshow } },
+    debugshow / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at debugshow } },
+    debugshow  .default:n = { true },
+  }
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % This one is for \cs{usepackage} and \cs{NewDocElement}:
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+\newif \ifdoc at toplevel \doc at topleveltrue
+\keys_define:nn {doc}
+  {
+    toplevel  .choice:,
+    toplevel / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at toplevel } },
+    toplevel / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at toplevel } },
+    toplevel  .default:n = { true },
+    notoplevel  .choice:,
+    notoplevel / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n  { doc at toplevel } },
+    notoplevel / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n { doc at toplevel } },
+    notoplevel  .default:n = { true }
+  }
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % These are for \cs{NewDocElement}:
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+\newif \ifdoc at macrolike
+\keys_define:nn {doc}
+  {
+    macrolike  .choice:,
+    macrolike / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at macrolike } },
+    macrolike / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at macrolike } },
+    macrolike  .default:n = { true },
+    envlike  .choice:,
+    envlike / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n  { doc at macrolike } },
+    envlike / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n { doc at macrolike } },
+    envlike  .default:n = { true }
+  }
+\keys_define:nn { doc }
+  {
+    idxtype  .tl_set:N = \doc at idxtype,
+    idxgroup .tl_set:N = \doc at idxgroup,
+    printtype .tl_set:N = \doc at printtype
+  }
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % And this one only for instances of doc elements in the document, it
 %    covers the case where you want to document a macro which is
 %    declared to be \cs{outer}. This is not a concept officially
 %    supported by \LaTeX{} but there are cases when it gets used.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+\newif\ifdoc at outer
+\keys_define:nn {doc}
+  {
+    outer  .choice:,
+    outer / true  .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_true:n  { doc at outer } },
+    outer / false .code:n = { \legacy_if_set_false:n { doc at outer } },
+    outer  .default:n = { true },
+  }
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \subsection{Processing the package keys}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+\ProcessKeysOptions {doc}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -1971,7 +2029,8 @@
 %    can locally set them.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-  \setkeys{doc}{#1}%
+% missing 2e interface  
+  \csname keys_set:nn\endcsname{doc}{#1}%
     \edef\doc at noprintdefault{\ifdoc at noprint true\else false\fi}%
   \ifdoc at noindex
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -5689,7 +5748,8 @@
 \def\doc at env#1#2[#3]{%
   \@nameuse{doc at noprint\doc at noprintdefault}%
   \@nameuse{doc at noindex\doc at noindexdefault}%
-  \setkeys{doc}{#3}%
+% missing 2e interface  
+  \csname keys_set:nn\endcsname{doc}{#3}%
     \ifdoc at outer
@@ -5732,7 +5792,8 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \def\doc at describe#1[#2]{%
-  \setkeys{doc}{#2}%
+% missing 2e interface  
+  \csname keys_set:nn\endcsname{doc}{#2}%
   \@doc at describe{#1}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
@@ -6029,7 +6090,8 @@
   \def\doc at idxtype{#3}%
   \def\doc at idxgroup{#3s}%
   \let\doc at printtype\@empty
-  \setkeys{doc}{#1}%
+% missing 2e interface  
+  \csname keys_set:nn\endcsname{doc}{#1}%
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %   \begin{imacro}{\Print...Name}
 %     \marg{name}
@@ -6212,4 +6274,3 @@

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