[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex3] main: Remove some redundant .txt files (5a0a9c8c2)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Nov 12 14:25:20 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex3
On branch  : main
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex3/commit/5a0a9c8c2f6f4880a9e0a16b427c5e1af1a28542


commit 5a0a9c8c2f6f4880a9e0a16b427c5e1af1a28542
Author: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Date:   Fri Nov 12 13:25:20 2021 +0000

    Remove some redundant .txt files


 xpackages/readme-ctan.txt    | 102 ---------------------------
 xpackages/readme-svnonly.txt | 163 -------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 265 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xpackages/readme-ctan.txt b/xpackages/readme-ctan.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5fac84e..000000000
--- a/xpackages/readme-ctan.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-   Experimental LaTeX3 High-Level Concepts
-   =======================================
-   2009/11/25
-The files in this distribution represent a snapshot of selected files
-from the Subversion (SVN) repository of the LaTeX3 Project.
-To obtain current versions of the files, visit
-<http://www.latex-project.org/code.html> which contains further
-The xpackages are a collection of experimental implementations
-for aspects of the LaTeX3 kernel, dealing with higher-level
-ideas such as the Desginer Interface. Some of them work as stand
-alone packages, providing new functionality, and can be used
-on top of LaTeX2e with no changes to the existing kernel.
-Others go further, and redefine LaTeX2e internals to provide
-better methods for managing certain constructs.
-All xpackages require expl3 and, in addition to this, many require
-functionality provided by the packages within the xbase bundle.
-Currently included in the CTAN release of xpackages are the following
-    xbase
-    xtras
-The xbase bundle provides mechansims for defining document commands
-(xparse) and design constructions (xtemplate).
-The xparse package provides a high-level interface for declaring
-document commands, e.g., a uniform way to define commands taking
-optional arguments, optional stars (and others), mandatory arguments
-and more.
-The xtemplate package provides an interface for defining generic
-functions using a key=val syntax. This is designed to be
-"self-documenting", with the key definitions providing information
-on how they are to be used.
-The legacy template and ldcsetup packages are included at the
-present time, but new LaTeX3 code will not use these!
-Source files:
-  - xbase.ins
-  - xparse.dtx
-  - xtemplate.dtx
-The xtras bundle provides functionality to bridge between LaTeX2e
-and LaTeX3. It provides add-ons to LaTeX2e to allow other xpackages
-to be used in the LaTeX2e context.
-The l3keys2e package allows keys defined using l3keys to be used
-as package and class options with LaTeX2e. This is tied to the
-method the existing kernel uses for processing options, and so it
-is likely that a stand-alone LaTeX3 kernel will use a very different
-Discussion concerning the approach, suggestions for improvements, changes,
-additions, etc. should be addressed to the list LATEX-L.
-You can subscribe to this list by sending mail to
-  listserv at urz.uni-heidelberg.de
-with the body containing
-  subscribe LATEX-L  <Your-First-Name> <Your-Second-Name>
-If you find a real bug that makes a package stop working you can
-report it via the standard LaTeX bug reporting mechanism of the LaTeX
-distribution (see bugs.txt there) using the category "Experimental
-LaTeX kernel".  However please do *not* use this method for
-suggestions / comments / improvements / etc. For this the list LATEX-L
-should be used instead.
---- Copyright 1998 -- 2009
-    The LaTeX3 Project.  All rights reserved ---
diff --git a/xpackages/readme-svnonly.txt b/xpackages/readme-svnonly.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49a4b2794..000000000
--- a/xpackages/readme-svnonly.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-   Experimental Packages Demonstrating
-   Possible LaTeX3 High-Level Concepts
-   ====================================
-   2008/08/05
-The current version of these packages can be obtained by following the
-instructions at <http://www.latex-project.org/code.html>.
-The modules listed here are currently not available from CTAN. See
-readme-ctan.txt for what is included there. This SVN only list
-contains the following bundles:
-All of these require expl3 and, in most cases, xbase to be installed.
-The galley package provides a low-level interface for handling
-inter-paragraph material and paragraph shapes.
-The xhj package provides higher-level templates using the galley
-The xlists package redefines all list environments in LaTeX to use the
-framework provided by galley and xhj.
-Files included:
-  source: galley2.dtx, xhj.dtx, xlists.dtx, galley2.ins
-  test:   xhj-test.tex
-The xcontents package implements a data structure for contents information
-Files included:
-  source: xcontents.dtx, xcontents.ins
-Additional requirements: galley
-The xfootnote package is a prototype implementation of different
-footnote styles and layouts using templates.
-Files included:
-  source: xfootnote.dtx, xfootnote.ins
-  test:   xfootnote-test.tex
-The xfrontm module is the first prototype implementation of the new
-front matter interface (xfm) for LaTeX2e*.
-xfm.dtx          describes the frontmatter interface and its implementation.
-xfmgalley.dtx    describes the galley interface which can be used on its
-                 own. (this is a cut down version of xhj and galley2 ---
-                 more stable less complex but not finished)
-xfm-test-cls.dtx produces a pretty printing of the sample classes (but
-                 not much docu)
-Files included:
-  source: xfm.dtx, xfmgalley.dtx, xfm-test-cls.dtx, xfrontm.ins
-  test:   xfm-test.tex, arno.ps, bernd.ps, burkhard.ps, christel.ps,
-          frank.ps, gisela.ps, holger.ps
-The xhead package is a prototype implementation of different
-page styles using templates.
-Files included:
-  source: xhead.dtx, xhead.ins
-  test:   tryxhead.tex
-The xinitials package implements and interface for producing initial
-Files included:
-  source: xinitials.dtx, xinitials.ins
-  test:   xinitials-test.tex
-Additional requirements: galley
-The xtheorem package is a prototype reimplementation of the AMS-LaTeX
-theorem environments by Achim Blumensath.
-Files included:
-  source: xtheorem.dtx, xtheorem.ins
-  test:   xtheorem-test.tex
-Discussion concerning the approach, suggestions for improvements, changes,
-additions, etc. should be addressed to the list LATEX-L. 
-You can subscribe to this list by sending mail to
-  listserv at urz.uni-heidelberg.de
-with the body containing
-  subscribe LATEX-L  <Your-First-Name> <Your-Second-Name>
-If you find a real bug that makes a package stop working you can
-report it via the standard LaTeX bug reporting mechanism of the LaTeX
-distribution (see bugs.txt there) using the category "Experimental
-LaTeX kernel".  However please do *not* use this method for
-suggestions / comments / improvements / etc. For this the list LATEX-L
-should be used instead.
-Also please don't expect these package to work with *any* code that
-floats around in the LaTeX2e world. :-)
---- Copyright 1998 -- 2008
-    The LaTeX3 Project.  All rights reserved ---

More information about the latex3-commits mailing list.