[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-hyperref] cleanup-patches: move seminar patch (1dabf9e)

Ulrike Fischer fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Wed Jun 30 11:13:17 CEST 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/hyperref
On branch  : cleanup-patches
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/commit/1dabf9e4dfcbfef667a18fd34894d2484d70553c


commit 1dabf9e4dfcbfef667a18fd34894d2484d70553c
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Wed Jun 30 11:13:17 2021 +0200

    move seminar patch


 hyperref-patches.dtx | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hyperref.dtx         | 196 ------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hyperref-patches.dtx b/hyperref-patches.dtx
index 8a4ed6d..6687f7d 100644
--- a/hyperref-patches.dtx
+++ b/hyperref-patches.dtx
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@
 \ProvidesPackage{hyperref-patches}[2021-06-29 v0.9 old hyperref patches]
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \section{Compatibility with foiltex}
+% --Moved 2021-06-30--
 % foils.cls redefine figure, table and caption as it doesn't want them to float
 % and also thinks that list of figures and tables are unnecessary. This
 % means that \cs{ext at table} and \cs{ext at figure} are missing too which
@@ -93,6 +95,8 @@
 % foiltex is not part of the standard tex systems and hasn't been update the last
 % time in 2008. So the patch is removed from hyperref.
+% --End of move command--
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   \providecommand*\ext at table{lot}%
@@ -100,6 +104,209 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Compatibility with seminar slide package}\label{seminar}
+% --Moved 2021-06-30--
+% seminar.cls is currently (june 2021) not compatible with LaTeX as it redefines
+% \cs{document}. It will perhaps be roughly fixed and then the following patches
+% will be included too. If this happens, this section will be removed for good.
+% --End of move command--
+%    This requires \texttt{seminar.bg2}, version 1.6 or later.
+%    Contributions by Denis Girou (\Email{denis.girou at idris.fr}).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \Hy at seminarslidestrue
+  \providecommand\theHslide{\arabic{slide}}%
+  \Hy at seminarslidesfalse
+  \providecommand\theHslidesection   {\arabic{slidesection}}%
+  \providecommand\theHslidesubsection{%
+    \theHslidesection.\arabic{slidesubsection}%
+  }%
+  \def\slide at heading[#1]#2{%
+    \H at refstepcounter{slidesection}%
+    \@addtoreset{slidesubsection}{slidesection}%
+    \addtocontents{los}{%
+      \protect\l at slide{\the\c at slidesection}{\ignorespaces#1}%
+        {\@SCTR}{slideheading.\theslidesection}%
+    }%
+    \def\Hy at tempa{#2}%
+    \ifx\Hy at tempa\@empty
+    \else
+      {%
+        \edef\@currentlabel{%
+          \csname p at slidesection\endcsname\theslidesection
+        }%
+        \makeslideheading{#2}%
+      }%
+    \fi
+    \gdef\theslideheading{#1}%
+    \gdef\theslidesubheading{}%
+    \ifHy at bookmarksnumbered
+      \def\Hy at slidetitle{\theslidesection\space #1}%
+    \else
+      \def\Hy at slidetitle{#1}%
+    \fi
+    \ifHy at hypertexnames
+       \ifHy at naturalnames
+         \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theslidesection}{\relax}%
+         \Hy at writebookmark
+           {\theslidesection}%
+           {\Hy at slidetitle}%
+           {slideheading.\theslidesection}%
+           {1}%
+           {toc}%
+       \else
+         \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theHslidesection}{\relax}%
+         \Hy at writebookmark
+           {\theslidesection}%
+           {\Hy at slidetitle}%
+           {slideheading.\theHslidesection}%
+           {1}%
+           {toc}%
+       \fi
+    \else
+      \Hy at GlobalStepCount\Hy at linkcounter
+      \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}{\relax}%
+      \Hy at writebookmark
+        {\theslidesection}%
+        {\Hy at slidetitle}%
+        {slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}%
+        {1}%
+        {toc}%
+    \fi
+  }%
+  \def\slide at subheading[#1]#2{%
+    \H at refstepcounter{slidesubsection}%
+    \addtocontents{los}{%
+      \protect\l at subslide{\the\c at slidesubsection}{\ignorespaces#1}%
+        {\@SCTR}{slideheading.\theslidesubsection}%
+    }%
+    \def\Hy at tempa{#2}%
+    \ifx\Hy at tempa\@empty
+    \else
+      {%
+        \edef\@currentlabel{%
+          \csname p at slidesubsection\endcsname\theslidesubsection
+        }%
+        \makeslidesubheading{#2}%
+      }%
+    \fi
+    \gdef\theslidesubheading{#1}%
+    \ifHy at bookmarksnumbered
+      \def\Hy at slidetitle{\theslidesubsection\space #1}%
+    \else
+      \def\Hy at slidetitle{#1}%
+    \fi
+    \ifHy at hypertexnames
+      \ifHy at naturalnames
+        \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theslidesubsection}{\relax}%
+        \Hy at writebookmark
+          {\theslidesubsection}%
+          {\Hy at slidetitle}%
+          {slideheading.\theslidesubsection}%
+          {2}%
+          {toc}%
+      \else
+        \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theHslidesubsection}{\relax}%
+        \Hy at writebookmark
+          {\theslidesubsection}%
+          {\Hy at slidetitle}%
+          {slideheading.\theHslidesubsection}%
+          {2}%
+          {toc}%
+      \fi
+    \else
+      \Hy at GlobalStepCount\Hy at linkcounter
+      \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}{\relax}%
+      \Hy at writebookmark
+        {\theslidesubsection}%
+        {\Hy at slidetitle}%
+        {slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}%
+        {1}%
+        {toc}%
+    \fi
+  }%
+  \providecommand*{\listslidename}{List of Slides}%
+  \def\listofslides{%
+    \section*{%
+      \listslidename
+      \@mkboth{%
+        \expandafter\MakeUppercase\listslidename
+      }{%
+        \expandafter\MakeUppercase\listslidename
+      }%
+    }%
+    \def\l at slide##1##2##3##4{%
+      \slide at undottedcline{%
+        \slidenumberline{##3}{\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
+      }{}%
+    }%
+    \let\l at subslide\l at slide
+    \@startlos
+  }%
+  \def\slide at contents{%
+    \def\l at slide##1##2##3##4{%
+      \slide at cline{\slidenumberline{##3}{\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}}{##3}%
+    }%
+    \let\l at subslide\@gobblefour
+    \@startlos
+  }%
+  \def\Slide at contents{%
+    \def\l at slide##1##2##3##4{%
+      \ifcase\lslide at flag
+        \message{##1 ** \the\c at slidesection}%
+        \ifnum##1>\c at slidesection
+          \def\lslide at flag{1}%
+          {%
+            \large
+            \slide at cline{%
+              \slidenumberline{$\Rightarrow\bullet$}%
+                {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
+            }{##3}%
+          }%
+        \else
+          {%
+            \large
+            \slide at cline{%
+              \slidenumberline{$\surd\;\bullet$}%
+                {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
+            }{##3}%
+          }%
+        \fi
+      \or
+        \def\lslide at flag{2}%
+        {%
+          \large
+          \slide at cline{%
+            \slidenumberline{$\bullet$}%
+              {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
+          }{##3}%
+        }%
+      \or
+        {%
+          \large
+          \slide at cline{%
+            \slidenumberline{$\bullet$}%
+             {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
+          }{##3}%
+        }%
+      \fi
+    }%
+    \def\l at subslide##1##2##3##4{%
+      \ifnum\lslide at flag=1 %
+        \@undottedtocline{2}{3.8em}{3.2em}{\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}{}%
+      \fi
+    }%
+    \def\lslide at flag{0}%
+    \@startlos
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
diff --git a/hyperref.dtx b/hyperref.dtx
index e220f2e..765febc 100644
--- a/hyperref.dtx
+++ b/hyperref.dtx
@@ -12700,202 +12700,6 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% \section{Compatibility with seminar slide package}\label{seminar}
-%    This requires \texttt{seminar.bg2}, version 1.6 or later.
-%    Contributions by Denis Girou (\Email{denis.girou at idris.fr}).
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \Hy at seminarslidestrue
-  \providecommand\theHslide{\arabic{slide}}%
-  \Hy at seminarslidesfalse
-  \providecommand\theHslidesection   {\arabic{slidesection}}%
-  \providecommand\theHslidesubsection{%
-    \theHslidesection.\arabic{slidesubsection}%
-  }%
-  \def\slide at heading[#1]#2{%
-    \H at refstepcounter{slidesection}%
-    \@addtoreset{slidesubsection}{slidesection}%
-    \addtocontents{los}{%
-      \protect\l at slide{\the\c at slidesection}{\ignorespaces#1}%
-        {\@SCTR}{slideheading.\theslidesection}%
-    }%
-    \def\Hy at tempa{#2}%
-    \ifx\Hy at tempa\@empty
-    \else
-      {%
-        \edef\@currentlabel{%
-          \csname p at slidesection\endcsname\theslidesection
-        }%
-        \makeslideheading{#2}%
-      }%
-    \fi
-    \gdef\theslideheading{#1}%
-    \gdef\theslidesubheading{}%
-    \ifHy at bookmarksnumbered
-      \def\Hy at slidetitle{\theslidesection\space #1}%
-    \else
-      \def\Hy at slidetitle{#1}%
-    \fi
-    \ifHy at hypertexnames
-       \ifHy at naturalnames
-         \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theslidesection}{\relax}%
-         \Hy at writebookmark
-           {\theslidesection}%
-           {\Hy at slidetitle}%
-           {slideheading.\theslidesection}%
-           {1}%
-           {toc}%
-       \else
-         \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theHslidesection}{\relax}%
-         \Hy at writebookmark
-           {\theslidesection}%
-           {\Hy at slidetitle}%
-           {slideheading.\theHslidesection}%
-           {1}%
-           {toc}%
-       \fi
-    \else
-      \Hy at GlobalStepCount\Hy at linkcounter
-      \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}{\relax}%
-      \Hy at writebookmark
-        {\theslidesection}%
-        {\Hy at slidetitle}%
-        {slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}%
-        {1}%
-        {toc}%
-    \fi
-  }%
-  \def\slide at subheading[#1]#2{%
-    \H at refstepcounter{slidesubsection}%
-    \addtocontents{los}{%
-      \protect\l at subslide{\the\c at slidesubsection}{\ignorespaces#1}%
-        {\@SCTR}{slideheading.\theslidesubsection}%
-    }%
-    \def\Hy at tempa{#2}%
-    \ifx\Hy at tempa\@empty
-    \else
-      {%
-        \edef\@currentlabel{%
-          \csname p at slidesubsection\endcsname\theslidesubsection
-        }%
-        \makeslidesubheading{#2}%
-      }%
-    \fi
-    \gdef\theslidesubheading{#1}%
-    \ifHy at bookmarksnumbered
-      \def\Hy at slidetitle{\theslidesubsection\space #1}%
-    \else
-      \def\Hy at slidetitle{#1}%
-    \fi
-    \ifHy at hypertexnames
-      \ifHy at naturalnames
-        \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theslidesubsection}{\relax}%
-        \Hy at writebookmark
-          {\theslidesubsection}%
-          {\Hy at slidetitle}%
-          {slideheading.\theslidesubsection}%
-          {2}%
-          {toc}%
-      \else
-        \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\theHslidesubsection}{\relax}%
-        \Hy at writebookmark
-          {\theslidesubsection}%
-          {\Hy at slidetitle}%
-          {slideheading.\theHslidesubsection}%
-          {2}%
-          {toc}%
-      \fi
-    \else
-      \Hy at GlobalStepCount\Hy at linkcounter
-      \hyper@@anchor{slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}{\relax}%
-      \Hy at writebookmark
-        {\theslidesubsection}%
-        {\Hy at slidetitle}%
-        {slideheading.\the\Hy at linkcounter}%
-        {1}%
-        {toc}%
-    \fi
-  }%
-  \providecommand*{\listslidename}{List of Slides}%
-  \def\listofslides{%
-    \section*{%
-      \listslidename
-      \@mkboth{%
-        \expandafter\MakeUppercase\listslidename
-      }{%
-        \expandafter\MakeUppercase\listslidename
-      }%
-    }%
-    \def\l at slide##1##2##3##4{%
-      \slide at undottedcline{%
-        \slidenumberline{##3}{\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
-      }{}%
-    }%
-    \let\l at subslide\l at slide
-    \@startlos
-  }%
-  \def\slide at contents{%
-    \def\l at slide##1##2##3##4{%
-      \slide at cline{\slidenumberline{##3}{\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}}{##3}%
-    }%
-    \let\l at subslide\@gobblefour
-    \@startlos
-  }%
-  \def\Slide at contents{%
-    \def\l at slide##1##2##3##4{%
-      \ifcase\lslide at flag
-        \message{##1 ** \the\c at slidesection}%
-        \ifnum##1>\c at slidesection
-          \def\lslide at flag{1}%
-          {%
-            \large
-            \slide at cline{%
-              \slidenumberline{$\Rightarrow\bullet$}%
-                {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
-            }{##3}%
-          }%
-        \else
-          {%
-            \large
-            \slide at cline{%
-              \slidenumberline{$\surd\;\bullet$}%
-                {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
-            }{##3}%
-          }%
-        \fi
-      \or
-        \def\lslide at flag{2}%
-        {%
-          \large
-          \slide at cline{%
-            \slidenumberline{$\bullet$}%
-              {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
-          }{##3}%
-        }%
-      \or
-        {%
-          \large
-          \slide at cline{%
-            \slidenumberline{$\bullet$}%
-             {\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}%
-          }{##3}%
-        }%
-      \fi
-    }%
-    \def\l at subslide##1##2##3##4{%
-      \ifnum\lslide at flag=1 %
-        \@undottedtocline{2}{3.8em}{3.2em}{\hyperlink{##4}{##2}}{}%
-      \fi
-    }%
-    \def\lslide at flag{0}%
-    \@startlos
-  }%
-%    \end{macrocode}
 % This breaks TeX4ht, so leave it to last.
 % Emend |\@setref| to put out a hypertext link as well as its
 % normal text (which is used as an anchor).

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