[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex2e] develop: Tl21-2 kernel msgs normalization (ltcmd mainly) (#582) (5d356b6a)

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Mon Jun 14 18:36:40 CEST 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : develop
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/5d356b6ac22ece5db8dfbd5f3a538708a2047624


commit 5d356b6ac22ece5db8dfbd5f3a538708a2047624
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date:   Mon Jun 14 18:36:40 2021 +0200

    Tl21-2 kernel msgs normalization (ltcmd mainly) (#582)
    * Normalize message texts [WIP]
    * normalizing verb arg errors
    * tests on verb stuff
    * Normalizing  argument type errors
    * help text updates
    * prefixes
    * add missing tests
    * xparse msg
    * typo
    * improve message; more tests
    * change msg text
    * message update for \IfBooleanTF
    * shorten msg labels
    * overlooked test
    * text change suggested by Bruno
    * xparse -> xmd; some  first  line rename
    * change suggested by Bruno
    * drop commented out message texts
    * make utf8inputenc kernel errors (hope I got them all)
    * one test file missed (at least)
    * and a few more
    * grrr
    * Add changes entries; change ! -> . in one message (should error somewhere)
    * Make test for \MakeRobust; update test files
    * show invalid byte sequence in error message; change messages back to inputenc if we are before 2018
    * improve warning about extra "m" in font shape declaration
    * trivial change to see if travis works again
    * Normalize shipout warnings
    * add \@latex at note  (info but shown on the terminal) for warnings that aren't really warnings but should be shown
    * Use this for some filecontents messages;
    Also shorten the cont lines by 3 spaces
    * file writing now info - so test needs changing


 base/changes.txt                                   |  20 ++
 base/ltclass.dtx                                   |   8 +-
 base/ltcmd.dtx                                     | 214 +++++++-------
 base/ltdefns.dtx                                   |   4 +-
 base/lterror.dtx                                   |  46 ++-
 base/ltfssbas.dtx                                  |   5 +-
 base/ltmiscen.dtx                                  |   5 +-
 base/ltshipout.dtx                                 |  16 +-
 base/testfiles-1run/github-0220.luatex.tlg         |  10 +-
 base/testfiles-1run/github-0220.tlg                |  10 +-
 base/testfiles-legacy/utf8-test-001.tlg            |  16 +-
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd001.tlg                  |  33 +--
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd003.tlg                  |  48 ++--
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd004.luatex.tlg           | 314 +++++++++++----------
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd004.tlg                  | 314 +++++++++++----------
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd005.luatex.tlg           | 204 +++++++------
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd005.tlg                  | 204 +++++++------
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd006.tlg                  |  32 +--
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd007.lvt                  |  78 +++++
 base/testfiles-ltcmd/ltcmd007.tlg                  | 113 ++++++++
 base/testfiles-lthooks/filehook-006.tlg            |   8 +-
 base/testfiles-lthooks2/shipout2-012.tlg           |   6 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0060.tlg                     |  14 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0415.luatex.tlg              |   4 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0415.tlg                     |   4 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0415.xetex.tlg               |   4 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0479-often.luatex.tlg        |   4 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0479-often.tlg               |  14 +-
 base/testfiles/github-0479-often.xetex.tlg         |   4 +-
 base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.luatex.tlg       |   2 +-
 base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg              |   2 +-
 base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.xetex.tlg        |   2 +-
 base/testfiles/tlb-inputenc-001.tlg                |  16 +-
 .../tlb-latexrelease-rollback-003-often.luatex.tlg |   4 +
 .../tlb-latexrelease-rollback-003-often.tlg        |  14 +-
 .../tlb-latexrelease-rollback-003-often.xetex.tlg  |   4 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-004-often.luatex.tlg   |   2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-004-often.tlg          |  12 +-
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-004-often.xetex.tlg    |   2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-005.luatex.tlg         |   2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-005.tlg                |  12 +-
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-005.xetex.tlg          |   2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-utf8-c0.tlg                     |   6 +-
 base/testfiles/tlb-utf8-undec-cp1252.tlg           |  14 +-
 base/testfiles/tlb1144.tlg                         |   4 +-
 base/testfiles/tlb3480.tlg                         |  20 +-
 base/testfiles/tltx001.luatex.tlg                  |   2 +-
 base/testfiles/tltx001.tlg                         | 164 +++++------
 base/testfiles/tltx001.xetex.tlg                   |   2 +-
 base/testfiles/tltx003.tlg                         |  24 +-
 base/update-ltcmd-tests.sh                         |   3 +-
 base/utf8ienc.dtx                                  |  22 +-
 .../testfiles/utf8-filenames-001.luatex.tlg        |   4 +-
 required/graphics/testfiles/utf8-filenames-001.tlg |   4 +-
 .../testfiles/utf8-filenames-001.xetex.tlg         |   4 +-
 required/graphics/testfiles/utf8-filenames-002.tlg |  10 +-
 56 files changed, 1219 insertions(+), 896 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --textconv --cc 5d356b6ac22ece5db8dfbd5f3a538708a2047624

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