[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-babel] docs: Table in methods. (78a4085)

Javier email at dante.de
Wed Jun 9 18:21:23 CEST 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/babel
On branch  : docs
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/babel/commit/78a40852bab1e62d750ad0657ed0c4f80d83eb63


commit 78a40852bab1e62d750ad0657ed0c4f80d83eb63
Author: Javier <email at localhost>
Date:   Wed Jun 9 18:21:23 2021 +0200

    Table in methods.


 docs/_layouts/default.html                     | 2 +-
 docs/guides/which-method-for-which-language.md | 1 +
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/_layouts/default.html b/docs/_layouts/default.html
index 3ea2714..176a283 100644
--- a/docs/_layouts/default.html
+++ b/docs/_layouts/default.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
           {% endif %}
           <h1 id="project_title">{{ site.title | default: site.github.repository_name }}</h1>
-          <h2 id="project_tagline">{Localization and
+          <h2 id="project_tagline">Localization and
           internationalization ◾ LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX</h2>
           {% if site.show_downloads %}
diff --git a/docs/guides/which-method-for-which-language.md b/docs/guides/which-method-for-which-language.md
index 24bdbae..bf12507 100644
--- a/docs/guides/which-method-for-which-language.md
+++ b/docs/guides/which-method-for-which-language.md
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ With `luatex` stick to the default renderer in Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts
 #### TeXLive
 Here are some basic fonts included in TeXLive. This section is not meant as a font reference, but as a quick guide for a language to work with a more or less standard font. I've found no fonts for Telugu or Kannada.
 | Font(s) | Languages / Scripts | Notes |
 | --- | --- | --- |
 | IPAexMincho, IPAexGothic | Japanese | |

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