[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-babel] docs: Restart form scratch. (f32ee90)
email at dante.de
Wed Jun 9 17:15:16 CEST 2021
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/babel
On branch : docs
Link : https://github.com/latex3/babel/commit/f32ee906dbc902636ae26cd6471720489aa7f714
commit f32ee906dbc902636ae26cd6471720489aa7f714
Author: Javier <email at localhost>
Date: Wed Jun 9 17:15:16 2021 +0200
Restart form scratch.
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-# Hello
\ No newline at end of file
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-# Non-standard hyphenation with `luatex`
-Here is a simple example of a declaration:
- { no = c, pre = k- },
- {}
-It consists of:
-* the language the transformation is applied to (here `ngerman`);
-* a pattern with the string to be handled (here `ck`);
-* a replacement with a list containing exactly the same number of
- elements as the pattern (except if there are inserted elements, as
- explained below).
-The language here refers to a set of hyphenation rules, ie, to
-`\language`. So, the first letter in the pattern is replaced with the
-first item in the list, the second letter with the second item and so
-on. (This is not strictly true, because the replace list is filled with
-nil's if shorter.)
-## Rules
-‘Automatic’ hyphenation points, as inserted by the hyphenation
-algorithm, are entered in the pattern as vertical bars (`|`). Explicit
-hyphens are entered as `=`. Spaces are allowed for clarity, but they
-are discarded.
-The items in the replacement list are of four kinds:
-1. An empty group `{}` leaves the corresponding item **untouched**.
-2. A list like `{ no = c, pre = k-, post = }` replaces the letter by
-the corresponding **discretionary**. Only one of the keys is necessary,
-and the rest defaults to empty. By default the penalty is
-`\hyphenpenalty` or `\exhyphenpenalty` (_TeXbook_, p96), but a
-different value can be set with the key `penalty`. A further field is
-`data` - automatic hyphens contain no information about the font and
-the like, and with this key you can set which element in the list (as
-captured) they will the taken from.
-3. The key `string` replaces the character with the string. If empty,
-the char node is removed; to insert chars, just use a multi-character
-string. The nodes created are literal copies of the original, but with
-new characters.
-4. With `remove` the node is, well, removed (ie, it's like and empty
-5. (Development) **Spaces** are declared with something like `space =.2
-.1 0`. The values are in em units, and they are the natural width, the
-`plus`, and the `minus`. Here, you may need `data`, too.
-A few keys can be used in conjunction with `insert`, which must be the
-very first one in the replacement.
-The pattern is matched with lua empty captures, which are automatically
-added before and after the string. You may set different empty captures,
-to reduce the number of items in the replacement list:
- string = L,
- string = OOO,
- string = N,
- string = G
-Dots, characters classes (with %) and char-sets (with `[]`, including
-complementing and ranges) are allowed, too. When using the dot, be
-aware it matches `|` and `=`, too. A matched `|` or `=` cannot be
-currently replaced by a string.
-Ordinary captures are allowed _inside_ the empty captures (they must
-resolve to exactly one character). In the pattern, **the syntax `{n}`**
-is a backreference matching the _n_-th capture inside the empty
-captures. This syntax can be used in the replacement strings, with the
-corresponding capture:
-\babelposthyphenation{ngerman}{([fmtrp]) | {1}}{
- { no = {1}, pre = {1}{1}- },
- remove,
- {}
-\babelposthyphenation{ngerman}{ ([cC]) ([kK]) }{
- { no = {1}, pre = {2}- },
- {}
-Since the percent sign has a quite different meaning in lua and tex, as
-a convenience the {} syntax can be used to enter **character classes**
-in the pattern, too (ie, `{d}` becomes `%d`, but note `{1}` is not
-internally the same as `%1`).
-And here is a complete example:
-\babelposthyphenation{ngerman}{([fmtrp]) | {1}}{
- { no = {1}, pre = {1}{1}- },
- remove,
- {}
-Auffrisierende Auffrisierendem Auffrisierenden Auffrisierender
-Auffrisierendes Auffrisierst Auffrisiert Auffrisierte Auffrisiertem
-Auffrisierten Auffrisierter Auffrisiertes Auffrisiertest Auffrisiertet
-Auffrisst Auffuhr Aufführbar Aufführbare Aufführbarem Aufführbaren
-Aufführbarer Aufführbares Aufführe Auffuhren Aufführen Aufführend
-Aufführende Aufführendem Aufführenden Aufführender Aufführendes
-In the replacement list, there is an extended syntax which allows to
-**map the captured characters**. For example, `{2|ΐΰῒῢ|ίύὶὺ}` means: if
-the second captured char is ΐ replace it with ί, ύ with ύ, and so on.
-This feature is particularly useful when a letter changes if there is a
-hyphen, and also when transliterating. Here is a partial example of the
-latter (the full example is [here](../news/whats-new-in-babel-3.44.md),
-with digraphs and trigraphs):
- {([ABVGDEËZIJKLMNOPRSTUFHÈY"abvgdeëzijklmnoprstufhèy'])}{
- string = {1|ABVGDEËZIJKLMNOPRSTUFHÈY"abvgdeëzijklmnoprstufhèy'%
- |АБВГДЕЁЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЭЫЬабвгдеёзийклмнопрстуфхэыь}
-## Short examples
-* In Spanish, if there are one or two vowels between two hyphenation
- points, the first one takes precedence (in other words, the second
- one is penalised):
- {}, {}, {}, {},
- { pre=-, penalty=1000, data=4 },
-* In Greek, a diaeresis disappears if the vowel group is broken (see
- Németh, _TUGboat_ 87):
- {},
- remove,
- { no= ΐ , pre= - , post= ί },
- {}
-In cases like this, you may want to use maps as described above.
-* In Dutch, _omaatje_ becomes _oma- tje_:
- {},
- { no = a , pre= - },
- remove,
- {}, {}, {}
-* To duplicate explicit hyphens:
-\babelposthyphenation{polish}{{ '{{' }}a}={a}}{
- {},
- { no = -, pre = -, post = -, data = 1 },
- {}
-* To prevent a line break if there is a single letter followed by a
- hyphen and a word (eg, “e-mail”):
-\babelposthyphenation{ngerman}{ ^{A}*(){a}=() }{
- {},
- { pre=-, no=-, penalty=10000 }
-With `{A}*` we consider the possibility of leading characters like `(`
-or `“`, because `{A}` it's the same as `%A` in lua. This part is placed
-before that to be processed, which is enclosed between `() ()`.
-* Here is an example showing how to group two similar rules. The
- pattern means ‘either < or > repeated’. Then, the first replacement
- selects the character based on the captured one.
-\babelprehyphenation{english}{ ([<>]){1} }{
- string = {1|<>|“”},
- remove
-{% endraw %}
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-# Which method for which language
-_Document under development. Only XeTeX and LuaTeX._ (I like to thank Loren Davis for his help in preparing this page, including the list of additional fonts.)
-**Index** [Loading the language](#loading-the-language) • [Fonts](#fonts) • [Examples](#examples)
-## Loading the language
-There are two ways to load a language, which use different definition files. At first this duality may seem inconvenient, but this way the transition to a more modern system where locales can be easily defined and interoperate can be done smoothly.
-The first one is:
-It will load the old good Italian language definition file. This procedure is the **preferred one in most languages where an `ldf` exists**, but there are exceptions (for example, Arabic and Hebrew). In general, you should do this for **European languages written in Latin and Cyrillic** scripts, as well as for **Vietnamese**. For **Greek**, it may depend on your needs, and very often both methods will be fine. If you want modern and ancient Greek at the same time, the next one is usually better.
-The second method is:
-\usepackage[thai, provide=*]{babel}
-This will load data from an `ini` file. This is usually the correct method for languages written in **non-European scripts**, like Thai, Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Malayalam, Lao, Khemer, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Kannada, Sinhala, Tamil, Amharic, or Burmese. In short **simple CJK** texts, this is also the preferred method, but in more complex ones you should resort to some CKJ framework like luatexja, xeCJK, kotex, and the like.
-Some languages may require additional options. Examples are Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac. With LuaTeX:
-\usepackage[arabic, bidi=basic, provide=*]{babel}
-With XeTeX:
-\usepackage[arabic, bidi=bidi-r, provide=*]{babel}
-## Fonts
-With non-Latin scripts, you need to select another font, which can be done with `\babelfont`.
-If compatibility is not a concern, remember currently the most important systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) come with many fonts. Even if they are not installed by default, there are options in the system settings to do it.
-With `luatex` stick to the default renderer in Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts wherever possible. On the other hand, Southeast Asian scripts are best rendered with Harfbuzz, as well as Arabic. CKJ is usually fine with either renderer.
-#### TeXLive
-Here are some basic fonts included in TeXLive. This section is not meant as a font reference, but as a quick guide for a language to work with a more or less standard font. I've found no fonts for Telugu or Kannada.
-| Font(s) | Languages / Scripts | Notes |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| IPAexMincho, IPAexGothic | Japanese | |
-| Baekmuk Gulim, Baekmuk Batang, Baekmuk Dotum | Korean | |
-| FreeSerif | Multilingual, including Greek, Cyrillic, Coptic, Arabic, Hebrew, many (but not all) Brahmi scripts (Thai, Devanagari, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, etc.), Amharic, Georgian, Cherokee, Armenian. | |
-| Amiri | Arabic | |
-| ALM Fixed | Arabic | A CM-like monospaced font.
-| CMU Serif, CMU Sans Serif, CMU Typewriter Text | Cyrillic, Greek | A CM-like family.
-| NewCM | Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Cherokee | Another, more modern, CM-like family.
-| Padauk | Myanmar | |
-| FandolSong, FandolHei, FandolKai, FandolFang | Yi, Chinese | |
-| DejaVu Sans | Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, Lao, Georgian | Also Canadian Aboriginal, Ogham.
-| Noto | Greek, Cyrillic | A large family, but TeX Live includes only the fonts for these two scripts (and emojis).
-| Junicode | Runic | Also Medieval and Ancient Latin script.
-#### Additional fonts
-There are also some fine fonts out there, but you must install them because they aren't bundled with TeXLive. This list, of course, is just a very small selection.
-| Font(s) | Languages / Scripts | Notes |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Noto | Multilingual | This family has a very comprehensive coverage and come in many variations of weight and width to match your other fonts.
-| David CLM, Miriam CLM, Miriam Mono CLM | Hebrew | Free implementations of the most common Hebrew serif, sans-serif and monospace fonts. If you need cantillation marks for liturgical texts, Culmus also has a Taamey David. There are many different versions of font faces.
-| Babelstone Han | Chinese | It supports both Simplified and Traditional Chinese and has an especially comprehensive selection of traditional Chinese characters.
-| Rachana | Malayalam | It was the first Unicode font to support traditional orthography. This is the version by smc.org.in. There are several other fonts floating around under the name “Rachana,” and some of them do not work. Manjari is another popular font suitable for these body text, designed on the same theoretical principles as Inconsolata.
-| Abyssinica SIL | Abyssinica SIL |
-| Shobhika | Sanskrikt | With an excellent coverage of Vedic accents, Latin transliteration, mathematical and technical symbols, and Cyrillic.
-You may also want to have a look at some articles on tex.textackexchange on [Arabic](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/314202/overview-of-arabic-fonts-available-for-latex-xetex)
-## Examples
-Some examples follow (well, not yet). Remember there are [examples here](https://github.com/latex3/babel/tree/master/samples).
-### Arabic
-Recommended basic settings for a monolingual Arabic document in `luatex` (please, note your browser might not be rendering correctly the source code):
-\usepackage[arabic, provide=*, bidi=basic, layout=counters.tabular]{babel}
-الموسيقى أو الموسيقا هي فن مؤلف من الأصوات والسكوت عبر فترة زمنية،
-ويعتقد العلماء بأن كلمة الموسيقى يونانية الأصل، وقد كانت تعني سابقا
-الفنون عموما غير أنها أصبحت فيما بعد تطلق على لغة الألحان فقط.
-### (...)
-*Under development*
-Monolingual documents
-| Language | Method | Font | Additional package options (lua) | xe | Notes |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Arabic | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | bidi=basic, layout=counters.tabular | bidi=bidi-r | |
-| German | | | | | |
-| Hebrew | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | bidi=basic, layout=tabular | bidi=bidi-r | |
-| Hindi | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | | |
-| Portuguese | | | | |
-| Swedish | | | | |
-| Thai | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | | |
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-<img src="media/babel-top.png" alt="Babel" /><figcaption aria-hidden="true">Babel</figcaption>
-<p align="center">
-<b>Localization and internationalization ◾ pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX</b>
-<p>This is the home page for Babel, a multilingual environment for latex (and sometimes plain) for the three basic engines (pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX). Its aim is to provide a localization framework for different languages, scripts, and cultures based on the latest advances in Unicode and other technologies.</p>
-<hr />
-<h2 id="featured">Featured</h2>
-<li><a href="guides/non-standard-hyphenation-with-luatex.md">Non-standard hyphenation with luatex</a> Explains how to define special hyphenation rules like <code>ff</code> → <code>ff-f</code></li>
-<li><a href="guides/useful-links-to-tex.stackexchange.md">Useful links to tex.strackexchange</a> Examples for many languages: Chinese, Arabic, Sanskrit, etc.</li>
-<li><a href="guides/using-babelprovide-to-modify-or-extend-locales.md">Using to modify or extend locales</a> Hints on how to tailor your language to your needs in some frequent cases.</li>
-<li><a href="guides/which-method-for-which-language.md">Which method for which language</a> When to use the old good language files and when <code>\babelprovide</code> or <code>provide=*</code>.</li>
-<hr />
-<h2 id="whats-new">What’s new</h2>
-<col style="width: 50%" />
-<col style="width: 50%" />
-<tr class="header">
-<th>Most relevant changes</th>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.60.md">3.60</a></td>
-<td>Mainly a maintenance release.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.59.md">3.59</a></td>
-<td>Tentative Arabic justification.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.58.md">3.58</a></td>
-<td>More transforms for Sanskrit, Polish, Czech, Serbian, etc.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.57.md">3.57</a></td>
-<td>Predefined transforms for Arabic, Greek, Hungarian, etc.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.56.md">3.56</a></td>
-<td>Transforms (in <code>ini</code> files)</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.55.md">3.55</a></td>
-<td>Mainly internal changes. Captions in Uyghur.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.54.md">3.54</a></td>
-<td>Improved <code>picture</code>.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.53.md">3.53</a></td>
-<td>Templates in <code>\setlocalecaption</code>. Captions in Sinhala.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.52.md">3.52</a></td>
-<td>Improvements in <code>\babelprehyphenation</code> and <code>\babelposthyphenation</code>.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.51.md">3.51</a></td>
-<td><code>\setlocalecaption</code>, to (re)define captions at the document level.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.50.md">3.50</a></td>
-<td>A bug fix release for 3.49.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.49.md">3.49</a></td>
-<td><code>ini</code> files: enable standard LaTeX syntax as options; French spacing.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.48.md">3.48</a></td>
-<td>Preliminary tools for labels (for languages like Japanese and Hungarian).</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.47.md">3.47</a></td>
-<td>ini+tex templates for about 500 languages.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.46.md">3.46</a></td>
-<td>Option to select languages with BCP 47 tags.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.45.md">3.45</a></td>
-<td>Improvements in <code>\localedate</code>.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.44.md">3.44</a></td>
-<td>Argument in <code>\foreignlanguage</code> to switch date and/or captions. Amharic.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.43.md">3.43</a></td>
-<td>Autoloading based on BCP 47 codes.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.42.md">3.42</a></td>
-<td><code>\getlanguageproperty</code>. Syriac, Coptic, Church Slavic.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.41.md">3.41</a></td>
-<td>Counters and numerals (alphabetic and additive).</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.40.md">3.40</a></td>
-<td>Locale ini files for Latin and Greek. ‘Other’ characters in hyphenation patterns.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.39.md">3.39</a></td>
-<td>Locale loading on the fly.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.38.md">3.38</a></td>
-<td>Automatic switching of locale and fonts based on script (lua).</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.37.md">3.37</a></td>
-<td>Non-standard hyphenation, like <code>f-f</code> → <code>ff-f</code> (lua).</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.36.md">3.36</a></td>
-<td>Polytonic Greek. Improvements in Chinese.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td><a href="news/whats-new-in-babel-3.35.md">3.35</a></td>
-<td>Shorthands work in bibs and refs even with <code>safe=none</code>.</td>
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-# Which method for which language
-_Document under development. Only XeTeX and LuaTeX._ (I like to thank Loren Davis for his help in preparing this page, including the list of additional fonts.)
-**Index** [Loading the language](#loading-the-language) • [Fonts](#fonts) • [Examples](#examples)
-## Loading the language
-There are two ways to load a language, which use different definition files. At first this duality may seem inconvenient, but this way the transition to a more modern system where locales can be easily defined and interoperate can be done smoothly.
-The first one is:
-It will load the old good Italian language definition file. This procedure is the **preferred one in most languages where an `ldf` exists**, but there are exceptions (for example, Arabic and Hebrew). In general, you should do this for **European languages written in Latin and Cyrillic** scripts, as well as for **Vietnamese**. For **Greek**, it may depend on your needs, and very often both methods will be fine. If you want modern and ancient Greek at the same time, the next one is usually better.
-The second method is:
-\usepackage[thai, provide=*]{babel}
-This will load data from an `ini` file. This is usually the correct method for languages written in **non-European scripts**, like Thai, Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Malayalam, Lao, Khemer, Bengali, Gujarati, Telugu, Kannada, Sinhala, Tamil, Amharic, or Burmese. In short **simple CJK** texts, this is also the preferred method, but in more complex ones you should resort to some CKJ framework like luatexja, xeCJK, kotex, and the like.
-Some languages may require additional options. Examples are Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac. With LuaTeX:
-\usepackage[arabic, bidi=basic, provide=*]{babel}
-With XeTeX:
-\usepackage[arabic, bidi=bidi-r, provide=*]{babel}
-## Fonts
-With non-Latin scripts, you need to select another font, which can be done with `\babelfont`.
-If compatibility is not a concern, remember currently the most important systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) come with many fonts. Even if they are not installed by default, there are options in the system settings to do it.
-With `luatex` stick to the default renderer in Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts wherever possible. On the other hand, Southeast Asian scripts are best rendered with Harfbuzz, as well as Arabic. CKJ is usually fine with either renderer.
-#### TeXLive
-Here are some basic fonts included in TeXLive. This section is not meant as a font reference, but as a quick guide for a language to work with a more or less standard font. I've found no fonts for Telugu or Kannada.
-| Font(s) | Languages / Scripts | Notes |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| IPAexMincho, IPAexGothic | Japanese | |
-| Baekmuk Gulim, Baekmuk Batang, Baekmuk Dotum | Korean | |
-| FreeSerif | Multilingual, including Greek, Cyrillic, Coptic, Arabic, Hebrew, many (but not all) Brahmi scripts (Thai, Devanagari, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, etc.), Amharic, Georgian, Cherokee, Armenian. | |
-| Amiri | Arabic | |
-| ALM Fixed | Arabic | A CM-like monospaced font.
-| CMU Serif, CMU Sans Serif, CMU Typewriter Text | Cyrillic, Greek | A CM-like family.
-| NewCM | Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Cherokee | Another, more modern, CM-like family.
-| Padauk | Myanmar | |
-| FandolSong, FandolHei, FandolKai, FandolFang | Yi, Chinese | |
-| DejaVu Sans | Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, Lao, Georgian | Also Canadian Aboriginal, Ogham.
-| Noto | Greek, Cyrillic | A large family, but TeX Live includes only the fonts for these two scripts (and emojis).
-| Junicode | Runic | Also Medieval and Ancient Latin script.
-#### Additional fonts
-There are also some fine fonts out there, but you must install them because they aren't bundled with TeXLive. This list, of course, is just a very small selection.
-| Font(s) | Languages / Scripts | Notes |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| Noto | Multilingual | This family has a very comprehensive coverage and come in many variations of weight and width to match your other fonts.
-| David CLM, Miriam CLM, Miriam Mono CLM | Hebrew | Free implementations of the most common Hebrew serif, sans-serif and monospace fonts. If you need cantillation marks for liturgical texts, Culmus also has a Taamey David. There are many different versions of font faces.
-| Babelstone Han | Chinese | It supports both Simplified and Traditional Chinese and has an especially comprehensive selection of traditional Chinese characters.
-| Rachana | Malayalam | It was the first Unicode font to support traditional orthography. This is the version by smc.org.in. There are several other fonts floating around under the name “Rachana,” and some of them do not work. Manjari is another popular font suitable for these body text, designed on the same theoretical principles as Inconsolata.
-| Abyssinica SIL | Abyssinica SIL |
-| Shobhika | Sanskrikt | With an excellent coverage of Vedic accents, Latin transliteration, mathematical and technical symbols, and Cyrillic.
-You may also want to have a look at some articles on tex.textackexchange on [Arabic](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/314202/overview-of-arabic-fonts-available-for-latex-xetex)
-## Examples
-Some examples follow (well, not yet). Remember there are [examples here](https://github.com/latex3/babel/tree/master/samples).
-### Arabic
-Recommended basic settings for a monolingual Arabic document in `luatex` (please, note your browser might not be rendering correctly the source code):
-\usepackage[arabic, provide=*, bidi=basic, layout=counters.tabular]{babel}
-الموسيقى أو الموسيقا هي فن مؤلف من الأصوات والسكوت عبر فترة زمنية،
-ويعتقد العلماء بأن كلمة الموسيقى يونانية الأصل، وقد كانت تعني سابقا
-الفنون عموما غير أنها أصبحت فيما بعد تطلق على لغة الألحان فقط.
-### (...)
-*Under development*
-Monolingual documents
-| Language | Method | Font | Additional package options (lua) | xe | Notes |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Arabic | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | bidi=basic, layout=counters.tabular | bidi=bidi-r | |
-| German | | | | | |
-| Hebrew | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | bidi=basic, layout=tabular | bidi=bidi-r | |
-| Hindi | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | | |
-| Portuguese | | | | |
-| Swedish | | | | |
-| Thai | provide | Renderer=Harfbuzz | | |
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