[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-pdfresources] reworking-annot: documentating keys (5fd5419)

Ulrike Fischer fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Tue Jan 26 19:32:41 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources
On branch  : reworking-annot
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources/commit/5fd5419b3a2baacc3d9011f8d1fb464188c91dc1


commit 5fd5419b3a2baacc3d9011f8d1fb464188c91dc1
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Tue Jan 26 19:32:41 2021 +0100

    documentating keys


 hyperref-generic.dtx | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 info/key-list.tex    | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hyperref-generic.dtx b/hyperref-generic.dtx
index 8d83cfc..bb9d580 100644
--- a/hyperref-generic.dtx
+++ b/hyperref-generic.dtx
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 %  the changes. This will take some time. Until then it is recommended to follow
 %  the following rules
 %  \begin{itemize}
-%  \item Alle options---with the exception of a few mentioned below---should be set
+%  \item Almost all options---with the exception of a few mentioned below---should be set
 %  in \cs{hypersetup}, not as package option.
 %  \item Colors used in the keys for link colors should be defined after the
 %  package has been loaded.
@@ -228,11 +228,6 @@
 %   \end{itemize}
 %  \subsection{PDF strings}
 %  \pkg{hyperref} uses a command called \cs{pdfstringdef} to convert text input into
@@ -258,7 +253,7 @@
 %     \item Currently the new method is much more silent: it doesn't warn like
 %     \pkg{hyperref} if it removes commands.
 %   \end{itemize}
-%  \subsection{Package options from hyperref}
+% \subsection{Package options from hyperref}
 %  Only a few package options are currently recognized by the new driver
 %  as \pkg{hyperref} hasn't been adapted yet.
@@ -268,9 +263,22 @@
 %  Options that still must be set as package options are
 %  \begin{itemize}
-%  \item |pdfpagelabels| (a boolean)
+%  \item |destlabels|
+%  \item |pdfpagelabels| 
+%  \item |implicit|
 %  \end{itemize}
+%  Options that can be set as package options are
+%  \begin{itemize}
+%  \item |debug|, |verbose| (a boolean)
+%  \item |bookmarks| (a boolean)
+%  \end{itemize}
+%  Ignored options:
+%  \begin{itemize}
+%  \item All driver options like |pdftex|, |dvipdfmx|
+%  \item |raiselinks| (only used in the dviwind, textures and tex4ht driver anyway)
+%  \end{itemize}
 %  \subsection{Draftmode}
 %  pdftex and other engines knows a
 %  draftmode which can be set with |\pdfdraftmode=1|
@@ -432,6 +440,19 @@
 % Possible choices are |rgb| (three numbers in the array) and |cmyk| (four numbers).
 % While the PDF reference allows four numbers, PDF readers don't necessarly handle
 % this correctly, so the value can be wrong.
+% \DescribeHypkey{destlabel} This is a boolean key. Currently it must be set
+% as package option. If set to true, the name
+% of a destination is taken from a following \cs{label}, if there is one before
+% the next destination command. This requires two compilations to get
+% the correct coordinates in the destination. In the first compilation
+% the alias name is recorded in the aux-file:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \hyper at newdestlabel{section.1.2}{sec:sec2}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The next compilation can then make use of it.
+% The two-pass could be avoided in the future with a better labeling system,
+% where the name if set earlier.
 %^^A %% This is an adapted version of hluatex.def
 %^^A %% meant to test the use of the commands
diff --git a/info/key-list.tex b/info/key-list.tex
index 1ff6b03..ddc27bc 100644
--- a/info/key-list.tex
+++ b/info/key-list.tex
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ done & citecolor          & \textit{green}         & color of citation links \\
 done & colorlinks         & \textit{false}         & color links \\
 new/docu  & colormodel         
 done   & debug              & \textit{false}         & provide details of anchors defined; same as verbose \\
-??   & destlabel          & \textit{false}         & destinations are named by the first \verb|\label| after the anchor creation \\
+done, only package   & destlabel          & \textit{false}         & destinations are named by the first \verb|\label| after the anchor creation \\
 ??   & draft              & \textit{false}         & do not do any hyperlinking \\
 ??   & driverfallback     &                        & default if no driver specified or detected\\
 --   & dvipdfm            &                        & use \textsf{dvipdfm} backend \\
 --   & dvipdfmx           &                        & use \textsf{dvipdfmx} backend \\
 --   & dvips              &                        & use \textsf{dvips} backend \\
---   &dvipsone            &                        & use \textsf{dvipsone} backend \\
+--   & dvipsone           &                        & use \textsf{dvipsone} backend \\
 --   & dviwindo           &                        & use \textsf{dviwindo} backend \\
 ??   &encap              &                        & to set encap character for hyperindex \\
 ??   &extension          & \textit{dvi}           & suffix of linked files \\
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ done (ext) & hidelinks          &                        & Hide links (removing
 ?? hyperindex         & \textit{true}          & set up hyperlinked indices \\
 -- & hypertex           &                        & use \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend \\
 ?? & hypertexnames      & \textit{true}          & use guessable names for links \\
-?? & implicit           & \textit{true}          & redefine \LaTeX\ internals \\
+done,package option & implicit           & \textit{true}          & redefine \LaTeX\ internals \\
 -- & latex2html         &                        & use \textsf{\LaTeX2HTML} backend \\
 done & linkbordercolor    & \textit{1 0 0}         & color of border around links \\
 done & linkcolor          & \textit{red}           & color of links \\
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ done & pdfnonfullscreenpagemode
                    & \textit{empty}         & page mode setting on exiting
                                               full-screen mode\\
 done & pdfnumcopies       & \textit{empty}         & number of printed copies\\
-pdfpagelabels      & \textit{true}          & set PDF page labels \\
+done,package option & pdfpagelabels      & \textit{true}          & set PDF page labels \\
 done & pdfpagelayout      & \textit{empty}         & set layout of PDF pages \\
 done &pdfpagemode        & \textit{empty}         & set default mode of PDF display \\
 done & pdfpagescrop       & \textit{empty}         & set crop size of PDF document \\
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ pdfsubject         & \textit{empty}         & text for PDF Subject field \\
 -- & pdftex             &                        & use \textsf{pdf\TeX} backend \\
 pdftitle           & \textit{empty}         & text for PDF Title field \\
 done &pdftoolbar         & \textit{true}          & make PDF toolbar visible \\
-pdftrapped         & \textit{empty} & Sets the document information Trapped entry.
+done & pdftrapped         & \textit{empty} & Sets the document information Trapped entry.
   Possible values are \texttt{True}, \texttt{False} and \texttt{Unknown}.
   An empty value means, the entry is not set.\\
 done & pdfview            & \textit{XYZ}           & PDF `view' when on link traversal \\
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ done & pdfwindowui        & \textit{true}          & make PDF user interface ele
 plainpages         & \textit{false}         & do page number anchors as plain Arabic \\
 -- & ps2pdf             &                        & use \textsf{ps2pdf} backend \\
 psdextra           & \textit{false}         & define more short names for PDF string commands \\
-raiselinks         & \textit{false}         & raise up links (for \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend) \\
+ignored & raiselinks         & \textit{false}         & raise up links (for \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend) \\
 done & runbordercolor     & \textit{0 .7 .7}       & color of border around `run' links \\
 done & runcolor           & \textit{filecolor}     & color of `run' links\\
 ignored &setpagesize        & \textit{true}          & set page size by special driver commands \\
-???? & tex4ht             &                        & use \textsf{\TeX4ht} backend \\
+-- & tex4ht             &                        & use \textsf{\TeX4ht} backend \\
 -- & textures           &                        & use \textsf{Textures} backend \\
 unicode            & \textit{true}          & Unicode encoded pdf strings, starting with version  2020-08-14 v7.00f set by default to true for all engines. \\
 done & urlbordercolor     & \textit{0 1 1}         & color of border around URL links \\

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