[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-pdfresources] reworking-annot: file for hyperref keys (97384f4)
Ulrike Fischer
fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Mon Jan 25 00:19:25 CET 2021
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources
On branch : reworking-annot
Link : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources/commit/97384f46a76cdfa2606a6046b64bcc76f4fdea0e
commit 97384f46a76cdfa2606a6046b64bcc76f4fdea0e
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date: Mon Jan 25 00:19:25 2021 +0100
file for hyperref keys
info/key-list.tex | 122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 122 insertions(+)
diff --git a/info/key-list.tex b/info/key-list.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a6550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/key-list.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+\subsection{Big alphabetical list}
+The following is a complete listing of available options for
+\textsf{hyperref}, arranged alphabetically.
+done & allbordercolors & & Set all border color options\\
+done & allcolors & & Set all color options (without border and field options)\\
+dropped & anchorcolor & \textit{black} & set color of anchors, ignored by most drivers. \\
+?? & backref & \textit{false} & do bibliographical back references \\
+?? & baseurl & \textit{empty} & set base URL for document \\
+?? & bookmarks & \textit{true} & make bookmarks \\
+?? & bookmarksnumbered & \textit{false} & put section numbers in bookmarks \\
+?? & bookmarksopen & \textit{false} & open up bookmark tree \\
+?? & bookmarksopenlevel & \ttfamily\ci{maxdimen} & level to which bookmarks are open \\
+?? & bookmarkstype & \textit{toc} & to specify which `toc' file to mimic \\
+dropped & breaklinks & \textit{false} & allow links to break over lines \\
+?? & CJKbookmarks & \textit{false} & to produce CJK bookmarks\\
+done & citebordercolor & \textit{0 1 0} & color of border around cites \\
+done & citecolor & \textit{green} & color of citation links \\
+done & colorlinks & \textit{false} & color links \\
+?? & debug & \textit{false} & provide details of anchors defined; same as verbose \\
+?? & destlabel & \textit{false} & destinations are named by the first \verb|\label| after the anchor creation \\
+?? & draft & \textit{false} & do not do any hyperlinking \\
+?? & driverfallback & & default if no driver specified or detected\\
+-- & dvipdfm & & use \textsf{dvipdfm} backend \\
+-- & dvipdfmx & & use \textsf{dvipdfmx} backend \\
+-- & dvips & & use \textsf{dvips} backend \\
+-- &dvipsone & & use \textsf{dvipsone} backend \\
+-- & dviwindo & & use \textsf{dviwindo} backend \\
+?? &encap & & to set encap character for hyperindex \\
+?? &extension & \textit{dvi} & suffix of linked files \\
+done &filebordercolor & \textit{0 .5 .5} & color of border around file links \\
+done &filecolor & \textit{cyan} & color of file links \\
+?? &final & \textit{true} & opposite of option draft \\
+dropped &frenchlinks & \textit{false} & use small caps instead of color for links \\
+hidelinks & & Hide links (removing color and border) \\
+hyperfigures & \textit{false} & make figures hyper links \\
+hyperfootnotes & \textit{true} & set up hyperlinked footnotes \\
+hyperindex & \textit{true} & set up hyperlinked indices \\
+hypertex & & use \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend \\
+hypertexnames & \textit{true} & use guessable names for links \\
+implicit & \textit{true} & redefine \LaTeX\ internals \\
+latex2html & & use \textsf{\LaTeX2HTML} backend \\
+linkbordercolor & \textit{1 0 0} & color of border around links \\
+linkcolor & \textit{red} & color of links \\
+linktoc & \textit{section} & make text be link on TOC, LOF and LOT \\
+linktocpage & \textit{false} & make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT \\
+menubordercolor & \textit{1 0 0} & color of border around menu links \\
+menucolor & \textit{red} & color for menu links \\
+nativepdf & \textit{false} & an alias for \textsf{dvips} \\
+naturalnames & \textit{false} & use \LaTeX-computed names for links \\
+nesting & \textit{false} & allow nesting of links \\
+pageanchor & \textit{true} & put an anchor on every page \\
+pagebackref & \textit{false} & backreference by page number \\
+pdfauthor & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Author field \\
+pdfborder & \textit{0 0 1} & width of PDF link border \\
+ & \textit{0 0 0} & (\texttt{colorlinks)} \\
+pdfborderstyle & & border style for links \\
+pdfcenterwindow & \textit{false} & position the document window in the center of the screen \\
+pdfcreator & \textit{LaTeX with} & text for PDF Creator field \\
+ & \textit{hyperref} & \\
+pdfdirection & \textit{empty} & direction setting \\
+pdfdisplaydoctitle & \textit{false} & display document title instead
+ of file name in title bar\\
+pdfduplex & \textit{empty} & paper handling option for
+ print dialog\\
+pdffitwindow & \textit{false} & resize document window to fit document size \\
+pdfhighlight & \textit{/I} & set highlighting of PDF links \\
+pdfinfo & \textit{empty} & alternative interface for setting document information\\
+pdfkeywords & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Keywords field \\
+pdflang & \textit{relax} & PDF language identifier (RFC 3066) \\
+pdfmark & \textit{false} & an alias for \textsf{dvips} \\
+pdfmenubar & \textit{true} & make PDF viewer's menu bar visible \\
+pdfnewwindow & \textit{false} & make links that open another PDF \\
+ & & file start a new window \\
+ & \textit{empty} & page mode setting on exiting
+ full-screen mode\\
+pdfnumcopies & \textit{empty} & number of printed copies\\
+pdfpagelabels & \textit{true} & set PDF page labels \\
+pdfpagelayout & \textit{empty} & set layout of PDF pages \\
+pdfpagemode & \textit{empty} & set default mode of PDF display \\
+pdfpagescrop & \textit{empty} & set crop size of PDF document \\
+pdfpagetransition & \textit{empty} & set PDF page transition style \\
+ & \textit{empty} & set option for print dialog \\
+pdfprintarea & \textit{empty} & set /PrintArea of viewer preferences \\
+pdfprintclip & \textit{empty} & set /PrintClip of viewer preferences \\
+pdfprintpagerange & \textit{empty} & set /PrintPageRange of viewer preferences \\
+pdfprintscaling & \textit{empty} & page scaling option for print dialog \\
+pdfproducer & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Producer field \\
+pdfremotestartview & \textit{Fit} & starting view of remote PDF documents \\
+pdfstartpage & \textit{1} & page at which PDF document opens \\
+pdfstartview & \textit{Fit} & starting view of PDF document \\
+pdfsubject & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Subject field \\
+pdftex & & use \textsf{pdf\TeX} backend \\
+pdftitle & \textit{empty} & text for PDF Title field \\
+pdftoolbar & \textit{true} & make PDF toolbar visible \\
+pdftrapped & \textit{empty} & Sets the document information Trapped entry.
+ Possible values are \texttt{True}, \texttt{False} and \texttt{Unknown}.
+ An empty value means, the entry is not set.\\
+pdfview & \textit{XYZ} & PDF `view' when on link traversal \\
+pdfviewarea & \textit{empty} & set /ViewArea of viewer preferences \\
+pdfviewclip & \textit{empty} & set /ViewClip of viewer preferences \\
+pdfwindowui & \textit{true} & make PDF user interface elements visible \\
+plainpages & \textit{false} & do page number anchors as plain Arabic \\
+ps2pdf & & use \textsf{ps2pdf} backend \\
+psdextra & \textit{false} & define more short names for PDF string commands \\
+raiselinks & \textit{false} & raise up links (for \textsf{Hyper\TeX} backend) \\
+runbordercolor & \textit{0 .7 .7} & color of border around `run' links \\
+runcolor & \textit{filecolor} & color of `run' links\\
+setpagesize & \textit{true} & set page size by special driver commands \\
+tex4ht & & use \textsf{\TeX4ht} backend \\
+textures & & use \textsf{Textures} backend \\
+unicode & \textit{true} & Unicode encoded pdf strings, starting with version 2020-08-14 v7.00f set by default to true for all engines. \\
+urlbordercolor & \textit{0 1 1} & color of border around URL links \\
+urlcolor & \textit{magenta} & color of URL links \\
+verbose & \textit{false} & be chatty \\
+vtex & & use \textsf{VTeX} backend\\
+xetex & & use \textsf{Xe\TeX} backend\\
\ No newline at end of file
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