[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex2e] develop: LaTeX3 Project -> LaTeX Project (e074d5f2)

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Mon Jan 11 22:55:55 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : develop
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/e074d5f2315e7d2dfcdf445d10fbd79a7b06dae8


commit e074d5f2315e7d2dfcdf445d10fbd79a7b06dae8
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 11 22:55:55 2021 +0100

    LaTeX3 Project -> LaTeX Project


 base/alltt.dtx        |  4 ++--
 base/alltt.ins        |  4 ++--
 base/bugs.txt         |  8 ++++----
 base/classes.dtx      |  8 ++++----
 base/classes.ins      |  4 ++--
 base/cmextra.ins      |  4 ++--
 base/cmfonts.fdd      |  2 +-
 base/cmfonts.ins      |  4 ++--
 base/doc.dtx          |  2 +-
 base/docstrip.dtx     |  6 +++---
 base/docstrip.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/ec.ins           |  4 ++--
 base/exscale.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/exscale.ins      |  4 ++--
 base/fix-cm.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/fix-cm.ins       |  4 ++--
 base/fontdef.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/format.ins       | 10 +++++-----
 base/graphpap.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/graphpap.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/idx.tex          |  2 +-
 base/ifthen.dtx       |  4 ++--
 base/ifthen.ins       |  4 ++--
 base/inputenc.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/inputenc.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/lablst.tex       |  2 +-
 base/latex209.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/latex209.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/latexrelease.dtx |  4 ++--
 base/latexrelease.ins |  4 ++--
 base/latexsym.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/latexsym.ins     |  6 +++---
 base/legal.txt        |  5 ++---
 base/letter.dtx       |  4 ++--
 base/letter.ins       |  4 ++--
 base/ltalloc.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltbibl.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltboxes.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltclass.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltcntrl.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltcounts.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltdefns.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltdirchk.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/lterror.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltexpl.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltfiles.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltfinal.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltfloat.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltfntcmd.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltfssaxes.dtx    |  2 +-
 base/ltfssbas.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltfsscmp.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltfssdcl.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltfssini.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltfsstrc.dtx     |  4 ++--
 base/lthyphen.dtx     |  4 ++--
 base/ltidxglo.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltlength.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltlists.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltlogos.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltluatex.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltmath.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltmiscen.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltnews.cls       |  6 +++---
 base/ltoutenc.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltoutenc.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/ltoutput.dtx     |  4 ++--
 base/ltpage.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltpageno.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltpar.dtx        |  2 +-
 base/ltpictur.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/ltplain.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/ltsect.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltspace.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/lttab.dtx        |  2 +-
 base/lttextcomp.dtx   |  2 +-
 base/ltthm.dtx        |  2 +-
 base/ltvers.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltxcheck.tex     |  4 ++--
 base/ltxdoc.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/ltxguide.cls     |  4 ++--
 base/ltxref.dtx       |  2 +-
 base/makeindx.dtx     |  4 ++--
 base/makeindx.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/minimal.cls      |  2 +-
 base/newdc.ins        |  4 ++--
 base/newlfont.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/nfssfont.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/nfssfont.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/olddc.ins        |  4 ++--
 base/oldlfont.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/preload.dtx      |  2 +-
 base/proc.dtx         |  6 +++---
 base/proc.ins         |  4 ++--
 base/slides.dtx       |  4 ++--
 base/slides.ins       |  8 ++++----
 base/slifonts.fdd     |  4 ++--
 base/syntonly.dtx     |  2 +-
 base/syntonly.ins     |  4 ++--
 base/testpage.tex     |  2 +-
 base/texpert.txt      |  2 +-
 base/tulm.fdd         |  6 +++---
 base/tulm.ins         |  4 ++--
 base/unpack.ins       |  2 +-
 base/utf8ienc.dtx     |  2 +-
 105 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --textconv --cc e074d5f2315e7d2dfcdf445d10fbd79a7b06dae8

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