[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-pdfresources] reworking-annot: moving outdated transparent experiments (e2eafb2)

Ulrike Fischer fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Wed Feb 10 16:29:41 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources
On branch  : reworking-annot
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources/commit/e2eafb2c006e4a8de9097f82358147c8755fbed3


commit e2eafb2c006e4a8de9097f82358147c8755fbed3
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Wed Feb 10 16:29:41 2021 +0100

    moving outdated transparent experiments


 experiments/new-transparent.sty                   |  29 +---
 {newpackages => experiments}/new-transparent2.sty |   0
 newpackages/new-transparent.sty                   | 202 ----------------------
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 230 deletions(-)

diff --git a/experiments/new-transparent.sty b/experiments/new-transparent.sty
index f75482d..1207b7f 100644
--- a/experiments/new-transparent.sty
+++ b/experiments/new-transparent.sty
@@ -4,34 +4,7 @@
-  {2021-02-10}{v1.43}{Transparency with color stacks (based on transparent from Heiko Oberdiek)}%
-\cs_if_free:NT \color_set:nn{\RequirePackage{l3color}}
-\cs_set_eq:NN \__opacity_backend_stack_push:nn\__color_backend_stack_push:nn
-\cs_set_eq:NN \__opacity_backend_stack_pop:n  \__color_backend_stack_pop:n
-\NewDocumentCommand{\transparent} { m }
-      {
-       \opacity_select:n{\fp_eval:n{ min(max(0,#1),1) } }
-      }
-\NewDocumentCommand{\texttransparent}{m m}
-  {
-   \protect\leavevmode
-   \begingroup
-     \transparent{#1}
-     #2
-   \endgroup
-  }
-%%% old code
+  {2020-09-06}{v1.42}{Transparency with color stacks (based on transparent from Heiko Oberdiek)}%
 %pdftex + luatex in pdf mode
diff --git a/newpackages/new-transparent2.sty b/experiments/new-transparent2.sty
similarity index 100%
rename from newpackages/new-transparent2.sty
rename to experiments/new-transparent2.sty
diff --git a/newpackages/new-transparent.sty b/newpackages/new-transparent.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 1207b7f..0000000
--- a/newpackages/new-transparent.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `new-transparent.sty',
-%% base on transparent sty from Heiko Oberdiek
-  {2020-09-06}{v1.42}{Transparency with color stacks (based on transparent from Heiko Oberdiek)}%
-%pdftex + luatex in pdf mode
-  {
-    \bool_lazy_and:nnF
-      {\cs_if_exist_p:N \pdfmanagement_add:nnn }
-      { \pdfmanagement_if_active_p: }
-      {
-        \PackageWarningNoLine{new-transparent}
-         {
-           Loading~aborted,~because~pdf~resource~management~code~not~found~%
-           or~not~active
-         }
-        \endinput
-      }
-   }
-  {
-    \let\TRP at pdfcolorstackinit\tex_pdfcolorstackinit:D
-    \let\TRP at pdfcolorstack\tex_pdfcolorstack:D
-  }
-  {
-    \def\TRP at pdfcolorstackinit           {\pdffeedback~colorstackinit}
-    \protected\def\TRP at pdfcolorstack     {\pdfextension~colorstack}
-  }
-  {
-    %initialize opacity 1
-    \pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Page/Resources/ExtGState}{TRP1}{<</ca~1/CA~1>>}
-    %
-    \cs_new_protected:Npn \__transparent_use:n #1
-      {
-        \tl_if_exist:cF { c__transparent_TRP#1_tl }
-          {
-            \pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Page/Resources/ExtGState}{TRP#1}{<</ca~#1/CA~#1>>}
-            \tl_const:cn { c__transparent_TRP#1_tl }{ /TRP#1~gs }
-          }
-      }
-    \xdef\TRP at colorstack{%
-         \TRP at pdfcolorstackinit~page~direct{/TRP1~gs}}
-    \NewDocumentCommand{\transparent} { m }
-      {
-        \exp_args:Nx\__transparent_use:n { \fp_eval:n{ min(max(0,#1),1)}}
-        \tl_set:Nx  \transparent at current { \fp_eval:n{ min(max(0,#1),1)}}
-        \transparent at set
-      }
-    \def\transparent at current{/TRP1~gs}
-    \def\transparent at set
-      {
-        \TRP at pdfcolorstack\TRP at colorstack~push~
-          {
-            \tl_use:c { c__transparent_TRP\transparent at current _tl }
-          }
-            \aftergroup\transparent at reset
-      }
-    \def\transparent at reset{\TRP at pdfcolorstack\TRP at colorstack~pop\relax}
-  }
-%xetex, dvipdfmx
-\str_case_e:nnT {\g__sys_backend_tl}
- {
-   {xetex}{}
-   {dvipdfmx}{}
- }
- {
-   \PackageInfo{new-transparent}{xetex~and~dvipdfmx~need~dvipdfmx~newer~than~20200901}{}
-   \NewDocumentCommand{\transparent} { m }
-      {
-       \transparent at set{#1}
-      }
-   \def\transparent at set #1
-      {
-        \special{pdf:bxgstate~<</CA~#1/ca~#1>>}
-        \aftergroup\transparent at reset
-      }
-    \def\transparent at reset{\special{pdf:exgstate}}
- }
-%warning for dvips currently missing
-% but it should at least not error
-\ProvideDocumentCommand\transparent { m }{}
-\NewDocumentCommand{\texttransparent}{m m}
-  {
-   \protect\leavevmode
-   \begingroup
-     \transparent{#1}
-     #2
-   \endgroup
-  }
-%% End of file `new-transparent.sty'.
-dvips could at least on one page along this lines
- {
-   /STACK 50 array def % the stack data structure
-   /PTR 0 def % the stack pointer
-   /stackpush % any stackpush
-     { %def
-       STACK exch PTR exch put
-       /PTR PTR 1 add def
-     } bind def
-   /stackget % stackget any
-    { %def
-      /PTR PTR 1 sub def
-      STACK PTR get
-    } bind def
- }
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {.currentstrokeconstantalpha~stackpush}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {.currentfillconstantalpha~stackpush}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {0.1~.setstrokeconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {0.1~.setfillconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {.currentstrokeconstantalpha~stackpush}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {.currentfillconstantalpha~stackpush}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {0.4~.setstrokeconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {0.4~.setfillconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {stackget~.setstrokeconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {stackget~.setfillconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {stackget~.setstrokeconstantalpha}
-\__kernel_backend_postscript:n {stackget~.setfillconstantalpha}
-%% colorstack abstraction
-\special{pdfcolorstackinit 1 page direct (0 g)}
-\special{pdfcolorstackinit 2 direct (0 g)}
-\special{pdfcolorstack 2 push (0 1 0 rg)}
-\special{pdfcolorstack 1 push (1 0 0 rg)}
-1: red abc
-\special{pdfcolorstack 1 push (0 0 1 rg)}
-1: blue abc
-\special{pdfcolorstack 1 pop}
-1: red again
-\special{pdfcolorstack 2 current}
-2: green
-\special{pdfcolorstack 1 current}
-1: still red
-\special{pdfcolorstack 2 current}
-2: green
-should be red
-\edef\stackA {\pdfcolorstackinit page direct {0 g}}
-\edef\stackB {\pdfcolorstackinit direct {0 g}}
-\pdfcolorstack\stackB push {0 1 0 rg}
-\pdfcolorstack\stackA push {1 0 0 rg}
-1: red abc
-\pdfcolorstack\stackA push {0 0 1 rg}
-1: blue abc
-\pdfcolorstack\stackA pop
-1: red again
-\pdfcolorstack\stackB current
-2: green
-\pdfcolorstack\stackA current
-1: still red
-\pdfcolorstack\stackB current
-2: green
-should be red
-\pdfcolorstack\stackB pop

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