[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-pdfresources] reworking-annot: undo remove (edad0e2)

Ulrike Fischer fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Wed Feb 10 16:20:16 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources
On branch  : reworking-annot
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources/commit/edad0e2957b413ab9eb74870a1d2a17b31240d7d


commit edad0e2957b413ab9eb74870a1d2a17b31240d7d
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Wed Feb 10 16:20:16 2021 +0100

    undo remove


 newpackages/new-attachfile.sty | 812 -----------------------------------------
 newpackages/new-bookmark.sty   | 670 ----------------------------------
 newpackages/new-hyperxmp.sty   | 110 ------
 newpackages/new-pdflscape.sty  |  54 ---
 4 files changed, 1646 deletions(-)

diff --git a/newpackages/new-attachfile.sty b/newpackages/new-attachfile.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 73a5b29..0000000
--- a/newpackages/new-attachfile.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `new-attachfile.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Project: new-attachfile,
-%% Version: 2020-04-29, 0.1
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
-%% version. This version of this license is in
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
-%% and the latest version of this license is in
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
-%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-  [2020/06/26 v0.2 Attach files into PDF (HO/UF)]%
-% pattern matching removed. Perhaps later with regex ...
-% setup commands / options
-%document options, handle later
-  family=AtFi,%
-  prefix=atfi@%
-% need a
-\DeclareRobustCommand{\atfi at pdfstringdef}[2]{%
-  \pdfstringdef\atfi at temp@string{#2}%
-  \edef#1{\atfi at temp@string}%
-% keyval setup is stored in a list. It should be executed locally to be
-% able to change the dictionaries in a group
-% message
-\cs_new:Npn \__atfi_clist_display:n #1 {*~#1\\}
-  { atfi }
-  { unknown-choice }
-  {
-    Value~'#3'~is~invalid~for~key~'#1'.\\
-    The~key~accepts~only~the~choices\\
-    \clist_map_function:nN { #2 }\__atfi_clist_display:n
-    An~empty~value~removes~the~setting.
-  }
-  { atfi }
-  { no-bool }
-  {
-    Value~'#2'~is~invalid~for~key~'#1'.\\
-    The~key~accepts~only~the~choices\\
-    *~true\\
-    *~false \\
-    No~value~is~equivalent~to~using~`true`.
-  }
-  { atfi }
-  { file-name-exist }
-  {
-    The name~#1~has~already~been~used.\\
-    File~\tl_to_str:n{#2}~will~not~be~embedded.\\
-  }
-% variables
-% probably generic ....
-\pdfdict_new:nn {l}   {annot/FileAttachment}
-\pdfdict_put:nnn {annot/FileAttachment}{Subtype}{/FileAttachment}
-\pdfdict_new:nn  {l} {annot/FileAttachment/AP} % appearance
-\color_set:nnn {__atfi_annot_color}{rgb}{1,0.9255,0.7765}
-\bitsetReset {__atfi_annotFlags} %
-\tl_new:N \l__atfi_tmpa_tl
-% key-val
-\tl_new:N   \l__atfi_setup_keys_tl
-\tl_new:N   \l__atfi_filename_tl
-\tl_new:N   \l__atfi_annot_icon_tl
-\tl_new:N   \l__atfi_annot_color_tl
-\clist_new:N   \g__atfi_file_afrelationship_clist
-\clist_gset:Nn \g__atfi_file_afrelationship_clist
-  {
-    Source, Data, Alternative, Supplement,
-    EncryptedPayload, FormData, Schema,
-    Unspecified (default)
-  }
-\fp_new:N   \l__atfi_annot_scale_fp
-\bool_new:N \l__atfi_annot_print_bool
-\bool_new:N \l__atfi_annot_appearance_bool
-\bool_set_true:N \l__atfi_annot_appearance_bool
-\NewDocumentCommand\attachfilesetup { m }
- {
-   \tl_put_right:Nn \l__atfi_setup_keys_tl {, #1 }
- }
-% defaults:
-  {
-    ,icon=PushPin
-    ,date=\file_timestamp:n{\jobname.log}
-  }
-% replace later
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \atfi at setup #1
-  {
-    \keys_set:nn {atfi} { #1 }
-  }
-\keys_define:nn { atfi }
-  {
-    ,mimetype  .code:n   =
-      {
-        \tl_if_empty:nTF { #1 }
-          {
-            \pdfdict_remove:nn {file}{Subtype}
-          }
-          {
-            \pdfdict_put:nnx   {file}{Subtype}{\pdf_text_convert:nn {name}{#1} }
-          }
-      }
-    ,mimetype  .groups:n = { embed }
-    ,filename .code:n =
-      {
-        \tl_if_empty:nF { #1 }
-          {
-           \pdf_text_convert:nnN {string-hex-print}  { #1 } \l__atfi_filename_tl %variable
-           \pdfdict_put:nnx { file/FileSpec } {F}  { \l__atfi_filename_tl }
-           \pdfdict_put:nnx { file/FileSpec } {UF} { \l__atfi_filename_tl }
-          }
-      }
-    ,filename .groups:n = {embed}
-    ,afrelationship .choices:nn =
-      {Source, Data, Alternative, Supplement, EncryptedPayload, FormData, Schema, Unspecified }
-      {
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx { file/FileSpec } {AFRelationship }  { \pdf_text_convert:nn {name} {#1} }
-      }
-    ,afrelationship .default:n = { Unspecified }
-    ,afrelationship / .code:n =
-      {
-        \pdfdict_remove:nn { file/FileSpec } {AFRelationship }
-      }
-    ,afrelationship  / unknown .code:n =
-      {
-        \msg_warning:nnxxx { atfi } { unknown-choice }
-         { afrelationship }
-         { \g__atfi_file_afrelationship_clist }
-         { \exp_not:n {#1} }
-      }
-    ,new-afrelationship .code:n =
-      {
-        \clist_gput_right:Nn \g__atfi_file_afrelationship_clist { #1~(user~defined) }
-        \keys_define:nn { atfi }
-          {
-            afrelationship / #1 .code:n =
-              {
-                \pdfdict_put:nnx
-                  { file/FileSpec }
-                  {AFRelationship }
-                  { \pdf_text_convert:nn {name} {#1} }
-              }
-          }
-      }
-    %ucfilespec -> embed step
-    %checksum   -> bool to suppress the checksum
-    %creationdate ->additional /CreationDate in FileSpec-dict
-    %moddate    -> boolean to suppress /ModDate in FileSpec
-   ,moddate  .code:n   =
-      {
-        \tl_if_empty:nTF { #1 }
-          {
-            \pdfdict_remove:nn {file/FileSpec}{ModDate}
-          }
-          {
-            \pdfdict_put:nnx   {file}{ModDate}{\pdf_text_convert:nnN {string-lit}{#1} } %or print??
-          }
-      }
-    ,moddate  .groups:n  = { embed }
-    ,icon     .choices:nn =
-      { Data, Graph, PushPin, Tag }
-      {
-        \tl_set:Nn \l__atfi_annot_icon_tl { #1 }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnn { annot/FileAttachment }{ Name }{ #1 }
-      }
-    ,icon / unknown .code:n =
-      {
-        \msg_warning:nnxxx { atfi } { unknown-choice }
-          { icon }
-          { Data, Graph, PushPin, Tag }
-          { \exp_not:n {#1} }
-      }
-    ,icon     .groups:n =  { annot }
-    %         initial: PushPin, but should be set only in the command
-    ,color    .tl_set:N = \l__atfi_annot_color_tl
-    ,color    .groups:n =  { annot }
-    ,color    .initial:n = { __atfi_annot_color }
-    %color    -> attach step, affects icon
-    %         decide allowed syntax of expressions ...
-    %         initial: 1 0.9255 0.7765
-    %% annotation dict (attach step)
-    ,date     .code:n  =
-      {  % escaping??
-         \pdfdict_put:nnn {annot/FileAttachment}{M}{(#1)}
-      }
-    %annotname /NM (..) (unique name)
-    %          no initial value
-    ,annotname    .code:n    =
-      {
-        %code to sanitize the value
-        %need an expl3 variant ...
-        \atfi at pdfstringdef\l__atfi_tmpa_tl { #1 }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{NM}{(\l__atfi_tmpa_tl)}
-      }
-    ,annotname    .groups:n =  { annot }
-    %          no initial value
-    ,author    .code:n    =
-      {
-        %code to sanitize the value
-        %need an expl3 variant ...
-        \atfi at pdfstringdef\l__atfi_tmpa_tl { #1 }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{T}{(\l__atfi_tmpa_tl)}
-      }
-    ,author     .groups:n =  { annot }
-    %          no initial value
-    % description /Contents
-    ,description    .code:n    =
-      {
-        %code to sanitize the value
-        %need an expl3 variant ...
-        \atfi at pdfstringdef\l__atfi_tmpa_tl { #1 }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{Contents}{(\l__atfi_tmpa_tl)}
-      }
-    ,description     .groups:n =  { annot }
-    ,subject    .code:n    =
-      {
-      %code to sanitize the value
-        %need an expl3 variant ...
-        \atfi at pdfstringdef\l__atfi_tmpa_tl { #1 }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnn {annot/FileAttachment}{Subj}{(\l__atfi_tmpa_tl)}
-      }
-    ,subject     .groups:n =  { annot }
-    ,appearance  .bool_set:N = \l__atfi_annot_appearance_bool
-    ,appearance  .groups:n =  { annot }
-    % appearance: decides if the appearance dict is insert. drop?
-    ,print .choice:
-    ,print / false .code:n =
-      {
-        \bool_set_false:N \__atfi_annot_print_bool
-        \bitsetClear { __atfi_annotFlags }{\prop_item:Nn\c_pdfannot_annot_flags_prop {Print}}
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{F}{\bitsetGetDec { __atfi_annotFlags }}
-      }
-    ,print / true .code:n =
-      {
-        \bool_set_true:N \__atfi_annot_print_bool
-        \bitsetSet { __atfi_annotFlags }{\prop_item:Nn\c_pdfannot_annot_flags_prop {Print}}
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{F}{\bitsetGetDec { __atfi_annotFlags }}
-      }
-    ,print    .default:n = true
-    ,print / unknown .code:n =
-     {
-       \msg_warning:nnxx { atfi} { no-bool }
-         { print }
-         { \exp_not:n {#1} }
-     }
-    ,print .groups:n = { annot }
-    % print: sets /F flag, also boolean used in the no-XXX command
-    ,zoom .choice:
-    ,zoom / false .code:n =
-      {
-        \bool_set_false:N \__atfi_annot_zoom_bool
-        \bitsetSet { __atfi_annotFlags }{\prop_item:Nn\c_pdfannot_annot_flags_prop {NoZoom}}
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{F}{\bitsetGetDec { __atfi_annotFlags }}
-      }
-    ,zoom / true .code:n =
-      {
-        \bool_set_true:N \__atfi_annot_zoom_bool
-        \bitsetClear { __atfi_annotFlags }{\prop_item:Nn\c_pdfannot_annot_flags_prop {NoZoom}}
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx {annot/FileAttachment}{F}{\bitsetGetDec { __atfi_annotFlags }}
-      }
-    ,zoom / unknown .code:n =
-     {
-       \msg_warning:nnxx { atfi} { no-bool }
-         { zoom }
-         { \exp_not:n {#1} }
-     }
-    ,print .groups:n = { annot }
-    ,scale .fp_set:N = \l__atfi_annot_scale_fp
-    ,scale .initial:n = 1
-  }
-% more colors?
-%\define at key{AtFi}{color}{%
-%  \HyColor at AttachfileColor{#1}%
-%          \atfi at color@tex\atfi at color@inline\atfi at color@annot
-%          {attachfile2}{color}%
-%\def\atfi at DisableOption{%
-%  \DisableKeyvalOption[action=error,package=attachfile2]{AtFi}%
-\NewDocumentCommand \notextattachfile { O{} m }
-  {
-    \group_begin:
-    % groups?
-    \keys_set:no {atfi} { \l__atfi_setup_keys_tl }
-    \keys_set:n  {atfi} { #1 }
-    \bool_if:NTF \l__atfi_annot_print_bool
-      {
-        \mode_leave_vertical:
-        \group_begin:
-        \exp_args:NV \color_select:n \l__atfi_annot_color_tl
-        #2\strut
-        \group_end:
-      }
-      {
-        \phantom{#2\strut}
-      }
-    \group_end:
-  }
-%\atfi at DisableOption{draft}%
-%\atfi at DisableOption{final}%
-\ifatfi at draft
-  \def\atfi at dummy@pushpin{%
-    \raisebox{-1.25bp}{\parbox[b][14bp]{24bp}{}}%
-  }%
-  \DeclareRobustCommand{\textattachfile}[3][]{%
-    \notextattachfile[{#1}]{#3}%
-  }%
-  \DeclareRobustCommand{\noattachfile}[1][]{%
-    \notextattachfile[{#1}]{\atfi at dummy@pushpin}%
-  }%
-  \DeclareRobustCommand{\attachfile}[2][]{%
-    \noattachfile[{#1}]%
-  }%
-   \expandafter\endinput
-% embed the file and create the filespec dictionary:
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_file_embed:nnn #1 #2 #3 % #1 keys, #2 symbolic name, #3 file name
-  {
-    \pdf_object_if_exist:nTF { g__atfi_file_obj_#2 }
-      {
-        % message ...
-        \msg_warning:nnnn {atfi}{name-exist}{#2}{#3}
-      }
-      {
-       \group_begin:
-       %keys for dict entries ...
-       \keys_set_groups:nnV {atfi}{embed} \l__atfi_setup_keys_tl
-       \keys_set_groups:nnn {atfi}{embed} {#1}
-       \pdffile_embed_file:nnN { g__atfi_file_obj_#2 }{ #3 } %!!!!!!!!!!!syntax
-       \group_end:
-      }
-  }
-% create the appearance xform:
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_annot_xform_appearance:n #1
-  {
-    \pdf_xform_if_exist:nF { g__atfi_annot_iconxform_#1 }
-      {
-        \pdf_xform_new:nnn
-          { g__atfi_annot_iconxform_#1 }
-          { } % attributes?
-          { \use:c { __atfi_annot_print_icon_#1 } }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_annot:n #1 {}%#1 symbolic object name from
-\def\atfi at insert@file at annot#1
-  {
-    \rule{0pt}{0pt}%
-    \pdfdict_put:nnx
-          { annot/FileAttachment }
-          {FS}
-          {\pdf_object_ref:n{g__atfi_file_obj_#1}}
-    \bool_if:NT \l__atfi_annot_appearance_bool
-      {
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx
-          { annot/FileAttachment/AP }
-          { N }
-          { \pdf_xform_ref:n { g__atfi_annot_iconxform_\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl } }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx
-          { annot/FileAttachment/AP }
-          { R }
-          { \pdf_xform_ref:n { g__atfi_annot_iconxform_\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl } }
-        \pdfdict_put:nnx
-          { annot/FileAttachment/AP }
-          { D }
-          { \pdf_xform_ref:n { g__atfi_annot_iconxform_\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl } }
-       }
-     \pdfannot_box:nnnn
-        {
-          \fp_to_dim:n
-            {
-              \l__atfi_annot_scale_fp *
-              \pdf_xform_wd:n{g__atfi_annot_iconxform_\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl}
-            }
-        }
-        {
-          \fp_to_dim:n
-            {
-              \l__atfi_annot_scale_fp *
-              \pdf_xform_ht:n{g__atfi_annot_iconxform_\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl}
-            }
-        }
-        {
-          \fp_to_dim:n
-            {
-              \l__atfi_annot_scale_fp *
-              \pdf_xform_dp:n{g__atfi_annot_iconxform_\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl}
-            }
-        }
-        {
-          \pdfdict_use:n {annot/FileAttachment}
-          \bool_if:NT \l__atfi_annot_appearance_bool
-            {
-              /AF
-                <<
-                  \pdfdict_use:n {annot/FileAttachment/AF}
-                >>
-            }
-         /FS~ \pdf_object_ref:n{atfi at fileobj@#1}%
-     }%
-  }
-\newcommand*{\attachfile at file}[2][]{%
-  \EdefUnescapeHex\atfi at filename{#2}%
-  \ifx\atfi at filename\ltx at empty
-    \PackageError{attachfile2}{Empty file name}\@ehc
-  \else
-    \@namedef{atfi at file@\atfi at filename}{#1}%
-  \fi
-\def\atfi at attachfile#1#2{%
-  \atfi at setup{#1}%
-  \atfi at embedfile{#2}%
-  %\atfi at flags@to at int %flags are set in setup
-  \atfi at insert@file at annot{#2}%
-  \endgroup
-\def\atfi at textattachfile#1#2{%
-    \endgroup
-    \atfi at textattachfile@i{#1}{#2}%
-\def\atfi at textattachfile@i#1#2#3{%
-    \atfi at setup{#1}%
-    \atfi at embedfile{#2}%
-    \atfi at set@appearance{%
-      \leavevmode
-      \begingroup
-        \HyColor at UseColor\atfi at color@tex
-        #3\strut
-      \endgroup
-    }%
-    %\atfi at flags@to at int
-    \atfi at insert@file at annot{#2}%
-  \endgroup
-  {
-    \group_begin:
-    % keys #1
-    %\tl_to_str for #2?? file_name??
-    \atfi at attachfile{}{#2}%
-    \group_end
-  }
-  {
-    \group_begin:
-    % keys #1
-    \atfi at textattachfile{#2}{#3}%
-    \group_end:
-  }
-  {
-    \group_begin:
-    % key #1
-    \__atfi_annot_store_appearancebox: %????
-    \bool_if:NTF \l__atfi_annot_print_bool
-      {
-        \pdf_xform_use:n { atfi at appearancebox\l__atfi_annot_icon_tl } %icon, is use meant here??
-      }
-      {
-        \makebox[\atfi at appearancewidth]{}% \strut?
-      }
-    \group_end:
-  }
-%data for the icons
-%\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_color_to_rgb_seq:nN #1 #2 % #1 name #2 seq
-% {
-%   %\tl_set_eq:NN \l__color_ori_fixed_model_tl \l_color_fixed_model_tl
-%   %\tl_set:Nn \l_color_fixed_model_tl {rgb}
-%   %\color_parse:nN {#1}\l_tmpa_tl
-%   \color_export:nnN {red}{space-sep-rgb}\l_tmpa_tl
-%   \seq_set_split:NnV #2 { ~ }\l_tmpa_tl
-%   %\seq_pop_left:NN #2 \l_tmpa_tl
-%   %\tl_set_eq:NN  \l_color_fixed_model_tl \l__color_ori_fixed_model_tl
-% }
-%\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__atfi_color_to_rgb_seq:nN {oN}
-%\cs_new:Npn \__atfi_arg_braced:n #1 {{#1}}
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \l__atfi_annot_icon_Graph_tl
-  {
-    \__draw_backend_scope_begin:
-    \__draw_backend_color_fill_gray:n {0.5}
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {1.1133bp}{0bp}{20.7202bp}{18.2754bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {0~i} %???
-    \__draw_backend_linewidth:n {0.5bp}
-    \__draw_backend_miterlimit:n {4bp}
-    \__draw_backend_color_fill_gray:n {1}
-    %\__draw_backend_color_stroke_gray:n {0}
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {0.25bp} {1.6453bp} {20.145bp} {17.7715bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fillstroke:
-    \__draw_backend_color_fill_gray:n {0}
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {2.7319bp}{4.1367bp}{3.9571bp}{13.8867bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {8.7031bp}{4.1367bp}{3.9571bp}{9.8867bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {14.7471bp}{4.1367bp}{3.9571bp}{11.8867bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \exp_args:No\color_export:nnN {\l__atfi_annot_color_tl}{space-sep-rgb}\l_tmpa_tl
-    \exp_args:No \__draw_backend_color_fill_rgb:n {\l_tmpa_tl}
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {1.689bp}{3.0938bp}{3.9571bp}{13.8867bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {7.6602bp}{3.0938bp}{3.9571bp}{9.8867bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \__draw_backend_rectangle:nnnn {13.7041bp}{3.0938bp}{3.9571bp}{11.8867bp}
-    \__draw_backend_fill:
-    \__draw_backend_scope_end:
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn {\l__atfi_annot_icon_Paperclip_tl}
-  {
-    \__draw_backend_scope_begin:
-    \__draw_backend_color_stroke_gray:n {0.75}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {0~i} %???
-    \__draw_backend_linewidth:n {2.5bp}
-    \__draw_backend_cap_round:
-    \__draw_backend_miterlimit:n {4}
-    \__draw_backend_moveto:nn {1.9619bp} {11.7559bp}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {1.9619~3.3037~1.9619~2.5059~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {1.9619~1.707~4.0947~1.25~y}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {7.4141bp} {1.25bp}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {9.4292~1.8223~9.4292~3.3066~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {9.4292~4.79~9.4292~16.8945~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {9.7852~18.1514~8.481~18.1514~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {7.1768~18.1514~5.1616~18.1514~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {3.8574~17.9209~3.8574~16.8945~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {3.8574~15.8652~3.8574~6.6172~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {4.3325~5.418~5.1025~5.418~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {5.8726~5.418~6.5845~5.418~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {7.6812~5.6455~7.6812~6.4736~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {7.6812~7.3027~7.6812~11.5264~y}
-    \__draw_backend_stroke:
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-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {8.7178~5.4736~8.7178~17.5781~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {9.0732~18.834~7.769~18.834~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {6.4653~18.834~4.4497~18.834~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {3.146~18.6055~3.146~17.5781~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {3.146~16.5498~3.146~7.3018~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {3.6201~6.1016~4.3911~6.1016~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {5.1611~6.1016~5.873~6.1016~y}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {6.9692~6.3301~6.9692~7.1572~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {6.9692~7.9863~6.9692~12.21~y}
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-    \__draw_backend_scope_end:
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-     \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {22bp}{2bp}
-     \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {21bp}{3bp}
-     \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {14bp}{3bp}
-     \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {12bp}{1bp}
-     \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {11bp}{1bp}
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-     \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {22bp}{11bp}
-     \__draw_backend_stroke:
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-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {0~i} %???
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-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn  {22.563bp}{1.543bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn  {8.4175bp}{1.543bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn  {4.4893bp}{7.5527bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn  {4.4893bp}{10.5449bp}
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-    \__draw_backend_curveto:nnnnnn{9.4463bp}{10.1035bp}{8.7344bp}{10.9199bp}{7.856bp}{10.9199bp}
-    \__draw_backend_closepath:
-    \exp_args:No\color_export:nnN {\l__atfi_annot_color_tl}{space-sep-rgb}\l_tmpa_tl
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-    \__draw_backend_fillstroke:
-    \__draw_backend_linewidth:n {1bp}
-    \__draw_backend_moveto:nn{12.3291bp}{12.2656bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn{21.1206bp}{12.2656bp}
-    \__draw_backend_stroke:
-    \__draw_backend_moveto:nn{12.3291bp}{9.1797bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn{21.1206bp}{9.1797bp}
-    \__draw_backend_stroke:
-    \__draw_backend_moveto:nn{12.3291bp}{6.1875bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn{21.1206bp}{6.1875bp}
-    \__draw_backend_stroke:
-    \__draw_backend_linewidth:n {0.5bp}
-    \__draw_backend_moveto:nn{0bp}{9.0488bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn{6.2661bp}{9.0957bp}
-    \__draw_backend_stroke:
-    \__draw_backend_moveto:nn {1.4028bp}{5.2148bp}
-    \__draw_backend_lineto:nn {1.4028bp}{9.6094bp}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {1.6831~10.6387~2.4316~10.6387~v}
-    \__draw_backend_literal:x {3.6475~10.6387~3.5542~9.0488~y}
-    \__draw_backend_stroke:
-    \__draw_backend_scope_end:
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_annot_print_icon_Graph:
-  {
-    \raisebox{-1.5bp}
-      {
-        \parbox[b][20bp]{22bp}
-          {
-            \rule{0pt}{0pt}\l__atfi_annot_icon_Graph_tl
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-  }
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-  {
-    \raisebox{-1.25bp}
-      {
-        \parbox[b][21bp]{12bp}
-          {
-            \rule{0pt}{0pt}\l__atfi_annot_icon_Paperclip_tl
-          }
-      }
-  }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_annot_print_icon_PushPin:
-  {
-    \raisebox{-1.25bp}
-      {
-        \parbox[b][14bp]{24bp}
-          {
-            \rule{0pt}{0pt}\l__atfi_annot_icon_PushPin_tl
-          }
-      }
-   }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__atfi_annot_print_icon_Tag:
-  {
-    \raisebox{-1.6bp}
-      {
-        \parbox[b][17bp]{25bp}
-          {
-            \rule{0pt}{0pt}\l__atfi_annot_icon_Tag_tl
-          }
-      }
-   }
-%% End of file `new-attachfile.sty'.
diff --git a/newpackages/new-bookmark.sty b/newpackages/new-bookmark.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 654e29f..0000000
--- a/newpackages/new-bookmark.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `bookmark.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% bookmark.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Project: bookmark
-%% Version: 2019/12/03 v1.28
-%% Copyright (C)
-%%    2007-2011 Heiko Oberdiek
-%%    2016-2019 Oberdiek Package Support Group
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
-%% version. This version of this license is in
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
-%% and the latest version of this license is in
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
-%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainers of this work are
-%% Heiko Oberdiek and the Oberdiek Package Support Group
-%% https://github.com/ho-tex/bookmark/issues
-%% This work consists of the main source file bookmark.dtx
-%% and the derived files
-%%    bookmark.sty, bookmark.pdf, bookmark.ins, bookmark.drv,
-%%    bkm-dvipdfm.def, bkm-dvips.def, bkm-dvipsone.def,
-%%    bkm-textures.def, bkm-pdftex.def, bkm-vtex.def,
-%%    bookmark-example.tex.
-  [2020-03-25 experimental version of v1.28 PDF bookmarks (HO)]%
-%etex is fine ...
-\def\BKM at CalcExpr#1#2#3#4{%
-    \edef#1{%
-      \the\numexpr#2#3#4\relax
-    }%
-  }%
-\def\BKM at EscapeName#1{%
-  \ifx#1\@empty
-  \else
-    \EdefEscapeName#1#1%
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at EscapeString#1{%
-  \ifx#1\@empty
-  \else
-    \EdefEscapeString#1#1%
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at EscapeHex#1{%
-  \ifx#1\@empty
-  \else
-    \EdefEscapeHex#1#1%
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at UnescapeHex#1{%
-  \EdefUnescapeHex#1#1%
-  atend,%
-  bold,%
-  color,%
-  depth,%
-  dest,%
-  draft,%
-  final,%
-  gotor,%
-  italic,%
-  keeplevel,%
-  level,%
-  named,%
-  numbered,%
-  open,%
-  openlevel,%
-  page,%
-  rawaction,%
-  rellevel,%
-  srcfile,%
-  srcline,%
-  startatroot,%
-  uri,%
-  view,%
-\def\BKM at setup#1{%
-  \bookmarksetup{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at HookNext\ltx at empty
-  \else
-    \expandafter\bookmarksetup\expandafter{\BKM at HookNext}%
-    \BKM at HookNextClear
-  \fi
-  \BKM at hook
-  \ifBKM at keeplevel
-  \else
-    \xdef\BKM at currentlevel{\BKM at level}%
-  \fi
-  \ltx at GlobalAppendToMacro\BKM at HookNext{,#1}%
-\def\BKM at HookNextClear{%
-  \global\let\BKM at HookNext\ltx at empty
-\BKM at HookNextClear
-\def\BKM at DisableOptions{%
-  \DisableKeyvalOption[action=warning,package=bookmark]%
-      {BKM}{draft}%
-  \DisableKeyvalOption[action=warning,package=bookmark]%
-      {BKM}{final}%
-\DeclareBoolOption[\ifHy at bookmarksopen true\else false\fi]{open}
-\def\bookmark at open{%
-  \ifBKM at open\ltx at one\else\ltx at zero\fi
-\edef\BKM at openlevel{\number\@bookmarksopenlevel}
-\ltx at IfUndefined{Hy at bookmarksdepth}{%
-  \def\BKM at depth{\c at tocdepth}%
-  \let\BKM at depth\Hy at bookmarksdepth
-\define at key{BKM}{depth}[]{%
-  \edef\BKM at param{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \def\BKM at depth{\c at tocdepth}%
-  \else
-    \ltx at IfUndefined{toclevel@\BKM at param}{%
-      \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at param
-      \edef\BKM at temp{\expandafter\@car\BKM at param\@nil}%
-      \ifcase 0\expandafter\ifx\BKM at temp-1\fi
-              \expandafter\ifnum\expandafter`\BKM at temp>47 %
-                \expandafter\ifnum\expandafter`\BKM at temp<58 %
-                  1%
-                \fi
-              \fi
-              \relax
-        \PackageWarning{bookmark}{%
-          Unknown document division name (\BKM at param)\MessageBreak
-          for option `depth'%
-        }%
-      \else
-        \BKM at SetDepthOrLevel\BKM at depth\BKM at param
-      \fi
-    }{%
-      \BKM at SetDepthOrLevel\BKM at depth{%
-        \csname toclevel@\BKM at param\endcsname
-      }%
-    }%
-  \fi
-\def\bookmark at depth{\BKM at depth}
-\def\BKM at SetDepthOrLevel#1#2{%
-  \begingroup
-    \setbox\z@=\hbox{%
-      \count@=#2\relax
-      \expandafter
-    }%
-  \expandafter\endgroup
-  \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{\the\count@}%
-\DeclareStringOption[\BKM at currentlevel]{level}[\BKM at currentlevel]
-\define at key{BKM}{level}{%
-  \edef\BKM at param{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\BKM at MacroCurrentLevel
-    \let\BKM at level\BKM at param
-  \else
-    \ltx at IfUndefined{toclevel@\BKM at param}{%
-      \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at param
-      \edef\BKM at temp{\expandafter\@car\BKM at param\@nil}%
-      \ifcase 0\expandafter\ifx\BKM at temp-1\fi
-              \expandafter\ifnum\expandafter`\BKM at temp>47 %
-                \expandafter\ifnum\expandafter`\BKM at temp<58 %
-                  1%
-                \fi
-              \fi
-              \relax
-        \PackageWarning{bookmark}{%
-          Unknown document division name (\BKM at param)\MessageBreak
-          for option `level'%
-        }%
-      \else
-        \BKM at SetDepthOrLevel\BKM at level\BKM at param
-      \fi
-    }{%
-      \BKM at SetDepthOrLevel\BKM at level{%
-        \csname toclevel@\BKM at param\endcsname
-      }%
-    }%
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at MacroCurrentLevel{\BKM at currentlevel}
-\def\BKM at startatrootfalse{%
-  \global\let\ifBKM at startatroot\iffalse
-\def\BKM at startatroottrue{%
-  \global\let\ifBKM at startatroot\iftrue
-\define at key{BKM}{rellevel}{%
-  \BKM at CalcExpr\BKM at level{#1}+\BKM at currentlevel
-\def\bookmark at level{\BKM at level}
-\def\BKM at currentlevel{0}
-  \ifHy at bookmarksnumbered true\else false\fi
-\g at addto@macro\BKM at numberedtrue{%
-  \let\ifHy at bookmarksnumbered\iftrue
-\g at addto@macro\BKM at numberedfalse{%
-  \let\ifHy at bookmarksnumbered\iffalse
-\g at addto@macro\Hy at bookmarksnumberedtrue{%
-  \let\ifBKM at numbered\iftrue
-\g at addto@macro\Hy at bookmarksnumberedfalse{%
-  \let\ifBKM at numbered\iffalse
-\def\bookmark at numbered{%
-  \ifBKM at numbered\ltx at one\else\ltx at zero\fi
-\def\BKM at PatchHyperrefOption#1{%
-  \expandafter\BKM@@PatchHyperrefOption\csname KV at Hyp@#1\endcsname%
-  \expandafter\BKM@@@PatchHyperrefOption#1{##1}\BKM at nil#1%
-\def\BKM@@@PatchHyperrefOption#1\BKM at nil#2#3{%
-  \def#2##1{%
-    #1%
-    \bookmarksetup{#3={##1}}%
-  }%
-\BKM at PatchHyperrefOption{bookmarksopen}{open}
-\BKM at PatchHyperrefOption{bookmarksopenlevel}{openlevel}
-\BKM at PatchHyperrefOption{bookmarksdepth}{depth}
-\bitsetReset{BKM at FontStyle}%
-\define at key{BKM}{italic}[true]{%
-  \expandafter\ifx\csname if#1\endcsname\iftrue
-    \bitsetSet{BKM at FontStyle}{0}%
-  \else
-    \bitsetClear{BKM at FontStyle}{0}%
-  \fi
-\define at key{BKM}{bold}[true]{%
-  \expandafter\ifx\csname if#1\endcsname\iftrue
-    \bitsetSet{BKM at FontStyle}{1}%
-  \else
-    \bitsetClear{BKM at FontStyle}{1}%
-  \fi
-\def\bookmark at italic{%
-  \ifnum\bitsetGet{BKM at FontStyle}{0}=1 \ltx at one\else\ltx at zero\fi
-\def\bookmark at bold{%
-  \ifnum\bitsetGet{BKM at FontStyle}{1}=1 \ltx at one\else\ltx at zero\fi
-\def\BKM at PrintStyle{%
-  \bitsetGetDec{BKM at FontStyle}%
-\define at key{BKM}{color}{%
-  \HyColor at BookmarkColor{#1}\BKM at color{bookmark}{color}%
-\let\BKM at color\@empty
-\def\bookmark at color{\BKM at color}
-\def\BKM at temp#1{%
-  \DeclareStringOption{#1}%
-  \expandafter\edef\csname bookmark@#1\endcsname{%
-    \expandafter\noexpand\csname BKM@#1\endcsname
-  }%
-\BKM at temp{dest}
-\BKM at temp{named}
-\BKM at temp{uri}
-\BKM at temp{gotor}
-\BKM at temp{rawaction}
-\define at key{BKM}{page}{%
-  \def\BKM at page{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at page\@empty
-  \else
-    \edef\BKM at page{\number\BKM at page}%
-    \ifnum\BKM at page>\z@
-    \else
-      \PackageError{bookmark}{Page must be positive}\@ehc
-      \def\BKM at page{1}%
-    \fi
-  \fi
-\let\BKM at page\@empty
-\def\bookmark at page{\BKM@@page}
-\define at key{BKM}{view}{%
-  \BKM at CheckView{#1}%
-\let\BKM at view\@empty
-\def\bookmark at view{\BKM at view}
-\def\BKM at CheckView#1{%
-  \BKM at CheckViewType#1 \@nil
-\def\BKM at CheckViewType#1 #2\@nil{%
-  \def\BKM at type{#1}%
-  \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at type
-  \BKM at TestViewType{Fit}{}%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{FitB}{}%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{FitH}{%
-    \BKM at CheckParam#2 \@nil{top}%
-  }%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{FitBH}{%
-    \BKM at CheckParam#2 \@nil{top}%
-  }%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{FitV}{%
-    \BKM at CheckParam#2 \@nil{bottom}%
-  }%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{FitBV}{%
-    \BKM at CheckParam#2 \@nil{bottom}%
-  }%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{FitR}{%
-    \BKM at CheckRect{#2}{ }%
-  }%
-  \BKM at TestViewType{XYZ}{%
-    \BKM at CheckXYZ{#2}{ }%
-  }%
-  \@car{%
-    \PackageError{bookmark}{%
-      Unknown view type `\BKM at type',\MessageBreak
-      using `FitH' instead%
-    }\@ehc
-    \def\BKM at view{FitH}%
-  }%
-  \@nil
-\def\BKM at TestViewType#1{%
-  \def\BKM at temp{#1}%
-  \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at temp
-  \ifx\BKM at type\BKM at temp
-    \let\BKM at view\BKM at temp
-    \expandafter\@car
-  \else
-    \expandafter\@gobble
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at CheckParam#1 #2\@nil#3{%
-  \def\BKM at param{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \PackageWarning{bookmark}{%
-      Missing parameter (#3) for `\BKM at type',\MessageBreak
-      using 0%
-    }%
-    \def\BKM at param{0}%
-  \else
-    \BKM at CalcParam
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-\def\BKM at CheckRect#1#2{%
-  \BKM@@CheckRect#1#2#2#2#2\@nil
-\def\BKM@@CheckRect#1 #2 #3 #4 #5\@nil{%
-  \def\BKM at temp{0}%
-  \def\BKM at param{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \def\BKM at param{0}%
-    \def\BKM at temp{1}%
-  \else
-    \BKM at CalcParam
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-  \def\BKM at param{#2}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \def\BKM at param{0}%
-    \def\BKM at temp{1}%
-  \else
-    \BKM at CalcParam
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-  \def\BKM at param{#3}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \def\BKM at param{0}%
-    \def\BKM at temp{1}%
-  \else
-    \BKM at CalcParam
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-  \def\BKM at param{#4}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \def\BKM at param{0}%
-    \def\BKM at temp{1}%
-  \else
-    \BKM at CalcParam
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-  \ifnum\BKM at temp>\z@
-    \PackageWarning{bookmark}{Missing parameters for `\BKM at type'}%
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at CheckXYZ#1#2{%
-  \BKM@@CheckXYZ#1#2#2#2\@nil
-\def\BKM@@CheckXYZ#1 #2 #3 #4\@nil{%
-  \def\BKM at param{#1}%
-  \let\BKM at temp\BKM at param
-  \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at temp
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \let\BKM at param\BKM at null
-  \else
-    \ifx\BKM at temp\BKM at null
-    \else
-      \BKM at CalcParam
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-  \def\BKM at param{#2}%
-  \let\BKM at temp\BKM at param
-  \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at temp
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \let\BKM at param\BKM at null
-  \else
-    \ifx\BKM at temp\BKM at null
-    \else
-      \BKM at CalcParam
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-  \def\BKM at param{#3}%
-  \ifx\BKM at param\@empty
-    \let\BKM at param\BKM at null
-  \fi
-  \edef\BKM at view{\BKM at view\space\BKM at param}%
-\def\BKM at null{null}
-\@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at null
-\def\BKM at CalcParam{%
-  \begingroup
-  \let\calc\@firstofone
-  \expandafter\BKM@@CalcParam\BKM at param\@empty\@empty\@nil
-  \ifx\calc#1%
-    \@ifundefined{calc at assign@dimen}{%
-      \@ifundefined{dimexpr}{%
-        \setlength{\dimen@}{#2}%
-      }{%
-        \setlength{\dimen@}{\dimexpr#2\relax}%
-      }%
-    }{%
-      \setlength{\dimen@}{#2}%
-    }%
-    \dimen at .99626\dimen@
-    \edef\BKM at param{\strip at pt\dimen@}%
-    \expandafter\endgroup
-    \expandafter\def\expandafter\BKM at param\expandafter{\BKM at param}%
-  \else
-    \endgroup
-  \fi
-\g at addto@macro\BKM at DisableOptions{%
-  \DisableKeyvalOption[action=warning,package=bookmark]%
-      {BKM}{atend}%
-  \@ifundefined{BKM at style@#1}{%
-  }{%
-    \PackageInfo{bookmark}{Redefining style `#1'}%
-  }%
-  \@namedef{BKM at style@#1}{#2}%
-\define at key{BKM}{style}{%
-  \BKM at StyleCall{#1}%
-\newif\ifBKM at ok
-\def\BKM at StyleCall#1{%
-  \@ifundefined{BKM at style@#1}{%
-    \PackageWarning{bookmark}{%
-      Ignoring unknown style `#1'%
-    }%
-  }{%
-    \BKM at oktrue
-    \edef\BKM at StyleCurrent{#1}%
-    \@onelevel at sanitize\BKM at StyleCurrent
-    \let\BKM at StyleEntry\BKM at StyleEntryCheck
-    \BKM at StyleStack
-    \ifBKM at ok
-      \expandafter\@firstofone
-    \else
-      \PackageError{bookmark}{%
-        Ignoring recursive call of style `\BKM at StyleCurrent'%
-      }\@ehc
-      \expandafter\@gobble
-    \fi
-    {%
-      \let\BKM at StyleEntry\relax
-      \edef\BKM at StyleStack{%
-        \BKM at StyleEntry{\BKM at StyleCurrent}%
-        \BKM at StyleStack
-      }%
-      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\bookmarksetup
-      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
-        \csname BKM at style@\BKM at StyleCurrent\endcsname
-      }%
-      \BKM at StyleStackPop
-    }%
-  }%
-\def\BKM at StyleStackPop{%
-  \let\BKM at StyleEntry\relax
-  \edef\BKM at StyleStack{%
-    \expandafter\@gobbletwo\BKM at StyleStack
-  }%
-\def\BKM at StyleEntryCheck#1{%
-  \def\BKM at temp{#1}%
-  \ifx\BKM at temp\BKM at StyleCurrent
-    \BKM at okfalse
-  \fi
-\def\BKM at StyleStack{}
-\def\BKM at hook{}
-\define at key{BKM}{addtohook}{%
-  \ltx at LocalAppendToMacro\BKM at hook{#1}%
-  \romannumeral0%
-  \ltx at ifundefined{bookmark@#1}{%
-    \ltx at space
-  }{%
-    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ltx at space
-    \csname bookmark@#1\endcsname
-  }%
-\def\BKM at DefineDriverKey#1{%
-  \define at key{BKM}{#1}[]{%
-    \def\BKM at driver{#1}%
-  }%
-  \g at addto@macro\BKM at DisableOptions{%
-    \DisableKeyvalOption[action=warning,package=bookmark]%
-        {BKM}{#1}%
-  }%
-\define at key{BKM}{dvipdfmx-outline-open}[true]{%
-  \expandafter\ifx\csname if#1\expandafter\endcsname
-                  \csname iftrue\endcsname
-    \chardef\SpecialDvipdfmxOutlineOpen\@ne
-  \else
-    \chardef\SpecialDvipdfmxOutlineOpen\z@
-  \fi
-\g at addto@macro\BKM at DisableOptions{%
-  \DisableKeyvalOption{BKM}{dvipdfmx-outline-open}%
-  \ifx\pdfoutline\@undefined
-    \ifx\pdfextension\@undefined\else
-      \protected\def\pdfoutline{\pdfextension outline }
-    \fi
-  \fi
-\BKM at DisableOptions
-\ifBKM at draft
-  \PackageWarningNoLine{bookmark}{Draft mode on}%
-  \let\bookmarksetup\ltx at gobble
-  \let\BookmarkAtEnd\ltx at gobble
-  \let\bookmarkdefinestyle\ltx at gobbletwo
-  \let\bookmarkget\ltx at gobble
-  \let\pdfbookmark\ltx at undefined
-  \newcommand*{\pdfbookmark}[3][]{}%
-  \let\currentpdfbookmark\ltx at gobbletwo
-  \let\subpdfbookmark\ltx at gobbletwo
-  \let\belowpdfbookmark\ltx at gobbletwo
-  \newcommand*{\bookmark}[2][]{}%
-  \renewcommand*{\Hy at writebookmark}[5]{}%
-  \let\ReadBookmarks\relax
-  \let\BKM at DefGotoNameAction\ltx at gobbletwo % package `hypdestopt'
-  \expandafter\endinput
-\newif\ifBKM at DvipdfmxOutlineOpen
-\ltx at IfUndefined{SpecialDvipdfmxOutlineOpen}{%
-  \ifxetex
-    \ifdim\number\XeTeXversion\XeTeXrevision in<0.9995in %
-    \else
-      \chardef\SpecialDvipdfmxOutlineOpen\ltx at one
-      \BKM at DvipdfmxOutlineOpentrue
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  \ifnum\SpecialDvipdfmxOutlineOpen>\z@
-    \BKM at DvipdfmxOutlineOpentrue
-  \fi
-\let\pdfbookmark\ltx at undefined
-  \bookmark[level=#1,dest={#3.#1}]{#2}%
-  \hyper at anchorstart{#3.#1}\hyper at anchorend
-  \pdfbookmark[\BKM at currentlevel]%
-  \BKM at CalcExpr\BKM at CalcResult\BKM at currentlevel+1%
-  \expandafter\pdfbookmark\expandafter[\BKM at CalcResult]%
-  \xdef\BKM at gtemp{\number\BKM at currentlevel}%
-  \subpdfbookmark{#1}{#2}%
-  \global\let\BKM at currentlevel\BKM at gtemp
-\def\Hy at writebookmark#1#2#3#4#5{%
-  \ifnum#4>\BKM at depth\relax
-  \else
-    \def\BKM at type{#5}%
-    \ifx\BKM at type\Hy at bookmarkstype
-      \begingroup
-        \ifBKM at numbered
-          \let\numberline\Hy at numberline
-          \let\booknumberline\Hy at numberline
-          \let\partnumberline\Hy at numberline
-          \let\chapternumberline\Hy at numberline
-        \else
-          \let\numberline\@gobble
-          \let\booknumberline\@gobble
-          \let\partnumberline\@gobble
-          \let\chapternumberline\@gobble
-        \fi
-        \bookmark[level=#4,dest={#3}]{#2}%
-      \endgroup
-    \fi
-  \fi
-\ifBKM at atend
-  \newcommand{\BookmarkAtEnd}[1]{%
-    \PackageWarning{bookmark}{%
-      Ignored, because option `atend' is missing%
-    }%
-  }%
-  \expandafter\endinput
-  \g at addto@macro\BKM at EndHook
-\let\BKM at EndHook\@empty
-%% End of file `bookmark.sty'.
diff --git a/newpackages/new-hyperxmp.sty b/newpackages/new-hyperxmp.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 04290e8..0000000
--- a/newpackages/new-hyperxmp.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `new-hyperxmp.sty',
-% Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The LaTeX3 Project
-% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
-% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this
-% license or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version
-% of this license is in the file
-%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-% This file is part of the "pdfmanagement bundle" (The Work in LPPL)
-% and all files in that bundle must be distributed together.
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-% The development version of the bundle can be found at
-%    https://github.com/latex3/pdfresources
-% for those people who are interested.
-    [2021/02/09 v0.3 Store hyperref metadata in XMP format / testing pdfresource management ...UF]
-\cs_if_exist:NT \pdfmanagement_add:nnn
-  {
-    \pdfmanagement_if_active:T
-     {
-       \renewcommand\hyxmp at embed@packet{\hyxmp at embed@packet at generic}
-     }
-  }
-\newcommand*{\hyxmp at embed@packet at generic}
- {%
-   \typeout{}
-   \typeout{!!~new-hyperxmp--generic~packet~command~used!!}{}
-   \typeout{}
-   \hyxmp at construct@packet
-   %or some other command to write a object:
-   \exp_args:Nnx
-    \pdf_object_now:nn{stream}{{/Type~/Metadata~/Subtype~/XML}{\hyxmp at xml}}%
-    % reference in the Catalog:
-    \pdfmanagement_add:nnx {Catalog} {Metadata}{\pdf_object_last:}
- }
-\cs_new_protected:Npn \__hyxmp_get_metadata:
- {
-   \clist_map_inline:nn
-    {
-      % hyperxmp keys:
-      ,pdfcopyright
-      ,pdftype
-      ,pdflicenseurl
-      ,pdfauthortitle
-      ,pdfcaptionwriter
-      ,pdfmetalang
-      ,pdfapart
-      ,pdfaconformance
-      ,pdfuapart
-      ,pdfxstandard
-      ,pdfsource
-      ,pdfdocumentid
-      ,pdfinstanceid
-      ,pdfversionid
-      ,pdfrendition
-      ,pdfpublication
-      ,pdfpubtype
-      ,pdfbytes
-      ,pdfnumpages
-      ,pdfissn
-      ,pdfeissn
-      ,pdfisbn
-      ,pdfbookedition
-      ,pdfpublisher
-      ,pdfvolumenum
-      ,pdfissuenum
-      ,pdfpagerange
-      ,pdfdoi
-      ,pdfurl
-      ,pdfidentifier
-      ,pdfsubtitle
-      ,pdfpubstatus
-      ,pdfcontactaddress
-      ,pdfcontactcity
-      ,pdfcontactregion
-      ,pdfcontactpostcode
-      ,pdfcontactcountry
-      ,pdfcontactphone
-      ,pdfcontactemail
-      ,pdfcontacturl
-      ,pdfdate
-    %hyperref
-      ,pdfauthor %??
-      ,pdftitle
-      ,pdfsubject
-      ,pdfkeywords
-    }
-    {\tl_set:cx {@##1}{\GetDocumentMetadata{hyp/##1}}}
-  }
diff --git a/newpackages/new-pdflscape.sty b/newpackages/new-pdflscape.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f60df..0000000
--- a/newpackages/new-pdflscape.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `new-pdflscape.sty',
-%% Project: new-pdflscape
-%% Version: 2020/11/18 v0.2
-%% Copyright (C) 2020 The LaTeX3 Project
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
-%% version. This version of this license is in
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
-%% and the latest version of this license is in
-%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
-%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%% The Current Maintainers of this work are
-%% The LaTeX3 Project
-%% This work consists of the main source file new-lscape.sty
-\ProvidesExplPackage {new-pdflscape}{2020/11/18}{v0.2}
- {Display of landscape pages in PDF - UF}
-% this always turns in the same direction as pdflscape did too.
-% left and right would need
-% \pdfmanagement_add:nnn{ThisPage}{Rotate}{..}
-% on every page (e.g. in a shipout hook) and some option to control the wanted
-% orientation.
-\hook_gput_code:nnn {env/landscape/begin}{pdflscape}
-  {
-    \pdfmanagement_get:nnN {Page}{Rotate}\l_tmpa_tl
-    \tl_gset_eq:NN\g__pdflscape_saverotate_tl\l_tmpa_tl
-    \clearpage
-    \pdfmanagement_add:nnn{Page}{Rotate}{90}
-  }
-\hook_gput_code:nnn {env/landscape/after}{pdflscape}
- {
-  \quark_if_no_value:NTF\g__pdflscape_saverotate_tl
-   {\pdfmanagement_remove:nn{Page}{Rotate}}
-   {\pdfmanagement_add:nnx{Page}{Rotate}{\g__pdflscape_saverotate_tl}}
- }
-%% End of file `new-pdflscape.sty'.

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