[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex3] master: Zap a load of weird soft hyphens (5472f4f64)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue Feb 9 12:58:59 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex3
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex3/commit/5472f4f640f6092c22fc54cb4964a7e60a7c3a77


commit 5472f4f640f6092c22fc54cb4964a7e60a7c3a77
Author: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Date:   Tue Feb 9 11:57:38 2021 +0000

    Zap a load of weird soft hyphens
    These from CTAN?


 l3experimental/build.lua | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 l3kernel/CHANGELOG.md    | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 l3kernel/build.lua       | 10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/l3experimental/build.lua b/l3experimental/build.lua
index 9ddad8061..7f5a8c950 100644
--- a/l3experimental/build.lua
+++ b/l3experimental/build.lua
@@ -20,29 +20,29 @@ uploadconfig = {
   bugtracker  = "https://github.com/latex3/latex3/issues",
   update      = true,
   description = [[
-The `l3­ex­per­i­men­tal` pack­ages are a col­lec­tion of ex­per­i­men­tal
-im­ple­men­ta­tions for as­pects of the LaTeX3 ker­nel, deal­ing with
-higher-level ideas such as the De­signer In­ter­face. Some of them work as
-stand alone pack­ages, pro­vid­ing new func­tion­al­ity, and can be used on
-top of LaTeX2e with no changes to the ex­ist­ing ker­nel.
+The `l3experimental` packages are a collection of experimental
+implementations for aspects of the LaTeX3 kernel, dealing with
+higher-level ideas such as the Designer Interface. Some of them work as
+stand alone packages, providing new functionality, and can be used on
+top of LaTeX2e with no changes to the existing kernel.
-The present re­lease in­cludes:
-- `l3bench­mark` for mea­sur­ing the time taken by TeX to run cer­tain code;
-- `l3c­ctab`, sup­port for sav­ing and restor­ing cat­e­gory codes en masse in a
-  ta­ble;
-- `l3­color`, sup­port for set­ting col­ors us­ing a range of color mod­els;
-- `l3­draw`, a code-level in­ter­face for con­struct­ing draw­ings;
-- `l3­graph­ics`, an in­ter­faces for the in­clu­sion of graph­ics files;
-- `l3pdf`, sup­port for core PDF con­cepts like com­pres­sion, ob­jects, PDF
-  ver­sion and so on;
-- `l3str`, sup­port for string ma­nip­u­la­tion;
-- `l3sys-shell`, which pro­vides ab­strac­tions for com­mon shell func­tions like
-  file dele­tion and copy­ing;
-- [`xcoffins`](https://ctan.org/pkg/xcoffins), which al­lows the align­ment of
-  boxes us­ing a se­ries of 'han­dle' po­si­tions, sup­ple­ment­ing the sim­ple TeX
-  ref­er­ence point;
-- [`xgal­ley`](https://ctan.org/pkg/xgalley), which con­trols boxes re­ceiv­ing
-  text for type­set­ting.
+The present release includes:
+- `l3benchmark` for measuring the time taken by TeX to run certain code;
+- `l3cctab`, support for saving and restoring category codes en masse in a
+  table;
+- `l3color`, support for setting colors using a range of color models;
+- `l3draw`, a code-level interface for constructing drawings;
+- `l3graphics`, an interfaces for the inclusion of graphics files;
+- `l3pdf`, support for core PDF concepts like compression, objects, PDF
+  version and so on;
+- `l3str`, support for string manipulation;
+- `l3sys-shell`, which provides abstractions for common shell functions like
+  file deletion and copying;
+- [`xcoffins`](https://ctan.org/pkg/xcoffins), which allows the alignment of
+  boxes using a series of 'handle' positions, supplementing the simple TeX
+  reference point;
+- [`xgalley`](https://ctan.org/pkg/xgalley), which controls boxes receiving
+  text for typesetting.
diff --git a/l3kernel/CHANGELOG.md b/l3kernel/CHANGELOG.md
index d999efec0..c637855ae 100644
--- a/l3kernel/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/l3kernel/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -758,35 +758,35 @@ this project uses date-based 'snapshot' version identifiers.
 ## [2018-05-13]
 ### Fixed
-- Cor­rect date string in `ex­pl3.dtx`
-- Cor­rect `\c_sys_en­gine_ver­sion_str` when using XeTeX
+- Correct date string in `expl3.dtx`
+- Correct `\c_sys_engine_version_str` when using XeTeX
 ## [2018-05-12]
 ### Added
 - Define `\c_zero_int` and `\c_one_int`
-- Im­ple­ment `\c_sys_en­gine_ver­sion_str`
-- Im­ple­ment `\seq_in­dexed_map_func­tion/in­line`
-- Im­ple­ment `\in­tar­ray_gzero:N`
-- Im­ple­ment `\in­tar­ray_const_from_clist:Nn`
-- Im­ple­ment `\bool_set_in­verse:N`
-- Im­ple­ment `\bool_xor:nnTF` in­stead of just `\bool_xor_p:nn`
-- Im­ple­ment can­di­date `\int_rand:n`
-- Im­ple­ment `\in­tar­ray_gset_rand:Nnn`
-- Im­ple­ment can­di­date `l3f­par­ray` mod­ule
+- Implement `\c_sys_engine_version_str`
+- Implement `\seq_indexed_map_function/inline`
+- Implement `\intarray_gzero:N`
+- Implement `\intarray_const_from_clist:Nn`
+- Implement `\bool_set_inverse:N`
+- Implement `\bool_xor:nnTF` instead of just `\bool_xor_p:nn`
+- Implement candidate `\int_rand:n`
+- Implement `\intarray_gset_rand:Nnn`
+- Implement candidate `l3fparray` module
 ## Changed
-- Up­date min­i­mal re­quired ver­sions of XeTeX and LuaTeX
-- Dep­re­cate named in­te­ger con­stants `\c_zero`. etc.
-- Move all prim­i­tives to `\tex_...:D names­pace`,
-  dep­re­cat­ing older en­gine-de­pen­dent pre­fixes
+- Update minimal required versions of XeTeX and LuaTeX
+- Deprecate named integer constants `\c_zero`. etc.
+- Move all primitives to `\tex_...:D namespace`,
+  deprecating older engine-dependent prefixes
 - Several internal optimisations
 ### Fixed
-- Ex­pand boolean ex­pres­sion be­fore call­ing `\chardef` (fixes #461)
+- Expand boolean expression before calling `\chardef` (fixes #461)
 ### Removed
-- Re­move un­doc­u­mented `\fp_func­tion:Nw` and `\fp_new_func­tion:Npn`
+- Remove undocumented `\fp_function:Nw` and `\fp_new_function:Npn`
 ## [2018-04-30]
@@ -836,8 +836,8 @@ this project uses date-based 'snapshot' version identifiers.
 ### Added
 - Tuple support in fp expressions
-- Step func­tions have been added for dim vari­ables,
-  e.g. `\dim_step_in­line:nnnn`
+- Step functions have been added for dim variables,
+  e.g. `\dim_step_inline:nnnn`
 [Unreleased]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2021-02-06...HEAD
 [2021-02-06]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2021-02-02...2021-02-06
diff --git a/l3kernel/build.lua b/l3kernel/build.lua
index 0ca5a8333..df6b9c54f 100644
--- a/l3kernel/build.lua
+++ b/l3kernel/build.lua
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ uploadconfig = {
   bugtracker  = "https://github.com/latex3/latex3/issues",
   update      = true,
   description = [[
-The l3k­er­nel bun­dle pro­vides an im­ple­men­ta­tion of the LaTeX3 pro­gram­mers'
-in­ter­face, as a set of pack­ages that run un­der LaTeX2e. The in­ter­face
-pro­vides the foun­da­tion on which the LaTeX3 ker­nel and other fu­ture code
-are built: it is an API for TeX pro­gram­mers. The pack­ages are set up so that
-the LaTeX3 con­ven­tions can be used with reg­u­lar LaTeX2e pack­ages.
+The l3kernel bundle provides an implementation of the LaTeX3 programmers'
+interface, as a set of packages that run under LaTeX2e. The interface
+provides the foundation on which the LaTeX3 kernel and other future code
+are built: it is an API for TeX programmers. The packages are set up so that
+the LaTeX3 conventions can be used with regular LaTeX2e packages.

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