[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-hyperref] master: remade test after latex changes (font number, hook order) (e6346fc)

Ulrike Fischer fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Thu Feb 4 15:55:12 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/hyperref
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/commit/e6346fc2df509160684351df61f54a96bb2be508


commit e6346fc2df509160684351df61f54a96bb2be508
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Thu Feb 4 15:55:12 2021 +0100

    remade test after latex changes (font number, hook order)


 resave.bat                                       |   50 +
 testfiles-pvt/25-sec-non-ascii.luatex.tpf        |    6 +-
 testfiles-pvt/25-sec-non-ascii.tpf               |    4 +-
 testfiles-pvt/40-test-pdfhighlight.luatex.tpf    |    8 +-
 testfiles-pvt/40-test-pdfhighlight.tpf           |    4 +-
 testfiles-pvt/issue49-textfields-utf8.luatex.tpf |   16 +-
 testfiles-pvt/issue49-textfields-utf8.tpf        |   16 +-
 testfiles-pvt/issue93-formfieldspace.luatex.tpf  |   16 +-
 testfiles-pvt/issue93-formfieldspace.tpf         |   16 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test-bm-pu-licr.luatex.tpf         | 1230 +++++++++++-----------
 testfiles-pvt/test-bm-pu-licr.tpf                |   20 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test0-pdf.luatex.tpf               |  104 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test0-pdf.tpf                      |   34 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test4-pdf.luatex.tpf               |  118 +--
 testfiles-pvt/test4-pdf.tpf                      |  116 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test6-pdf.luatex.tpf               |   12 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test6-pdf.tpf                      |    6 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test8.luatex.tpf                   |   28 +-
 testfiles-pvt/test8.tpf                          |    4 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testams.luatex.tpf                 | 1104 +++++++++----------
 testfiles-pvt/testams.tpf                        |   74 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testbmgl.luatex.tpf                |   14 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testbmgl.tpf                       |   22 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testbmu.luatex.tpf                 |   14 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testbmu.tpf                        |   22 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testbookmark.luatex.tpf            |    6 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testbookmark.tpf                   |    4 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testform.luatex.tpf                |   20 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testform.tpf                       |   16 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testnb-pdf.luatex.tpf              |   20 +-
 testfiles-pvt/testnb-pdf.tpf                     |    4 +-
 testfiles-pvt/unicode-test.luatex.tpf            |   18 +-
 testfiles-pvt/unicode-test.tpf                   |   16 +-
 testfiles/test1.etex.tlg                         |    2 +-
 testfiles/test1.luatex.tlg                       |    2 +-
 testfiles/test1.tlg                              |    2 +-
 36 files changed, 1609 insertions(+), 1559 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --textconv --cc e6346fc2df509160684351df61f54a96bb2be508

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