[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex2e] gh253: Merge branch 'develop' into gh253 (b4b4905a)

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Sun Dec 12 22:03:39 CET 2021

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : gh253
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/b4b4905a45d58d4de64c514c73b14c5ada68d3e4


commit b4b4905a45d58d4de64c514c73b14c5ada68d3e4
Merge: 074c3bb0 aa4bb6a0
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date:   Sun Dec 12 22:03:39 2021 +0100

    Merge branch 'develop' into gh253
    # Conflicts:
    #       base/doc/ltnews35.tex


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 .../tlb-latexrelease-rollback-003-often.tlg        |   13 +
 .../tlb-latexrelease-rollback-003-often.xetex.tlg  |    4 +
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 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-004-often.tlg          |   11 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-004-often.xetex.tlg    |    2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-005.luatex.tlg         |    2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-005.tlg                |   11 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-rollback-005.xetex.tlg          |    2 +
 base/testfiles/tlb-syntonly-001.luatex.tlg         |    2 +-
 base/tex2.txt                                      |   83 -
 base/texpert.txt                                   |  210 -
 base/update-doc.sh                                 |   38 +
 base/utf8ienc.dtx                                  |   16 +-
 build-config.lua                                   |    9 +-
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 .../{testfiles => testfiles-search}/tlb2968.tlg    |   34 +-
 required/tools/testfiles/sx624940.lvt              |   28 +
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 texmf/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3-generic.tex         |    2 +-
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 texmf/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3.sty                 |    2 +-
 texmf/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse.sty       |    6 +-
 279 files changed, 26049 insertions(+), 4249 deletions(-)

diff --cc base/doc/ltnews35.tex
index 0ef912b7,faaa69e7..1a22ac17
--- a/base/doc/ltnews35.tex
+++ b/base/doc/ltnews35.tex
@@@ -146,28 -186,83 +186,105 @@@ a given number of text lines
  \section{Code improvements}
+ \subsection{\class{ltxdoc} gets a \option{nocfg} option}
+ The \LaTeX{} sources are formatted with the \class{ltxdoc} class,
+ which supports loading a local config file \file{ltxdoc.cfg}. In the
+ past the \LaTeX{} sources used such a file but it was not distributed.
+ As a result reprocessing the \LaTeX{} sources elsewhere showed
+ formatting changes.  We now distribute this file which means that it
+ is loaded by default. With the option \option{nocfg} this can be
+ prevented.
+ \subsection{\pkg{doc} upgraded to version~3}
+ After roughly three decades the \pkg{doc} package gets a cautious
+ uplift, as already announced at the TUG conference 2019\Dash changes
+ to \pkg{doc} are obviously always done in a leisurely manner.
+ Given that most documentation is nowadays viewed on screen,
+ \pkg{hyperref} support is added and by default enabled (suppress it
+ with option \option{nohyperref} or alternatively with
+ \option{hyperref}\texttt{=false}) so the internal cross-reference are
+ properly resolved including those from the index back into the
+ document.
+ Furthermore, \pkg{doc} has now a general mechanism to define
+ additional \enquote{doc} elements besides the two \texttt{Macro} and
+ \texttt{Env} it did know in the past. This enables better
+ documentation because you can now clearly mark different types of
+ objects instead of simply calling them all \enquote{macros}.
+ If desired, they can be collected together under a heading
+ in the index so that you have a section just with your document
+ interface commands, or with all parameters, or \ldots
+ The code borrows ideas from Didier Verna's \pkg{dox} package (although
+ the document level interface is different) and it makes use of Heiko
+ Oberdiek's \pkg{hypdoc} package, which at some point in the future
+ will be completely integrated, given that its whole purpose it to
+ patch \pkg{doc}'s internal commands to make them \pkg{hyperref}-aware.
+ All changes are expected to be upward compatible, but if you run into
+ issues with older documentation using \pkg{doc} a simple and quick
+ solution is to load the package as follows:
+ \verb/\usepackage{doc}[=v2]/
+ \subsection{Lua\TeX\ callback improvements}
+ The Lua\TeX\ callbacks \texttt{hpack\_quality} and \texttt{vpack\_quality} are
+ now \texttt{exclusive} and therefore only allow a single handler.
+ The previous type \texttt{list} resulted in incorrect parameters when multiple
+ handlers were set, therefore this only makes an existing restriction more
+ explicit.
+ Additionally the return value \texttt{true} for \texttt{list}
+ callbacks is now handled internally and no longer passed on to the
+ engine. This simplifies the handling of these callbacks and makes it
+ easier to provide consistent interfaces for user defined \texttt{list}
+ callbacks.
+ \subsection{Class \class{proc} supports \option{twoside}}
+ The document class \class{proc}, which is a small variation on the
+ \class{article} class, now supports the \option{twoside} option
+ displaying different data in the footer line on recto and verso pages.
+ %
+ \githubissue{gh/704}
+ \subsection{Croatian character support}
+ The default \pkg{inputenc} support has been extended to support the 9 characters
+ D\v Z, D\v z, d\v z, LJ, Lj, lj, NJ, Nj, nj, input as single UTF-8 codepoints
+ in the range U+01C4 to U+01CC.
+ %
+ \githubissue{gh/723}
 +\subsection{Cleanup of the Unicode declaration interface}
 +When declaring encoding specific commands for the Unicode (TU)
 +encoding some declarations, such as \cs{DeclareUnicodeComposite} do
 +not have the encoding name as an explicit argument but use
 +\cs{UnicodeEncodingName} implicitly. Others, such as
 +\cs{DeclareUnicodeAccent} require it as an explicit argument.  This
 +inconsistency has now been removed and the encoding name is always
 +implicit. To avoid a breaking change for a few packages on CTAN
 +\cs{DeclareUnicodeAccent} still accepts three arguments if the second
 +argument is \texttt{TU} or \cs{UnicodeEncodingName}. Once all packages
 +have been updated this code branch will get removed.
  \section{Bug fixes}

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