[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-babel] master: Extended guide for Plain. Transforms for Serbian.2 (6fb57af)
email at dante.de
Wed Apr 14 18:18:27 CEST 2021
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/babel
On branch : master
Link : https://github.com/latex3/babel/commit/6fb57af625dc97e28f2cf73972f171490a1c0259
commit 6fb57af625dc97e28f2cf73972f171490a1c0259
Author: Javier <email at localhost>
Date: Wed Apr 14 18:18:27 2021 +0200
Extended guide for Plain. Transforms for Serbian.2
locale/hi/babel-hi.ini | 4 +--
locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-BA.ini | 13 ++++++++++
locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-ME.ini | 13 ++++++++++
locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-XK.ini | 13 ++++++++++
locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl.ini | 13 ++++++++++
locale/sr/babel-sr.ini | 13 ++++++++++
news-guides/guides/using-babel-with-plain.md | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
news-guides/news/whats-new-in-babel-3.58.md | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
8 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locale/hi/babel-hi.ini b/locale/hi/babel-hi.ini
index 173ac50..640e3d5 100644
--- a/locale/hi/babel-hi.ini
+++ b/locale/hi/babel-hi.ini
@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ alphabetic = क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ
punctuation.space.1.0 = { {a}()|[:;!{?}]() }
punctuation.space.1.1 = { insert, penalty = 10000 }
-punctuation.space.1.2 = { spacefactor= .6 .3 .3, data = 2 }
+punctuation.space.1.2 = { spacefactor= .8 .3 .8, data = 2 }
punctuation.space.1.3 = {}
punctuation.space.2.0 = { {a}()[:;!{?}]() }
punctuation.space.2.1 = { insert, penalty = 10000 }
-punctuation.space.2.2 = { insert, spacefactor= .6 .3 .3, data = 1 }
+punctuation.space.2.2 = { insert, spacefactor= .8 .3 .8, data = 1 }
punctuation.space.2.3 = {}
; == Harvard-Kyoto ==
; Multiletter
diff --git a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-BA.ini b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-BA.ini
index aca24f7..400dcc6 100644
--- a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-BA.ini
+++ b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-BA.ini
@@ -187,3 +187,16 @@ superscriptingExponent = ×
lower = а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш
upper = А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш
+; With implicit remove's, in 1-4 as x.2
+transliteration.gajica.1.0 = { ([ln])j }
+transliteration.gajica.1.1 = { string = {1|ln|љњ} }
+transliteration.gajica.2.0 = { ([LN])[jJ] }
+transliteration.gajica.2.1 = { string = {1|LN|ЉЉ} }
+transliteration.gajica.3.0 = { dž }
+transliteration.gajica.3.1 = { string = џ }
+transliteration.gajica.4.0 = { D[žŽ] }
+transliteration.gajica.4.1 = { string = Џ }
+transliteration.gajica.5.0 = { ([abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ]) }
+transliteration.gajica.5.1 = { string = {1|abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ|абвгдђежзијклмнопрстћуфхцчшАБВГДЂЕЖЗИЈКЛМНОПРСТЋУФХЦЧШ} }
diff --git a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-ME.ini b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-ME.ini
index 30d0037..b374003 100644
--- a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-ME.ini
+++ b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-ME.ini
@@ -187,3 +187,16 @@ superscriptingExponent = ×
lower = а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш
upper = А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш
+; With implicit remove's, in 1-4 as x.2
+transliteration.gajica.1.0 = { ([ln])j }
+transliteration.gajica.1.1 = { string = {1|ln|љњ} }
+transliteration.gajica.2.0 = { ([LN])[jJ] }
+transliteration.gajica.2.1 = { string = {1|LN|ЉЉ} }
+transliteration.gajica.3.0 = { dž }
+transliteration.gajica.3.1 = { string = џ }
+transliteration.gajica.4.0 = { D[žŽ] }
+transliteration.gajica.4.1 = { string = Џ }
+transliteration.gajica.5.0 = { ([abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ]) }
+transliteration.gajica.5.1 = { string = {1|abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ|абвгдђежзијклмнопрстћуфхцчшАБВГДЂЕЖЗИЈКЛМНОПРСТЋУФХЦЧШ} }
diff --git a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-XK.ini b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-XK.ini
index 77218fc..e15d0d3 100644
--- a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-XK.ini
+++ b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl-XK.ini
@@ -187,3 +187,16 @@ superscriptingExponent = ×
lower = а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш
upper = А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш
+; With implicit remove's, in 1-4 as x.2
+transliteration.gajica.1.0 = { ([ln])j }
+transliteration.gajica.1.1 = { string = {1|ln|љњ} }
+transliteration.gajica.2.0 = { ([LN])[jJ] }
+transliteration.gajica.2.1 = { string = {1|LN|ЉЉ} }
+transliteration.gajica.3.0 = { dž }
+transliteration.gajica.3.1 = { string = џ }
+transliteration.gajica.4.0 = { D[žŽ] }
+transliteration.gajica.4.1 = { string = Џ }
+transliteration.gajica.5.0 = { ([abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ]) }
+transliteration.gajica.5.1 = { string = {1|abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ|абвгдђежзијклмнопрстћуфхцчшАБВГДЂЕЖЗИЈКЛМНОПРСТЋУФХЦЧШ} }
diff --git a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl.ini b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl.ini
index 88b705f..1ff068f 100644
--- a/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl.ini
+++ b/locale/sr/babel-sr-Cyrl.ini
@@ -184,3 +184,16 @@ superscriptingExponent = ×
lower = а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш
upper = А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш
+; With implicit remove's, in 1-4 as x.2
+transliteration.gajica.1.0 = { ([ln])j }
+transliteration.gajica.1.1 = { string = {1|ln|љњ} }
+transliteration.gajica.2.0 = { ([LN])[jJ] }
+transliteration.gajica.2.1 = { string = {1|LN|ЉЉ} }
+transliteration.gajica.3.0 = { dž }
+transliteration.gajica.3.1 = { string = џ }
+transliteration.gajica.4.0 = { D[žŽ] }
+transliteration.gajica.4.1 = { string = Џ }
+transliteration.gajica.5.0 = { ([abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ]) }
+transliteration.gajica.5.1 = { string = {1|abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ|абвгдђежзијклмнопрстћуфхцчшАБВГДЂЕЖЗИЈКЛМНОПРСТЋУФХЦЧШ} }
diff --git a/locale/sr/babel-sr.ini b/locale/sr/babel-sr.ini
index 2db4f5a..3adfc05 100644
--- a/locale/sr/babel-sr.ini
+++ b/locale/sr/babel-sr.ini
@@ -185,3 +185,16 @@ superscriptingExponent = ×
lower = а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш
upper = А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш
+; With implicit remove's, in 1-4 as x.2
+transliteration.gajica.1.0 = { ([ln])j }
+transliteration.gajica.1.1 = { string = {1|ln|љњ} }
+transliteration.gajica.2.0 = { ([LN])[jJ] }
+transliteration.gajica.2.1 = { string = {1|LN|ЉЉ} }
+transliteration.gajica.3.0 = { dž }
+transliteration.gajica.3.1 = { string = џ }
+transliteration.gajica.4.0 = { D[žŽ] }
+transliteration.gajica.4.1 = { string = Џ }
+transliteration.gajica.5.0 = { ([abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ]) }
+transliteration.gajica.5.1 = { string = {1|abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšABVGDĐEŽZIJKLMNOPRSTĆUFHCČŠ|абвгдђежзијклмнопрстћуфхцчшАБВГДЂЕЖЗИЈКЛМНОПРСТЋУФХЦЧШ} }
diff --git a/news-guides/guides/using-babel-with-plain.md b/news-guides/guides/using-babel-with-plain.md
index bb357c7..f1debaf 100644
--- a/news-guides/guides/using-babel-with-plain.md
+++ b/news-guides/guides/using-babel-with-plain.md
@@ -21,6 +21,43 @@ are the formats used *de facto* in most cases.
## User’s level
+Here is a minimal working example with two languages:
+\input dutch.sty
+\input danish.sty % Last language, and therefore the main one
+\chaptername ---\today
+\foreignlanguage{dutch}{\chaptername ---\today}
+\chaptername ---\today
+Which prints (the date will be different, of course):
+> Kapitel—14. april 2021<br>
+> Kapitel—14. april 2021<br>
+> Hoofdstuk—14 april 2021
+This is basically all what you can do with Plain TeX, although in some
+languages there will be additional features (for example, with
+`spanish` `\sen` is correctly recognized) and shorthands are usually
+recognized (it depends on how they have been defined). For example:
+\input danish.sty
+"< "> f"|i
+Everyting related to `\babelprovide` and the `ini` mechanism won't work,
+including `\babelfont`. Obviously, features activated as package
+options won't work either.
## Developer’s level
diff --git a/news-guides/news/whats-new-in-babel-3.58.md b/news-guides/news/whats-new-in-babel-3.58.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb2625b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/news-guides/news/whats-new-in-babel-3.58.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# What's new in babel 3.58
+(Under development.)
+## Transforms added to `ini` files
+**Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish** `hyphen.repeat` Explicit hyphens behave like `\babelhyphen{repeat}`.
+**Czech, Slovak** `oneletter.nobreak` Converts a space after a non-syllabic preposition into a non-breaking space.
+**Hindi** `punctuation.space` With `;:?!`.
+**Norsk** `doubleletter.hyphen` Hyphenates the doble-letter groups `bb`, `dd`, `ff`, `gg`, `ll`, `mm`, `nn`, `pp`, `rr`, `ss`, `tt` as `bb-b`, `dd-d`, etc.
+**Serbian** `transliteration.gajica` (Note `serbian` with `ini` files refers to the Cyrillic script, which is here the target.) The standard system devised by Ljudevit Gaj.
+## Verbatim and `\babelprehyphenation`
+⚠ Now `prehyphenation` transforms are deactivated if the current
+hyphenation patterns are `nohyphenation`, so that they aren't applied in verbatim mode.
+This behavior can be switched with:
+\babeladjust{ prehyphenation.disable = nohyphenation }
+\babeladjust{ prehyphenation.disable = off }
+## Fixes
+## Other changes
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