[l2h] How to make responsive for mobile and desktop

Jacques B. Siboni jacsib at lutecium.org
Wed Sep 23 15:37:52 CEST 2020

Dear collegues

Is there a simple way to make the latex2html web pages responsive to detect
whether the client is on a desktop or a mobile?

I am aware it can be built with custom css, but if something is available on
desk, I like that better!

Thanks in advance


Jacques B. Siboni mailto:jacsib at Lutecium.org
8 pass. Charles Albert, F75018 Paris, France
Tel: +33 142 287 678 Port: +33 612 536 959
Home Page: http://jacsib.lutecium.org/  
Lutecium pages: http://www.lutecium.org

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