[l2h] Error when using latex2html with option -html_version 3.2, latin2, unicode in Windows

Duc A. HOANG anhduc.hoang1990 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 15:26:58 CEST 2017

Dear Shigeharu TAKENO,

I confirm that this workaround solved my problem. Thank you very much!

Best regards.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 7:54 PM, Shigeharu TAKENO <shige at iee.niit.ac.jp> wrote:
> shige 10/23 2017
> ----------------
> Duc A. HOANG wrote:
> | Even when I use the command without space, the problem remains the same.
> | Here is the output
> Ok, I understand your problem.
> This is a bug of latex2html only for Windows version.
> On MS-Windows, latex2html program is a batch file latex2html.bat
> in fact. Options to the batch file are devided, concatenated, and
> passed to Perl executable program at first.
> But, for batch file, the option separator is not only space, but
> also comma, semicolon, and equal ('='). So, the first process of
> the batch file for options translates
>   -html_version 3.2,latin2,unicode
> to
>   -html_version 3.2 latin2 unicode
> incorrectly.
> Well, to workaround the problem, I propose that
> 1) modify the latex2html.bat at the line about 15657:
>             # Require the option specific files
>             @HTML_VERSION = split(/,/, $HTML_OPTIONS);
>             foreach $ext ( @HTML_VERSION ) {
> to
>             # Require the option specific files
>             @HTML_VERSION = split(/:/, $HTML_OPTIONS);
>             foreach $ext ( @HTML_VERSION ) {
> 2) specify the option for html_version with separator colon
>   instead of comma:
>     -html_version 3.2:latin2:unicode
> I think this is not a good solution, but may fix your problem
> temporary.
> +========================================================+
>  Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
>                        kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN
>  shige at iee.niit.ac.jp   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161
> +========================================================+

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