[l2h] Wrong figure numbers in figure captions when I attempted to have my figures automatically numbered using ~\ref..... commands in my .tex file
Pat Somerville
l_pat_s at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 18 00:17:03 CET 2013
Sorry, in writing "http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=minxampl,
which matches the
Web address I cited above"
(http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=minxampl) I was wrong.
Looking closely at those two Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) the second one
has .../faq/... in it while the first one does not. So they don't match
after all. Furthermore while online I found that I could enter the URL
http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=minxampl into my Mozilla
Firefox-18 Web browser and "reach" that corresponding Web page on the
Internet. So another correction to my earlier writing is that by the entry
of that single URL into a Web browser on January 17, 2013 I could directly
reach the corresponding Web page. Sorry, I made those errors. I noticed
the difference in those two URLs after I received an electronic-mail letter
kindly written to me by Robin Fairbairns.
Another point is that I figured out that it may have been about 18-27 days
before January 16, 2013 when I had trouble getting figures to be
automatically numbered in a document. So that is more precise than "weeks
or months" that I mentioned in my next-earlier electronic-mail letter in
this "chain" of electronic-mail letters.
From: "Pat Somerville" <l_pat_s at hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:22 PM
To: <latex2html at tug.org>
Subject: Re: [l2h] Wrong figure numbers in figure captions when I attempted
to have my figures automatically numbered using ~\ref..... commands in my
.tex file
> Hello. Thanks, Les Kitchen and Robin Fairbairns, for kindly taking the
> time to write to me. I appreciate people like you who are willing to help
> other people! Sorry, my writing was admittedly not very
> historically specific.----If one can manage it, of course it's better to
> write on a topic when it is fresh in one's mind
> and experience rather than to wait for weeks to months later like I tried
> to do. Unfortunately while online clicking on the hyperlink
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=minxampl, kindly
> provided to me, did not "take" me to the corresponding Web page on the
> Internet. While online after clicking on that hyperlink I received the
> message "The requested URL /faq/cgi-bin/texfaq2html was not found on this
> server." But regardless of that message, I found a way to reach the
> content on that Web page:
> 1) On the Internet "go" to the Web page http://www.tex.ac.uk/.
> 2) Click on the hyperlink reading "UK TUG FAQ."
> 3) On the ensuing Web page under "Documentation and Help" click on the
> hyperlink reading 'How to make a "minimal example".' Then while there on
> the Internet from the address bar of my Mozilla Firefox-18 Web browser I
> copied and pasted here the Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=minxampl, which matches the
> Web address I cited above.
> So I think this is a case in which that final Web page could not be
> reached from the Internet by inputting just the final URL into a Web
> browser. Instead, as I outlined above, I had to click on some hyperlinks
> on other Web pages in order to reach it.
> I figured out how to "reach" that Web page after I had already written
> most of what is below this paragraph in this write-up. I hope you don't
> mind; but my approach in tackling the problem of having automatically
> numbered figures in a LaTeX2HTML-produced, .html (HyperText Markup
> Language) output file has turned out to be very different than providing
> you with a minimal example of my failing LaTeX code, as recommended on the
> above Web page. Nevertheless the "Building-up" and "Hacking-down"
> approaches discussed on that Web page do appear to be valid approaches
> toward "homing in" on the cause of a problem in LaTeX code. So at least
> for the benefit of other people, thanks, Robin Fairbairns, and/or whoever
> kindly prepared the contents of the above Web page, for preparing them.
> You or someone wrote on the cited Web page, "First, preparing a minimum
> document very often leads you to the answer, without all the fuss of
> posting and looking for responses."---When and if that happens, that would
> demonstrate that your procedure is or procedures are very good toward
> finding the causes of problems in LaTeX code!
> Here are the versions and/or times of release or production of the codes
> LaTeX and LaTeX2HTML to which my writing below applies:
> LaTeX2e, September 24, 2009
> LaTeX2HTML version 2008, version 1.71
> .
> Gratefully I have a solution for having figures automatically numbered in
> a .html file mostly produced by the code LaTeX2HTML in conjunction with
> the code LaTeX plus some final editing of the HTML source code in that
> file. Les mentioned using the command \caption. I learned that it is a
> part of LaTeX's figure environment, as in an environment which begins with
> \begin{figure} and ends with \end{figure} (But I think there may be a
> separate software package called "caption" invoked by the command
> \usepackage{caption} with which I experimented recently, but finally did
> not use in my solution.). I found a good posting at
> http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~hildebr/tex/tips-figures.html on the Internet
> which includes the following LaTeX commands:
> \documentclass{amsart}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> .
> .
> \begin{document}
> .
> .
> \begin{figure}
> \centering
> \includegraphics{sineplot}
> \caption{Plot of the function $sin x$}
> \label{sineplot}
> \end{figure}
> Figure \ref{sineplot} shows a plot of %just an example of textual
> reference to the figure in the document
> .
> .
> \end{document}
> The word "sineplot" has two functions in the above code: 1) It is the name
> of a figure file, for example sineplot.eps or sineplot.jpg, without both
> its extension, for example eps or jpg, and the period separating
> "sineplot" from, for example, eps or jpg. 2) It is the label assigned to
> the figure in the above code. I made some minor changes to the above
> LaTeX procedure:
> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
> In the file name I might have included the .eps (Encapsulated PostScript)
> extension.
> I may have used the format \caption[....]{....} with the caption text
> between the brackets repeated within the braces.
> Also I may have included a width option in the \includegraphics command,
> as in the form of something like
> \includegraphics[width=5.99in]{myfigure.eps}.
> And I might have had a tilde in textual references as in the form "in
> Fig.~\ref{FigureLabel}". Also I read that the software package called
> graphicx may possibly conflict with other software packages; so somewhere
> along in my recent experimenting I placed graphicx first in my list of
> software packages I had listed in \usepackage{graphicx,..,..,.....}.
> Eventually I switched to using \begin{center} and \end{center}, but
> perhaps not in this early stage.
> My working document in my experimenting reported here contained text and
> LaTeX commands on which an execution of latex and latex2html.... commands
> had failed to produce correct figure numbers in the .html output file
> produced by LaTeX2HTML. Often for my tests I ran a latex command three
> times and a latex2html command twice on the same .tex, LaTeX file.
> Something close to the above procedure, using the \caption instead of the
> \parbox command for figure captions, gratefully produced good figure
> numbering in the DeVice Independent (.dvi) output file produced by a
> command of the form "latex MyLaTeXFile.tex". But unfortunately in the
> .html output file produced by LaTeX2HTML the references in text to figures
> using commands of the form \ref{FigureLabel} resulted in the wrong figure
> numbers; and the figure numbers were missing in the figure captions.
> Given the kind writing of Robin Fairbairns to me, in an attempt to obtain
> good LaTeX2HTML output I decided to switch to putting my figure captions
> within the braces of a \parbox command; for a period of time I abandoned
> the use of the \caption command. But unfortunately I did not have success
> that way in a .html file. From
> http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~abridle/l2h4nrao/l2h4nrao.pdf for LaTeX2HTML I saw
> the following set of commands:
> \begin{figure}{thp}
> \begin{center}
> \includegraphics[width=4in]{fig1}
> \caption{Captiontext}
> \label{fig:labeltext}
> \end{center}
> \end{figure}
> .
> And within that write-up, written by probably A. Bridle, I found the
> important statement:
> "Note that the \label command must come after, or within, the caption
> command for Figures and Tables, in order to generate the correct
> reference."
> That statement was supported by the results of my experiments with LaTeX
> code in the use of LaTeX2HTML. That is I could not obtain correct figure
> numbers in the LaTeX2HTML, .html output file unless in my .tex, LaTeX file
> I had a \caption.. command immediately preceding a command of the form
> \label{MyFigureLabel}. So the use of the word "must" in A. Bridle's above
> writing seems very appropriate to me.
> Comparing captions placed within \parbox, LaTeX commands to captions
> placed within \caption commands I prefer the right- and left-justified
> appearance of the captions in the corresponding .html file with the
> captions placed within \parbox commands; from my experience captions
> within \caption commands in the corresponding .html output file were
> centered, but with left and right "edges" of the lines of text that were
> often not vertically aligned.---This latter effect was often noticeable in
> multiline captions in a .html output file produced by LaTeX2HTML.
> Secondly by experience I found that I should also include specifications
> for the heights of my figures within my \includegraphics commands. So in
> my .tex, LaTeX file I tried a set of commands similar to the ones below,
> placing my figure captions within \parbox commands, and also having an
> empty \caption{} command so as to obtain the correct figure numbers in the
> LaTeX2HTML, .html, output file in both text and figure captions:
> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{graphicx,.......}
> .
> \begin{document}
> .
> .
> As shown in Fig.~\ref{MyFigureLabel} ....
> \vspace{1cm}
> \begin{figure}[h!]
> \begin{center}
> \includegraphics[width=5.99in,height=3.56in]{MyFigure.eps}
> \parbox{\linewidth}{\small\setlength{\baselineskip}{2.6ex}Fig.~\ref{MyFigureLabel}.
> Here is where I would place my caption to the Figure.}
> \caption{}
> \label{MyFigureLabel}
> \end{center}
> \end{figure}
> \vspace{5 mm}
> \noindent More text here
> .
> .
> \end{document}
> I changed some names in the above lines of code to names different from
> the ones which actually appeared in my .tex, LaTeX file. Note that to
> obtain both the abbreviation "Fig." and the figure number within my figure
> caption in the output, .html file, within my \parbox command in my .tex,
> LaTeX file I have text and a command of the form
> "Fig.~\ref{MyFigureLabel}. Here is..."
> The above solution produced the correct, automatically numbered figure
> numbers in both the text and figure captions of my output, .html file.
> But the inclusion of the empty \caption{} command had the unwanted result
> of producing, for example, "Figure 1:" right under my figure caption for
> that figure in both the LaTeX, .dvi and LaTeX2HTML, .html output files.
> By a few means with ideas from Web postings I tried to by LaTeX coding
> eliminate such unwanted displays in my .html, output file, but did not
> succeed in doing so (Perhaps some procedures posted on the Internet for
> eliminating something like "Figure 1:" in a figure caption might work in a
> .dvi output file produced by LaTeX; but my main goal was to find a working
> procedure for a .html, output file.).
> Of course one can get rid of content he does not want in a .html file he
> produced by deleting that content from the HTML source code for the .html
> file.---And that is what I did in this case. I could open the .html
> output file produced by LaTeX2HTML in a text editor and delete lines,
> perhaps called HTML tags, of the following forms for each of my figures:
> <TR><TD>
> . After using a second text editor I eventually had the edited .html file
> saved as a text file in the 8-bit, Uniform Transformation Format (UTF-8)
> encoding. Then at last gratefully I could open that .html file in my
> Konqueror Web browser and see the following features that I wanted to see:
> 1) no, for example, "Figure 8:" underneath a caption to figure 8; 2)
> internal hyperlinks in text displaying the correct figure numbers; 3) for
> example, "Fig. 1. " at the beginning of a figure caption to figure 1 with
> the correct figure number there; and 4) the figure captions neatly right-
> and left-justified. One missing feature was that in having figure
> captions within \parbox commands, internal hyperlinks within a figure
> caption to another figure in my .html output file did not appear in the
> output, .html file. For example, an internal hyperlink to figure 8 in the
> caption to figure 9 was only displayed as Fig. 8 with the "8" appearing in
> black instead of the blue text one would often see in my installation of
> the Konqueror Web browser in the case of an internal hyperlink.
> Perhaps someone knows of a better way to have figures automatically
> numbered in a .html, output file produced by LaTeX2HTML. For example, if
> someone knows of a way to have good-looking, left- and right-justified
> caption text confined to the width of a figure and located below it, then
> perhaps the caption could be included within the braces of a \caption{}
> command without the use of a \parbox command. And in that case editing
> the .html source code produced by LaTeX2HTML could be unnecessary.
> Pat
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Robin Fairbairns" <Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:07 PM
> To: "Pat Somerville" <l_pat_s at hotmail.com>
> Cc: <latex2html at tug.org>
> Subject: Re: [l2h] Wrong figure numbers in figure captions when I
> attempted to have my figures automatically numbered using ~\ref.....
> commands in my .tex file
>> Pat Somerville <l_pat_s at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello. I tried to automatically number
>>> figures using commands like "Fig.~\ref{....}" and in text and
>>> \label{...}
>>> commands within figure environments in my .tex file. I might have tried
>>> to
>>> include figure captions within \caption and/or \parbox commands.
>>> Anyhow, my figure numbers were incorrect in the figure captions.
>>> Another variable is that I have been using both pdflatex and latex plus
>>> latex2html commands in recent weeks; so there is a question whether I
>>> was
>>> examining a Portable Document Format (.pdf) output file produced by a
>>> pdflatex command or a .html file produced by executing a latex2html
>>> command. Recently I gave up on getting the figure numbers within
>>> captions
>>> correct by attempting to have the figures automatically numbered via
>>> the use of ~\ref{....} commands.---That is I numbered the figures myself
>>> everywhere within a .tex file. Would someone please guide me or refer
>>> me to a guide of consistent \caption or \parbox commands together with
>>> ~\ref{...} in text and \label{...} commands within figure environments
>>> for
>>> automatic figure numbering in text that will enable both the figure
>>> numbers
>>> within figure captions and the figure numbers within text to be correct?
>>> A
>>> desirable solution for the automatic numbering of figures within both
>>> the figure
>>> captions and the text of a document would be one which would work in a
>>> .tex file
>>> with either pdflatex or latex2html commands.
>> this is either totally trivial (sequence should always be
>> \caption{...}
>> \label{...}
>> )
>> or totally impossible to diagnose with statements like
>> I might have tried to include figure captions within \caption and/or
>> \parbox commands.
>> captions would work within a \parbox but not with \caption.
>> tbh, this doesn't sound particularly specific to latex2html: i would
>> guess that if you feed rubbish to latex2html, you're _more_ likely to
>> get rubbish out than if you feed it to (la)tex. in such a circumstance,
>> the (la)tex problem may be more amenable to comprehension.
>> the standard recommendation is that you produce a "minimal example" of a
>> problem. this is described (for example) in
>> http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=minxampl
>> (there are different explanations all over the web).
>> post the minimal example and we might be able to help. (those of us
>> owning crystal balls can probably see the solution without the minimal
>> example, but we ordinary mortals can only understand things that have
>> happened.)
>> roibn (anag)
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