[l2h] In my LaTeX2HTML-produced, .html file the references don't look good. What am I missing?

Pat Somerville l_pat_s at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 1 05:41:17 CET 2011

Hello again.  I found a good hint for what one of my troubles could have 
been from Erwin at 
He found that the bibliographic style file plainnat.bst of Natbib could be 
used to avoid a problem between Natbib and apsrev4-1.bst.  I substituted 
plainnat.bst for apsrev4-1.bst in my .tex file using the package natbib and 
gratefully obtained a not perfect, but reasonably good-looking set of 
references in the .html (HyperText Markup Language) file produced by 
LaTeX2HTML.  The custom \onlinecite{..} command did not work in the .html 
file, though, to put automatically numbered reference numbers on the base 
line of text.  My "workaround" solution for that was to change textual 
references like, as a not necessarily real example for discussion purposes, 
"according to reference \onlinecite{RAT92}" to "according to the 
superscripted reference$^{\cite{RAT92}}$".  That is in my .tex document I 
changed all of the \onlinecite{...} commands, intended for reference numbers 
to be on the base line of text, to instead superscripted numerical citings 
of references.

Not having written any of the codes for the software packages I have been 
discussing here, I give my thinking, reasoning, and guessing to attempt to 
explain the results I mentioned in the above, first paragraph.  First 
compare the dates of the software I  used:

LaTeX2HTML 1.71 (year 2008, I think)
Within it the file /usr/share/latex2html/styles/natbib.perl is internally 
dated with 2001/11/08 or 2001/11/8, which I guess might mean November 8, 
2001 (Here in the United States such a date could be numerically written as, 
for example 11/8/01 or maybe 11/8/2001.).

LaTeX 2e (September 24, 2009)

The file natbib.sty of Natbib 8.31a (November 7, 2009)

The bibliographic style file apsrev4-1.bst of REVTeX 4.1 (for February 12, 
2010 Physical Review).  In REVTeX 4.1 some changes were introduced compared 
to I think an earlier version of REVTeX which I guess might have been 
version 4 of it.

Also I compared the appearance of one reference in .bbl files produced with 
LaTeX and BibTeX using both plainnat.bst of Natbib 8.31a and apsrev4-1.bst 
of REVTeX 4.1.  The .bbl file produced using apsrev4-1.bst contained a 
number of the commands or variables which LaTeX2HTML "referred to" as 
undefined commands, such as BibitemOpen, BibitemShut, citenamefont, 
bibnamefont, bibfnamefont, bibfield, bibinfo, and href at noop; for the same 
test reference the .bbl file produced using plainnat.bst did not contain any 
of those commands or variables.  So my guess is that those new commands or 
variables are associated with REVTeX 4.1 in the year 2010 or perhaps 
slightly earlier, which is too new for the year-2008 LaTeX2HTML or the 
year-2001 file natbib.perl it contained to have accommodated them.

Also following another hint from Satsuma at 
for citenum being undefined, he or she mentioned that one should obtain a 
year-2007 version of natbib.sty to replace a year-2003 version of it (But in 
the year 2011 there is a year-2009 version of that file available, as I 
listed its date above.).  So in the text editor Kate I looked inside he file 
natbib.sty of Natbib 8.31a and found that citenum is defined with a new 
command in that file.  Copying that file from in my case the directory 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/natbib to the directory containing my .tex files, 
similar to what Satsuma did with a year-2007 version of nabib.sty, 
unfortunately did not result in LaTeX2HTML "recognizing" citenum in a .tex 
file.  So I suppose that LaTeX2HTML 1.71 may not have been built to 
accommodate the variable or command citenum in a .tex file.

Professor Ross Moore or anyone else knowledgeable of the internal code of 
LaTeX2HTML 1.71 and the software packages it can accommodate is welcome to 
correct me here.  But if my reasoning, thinking, and some guessing are 
correct here, I suggest that the next version of LaTeX2HTML be built to 
accommodate citenum in a .tex file and the various variables or commands 
BibitemOpen, BibitemShut, citenamefont, bibnamefont, bibfnamefont, bibfield, 
bibinfo, and href at noop in a .bbl file, which I supposed may have been 
produced in my .bbl file as a result of using the bibliographic style file 
apsrev4-1.bst of REVTeX 4.1.

But in the near future, if one is not too particular in trying to exactly 
duplicate the referencing style of apsrev4-1.bst of REVTeX 4.1, for use with 
LaTeX2HTML plainnat.bst can serve as a reasonable, but not exact, functional 
substitute.  With the command \bibpunct{}{}{,}{s}{} for use with natbib in a 
.tex file, the use of plainnat.bst can produce automatically numbered 
numerical superscripts corresponding to, for example,$^{\cite{RAT92}}$ in 
the text and numbers on the base line in the bibliography of the .html file 
produced by LaTeX2HTML, similar, but exactly like what the use of 
apsrev4-1.bst would produce.  With LaTeX2HTML 1.71 I suggest using only 
superscripts for automatically numbered referencing.  Allow me to 
oversimplfiy things somewhat here; more details and Internet references are 
given in my previous letter in this chain of e-mail letters; besides, it is 
possible I might miss some of the details here myself.  For publication in 
Physical Review journals, books, or other journals in which simple numerical 
superscripts are used for reference citations, one might use 
\bibliographystyle{apsrev4-1}, and \bibliography{MyBib}, where MyBib.bib is 
the file containing your reference data for your document's bibliography; 
from a .dvi file produced by LaTeX it should be possible to print those 
references along with the rest of the document onto paper.  And for online 
or computer versions of documents and publications with internal and 
external hyperlinks one might use \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}, 
\usepackage[sort&compress]{natbib}, \usepackage{....,doi,hyperref,hypernat}, 
\bibpunct{]{]{,}{s}{}, \bibliographystyle{plainnat}, 
\bibliography{MyBib,revtex-custom}, where the contents of a file 
revtex-custom.bib, including REVTeX 4.1 controls, are discussed at 
It might be necessary to experiment with the order of the packages in a 
\usepackage{........} statement to avoid errors.

There are still a few things that I haven't gotten to work satisfactorily 
yet.  One of them is with multiple reference numbers as one superscript 
always being in numerical order.  And I haven't checked to see whether the 
compression worked correctly or not, for example references(superscript 
1,2,3,4) becoming references(superscript 1-4).  But, when necessary, those 
cases can be manually edited in the .tex file to produce what you desire, as 
mentioned at http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=8897. 
I have some unwanted pairs of side-by-side parentheses in .my .dvi file or 
unwanted letters like a, b, etc., in my .html file sometimes appearing in 
some references in my bibliography corresponding to sometimes when I have 
\htmladdnormallink{http://..../}{http://....../} in my .tex file.  My table 
of contents doesn't show all four levels of chapter-and-sectioning in the 
.html file that are shown in the corresponding .dvi file.  And my internal 
hyperlink in the table of contents for "Bibliography" isn't working for me 
in the .html file.


From: "Pat Somerville" <l_pat_s at hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 1:32 AM
To: <latex2html at tug.org>
Subject: In my LaTeX2HTML-produced, .html file the references don't look 
good.  What am I missing?

> Hello. I have been using:
> the September 24, 2009 version of LaTeX 2e,
> BibTeX 0.99b,
> by the command \usepackage[sort&compress]{natbib} the natbib software 
> package with the options sort&compress and with the additional command 
> \bibpunct{}{}{,}{s}{} (similar to at 
> http://www.andy-roberts.net/writing/latex/bibliographies on the Internet),
> the apsrev4-1.bst bibliographic style file of REVTeX 4.1 called in a 
> .tex-file command of the form \bibliographystyle{apsrev4-1}, and
> LaTeX2HTML 1.71
> in an openSUSE-11.4, Linux operating system. This is my first attempt to 
> try to produce a letter for distribution to some other people which uses 
> automatically numbered references, figures, tables, and equations and 
> which uses a .bib, bibliography file external to my .tex file; for that 
> matter I may not have even used BibTeX before this attempt.
> My use of several commands with natbib followed the advice of I think 
> Daniel Els at 
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/15677/revtex-4-1-bibliography-style-in-other-classes. 
> Similar to the procedure mentioned at 
> http://www.wujiewen.com/faq/content/2/33/en/how-to-use-latex2html-to-convert-my-paper-to-webpages.html, I 
> performed program executions of the following forms, here using the 
> fictitious name MyFile:
> latex MyFile.tex
> bibtek MyFile
> latex MyFile.tex
> latex MyFile.tex
> latex2html............MyFile.tex
> latex2html............MyFile.tex
> .
> For my .bib-file entry
> @article{RAT92,
>      author="M. Rath and L. Pauling",
>      title="",
>      journal={J. Orthomolecular Medicine},
>      volume="{\bf 7}",
>      number="1",
>      pages="5",
>      year="1992"}
> BibTeX and/or LaTeX produced in the .bbl, output file
> \bibitem [{\citenamefont {Rath}\ and\ \citenamefont 
> {Pauling}(1992)}]{RAT92}%
>      \BibitemOpen
>      \bibfield {author} {\bibinfo {author} {\bibfnamefont 
> {M.}~\bibnamefont
>      {Rath}}\ and\ \bibinfo {author} {\bibfnamefont {L.}~\bibnamefont 
> {Pauling}},\
>      }\href at noop {} {\bibfield {journal} {\bibinfo {journal} {J. 
> Orthomolecular
>     Medicine},\ }\textbf {\bibinfo {volume} {{\bf 7}}},\ \bibinfo {pages} 
> {5}
>     (\bibinfo {year} {1992})}\BibitemShut {NoStop}%
> and in the .dvi (DeVice-Independent), output file
> [22] M. Rath and L. Pauling, J. Orthomolecular Medicine, 7, 5, (1992).
> with the volume number 7 in a bold typeface.
> But LaTeX2HTML, executed by a command of the form
> latex2html -nonavigation -no_math -html_version 3.2,math -split 0 
> MyFile.tex
> , correspondingly produced in its output, .html (HyperText Markup 
> Language) file
> 22 author author M. Rath -
> bibinfo author L. Pauling,#18543#> journal journal J. Orthomolecular 
> Medicine,#18056#>volume 7,
> bibinfo pages 5 (year 1992)NoStop
> instead of something close to what appeared in the .dvi file, and in a 
> terminal program from which LaTeX2HTML was executed the following 
> messages:
> Unknown commands: citenamefont captionsetup bibfnamefont citenum enquote 
> ed bibnamefont BibitemShut ( href_at_noon BibitemOpen
> bibfield < natexlib bibinfo
> .
> Note that among the commands "reported" as unknown by LaTeX2HTML, 
> citenamefont, bibfnamefont, bibnamefont, BibitemShut, as well as 
> BibitemOpen, bibfield, and bibinfo all appear in the entry of the .bbl 
> file which LaTeX2HTML is supposed to be using. And it appears from the 
> .html output file that LaTeX2HTML did indeed "read" M. Rath, L. Pauling, 
> J. Orthomolecular Medicine, 7, 5, and 1992 from the .bbl file. The command 
> or software package citenum was used in my .tex file in the command 
> \newcommand{\onlinecite}[1]{\hspace{-1 ex} \nocite{#1}\citenum{#1}}, 
> following advice from 
> http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=8897. The 
> purpose of that command was to allow the use of this custom 
> \onlinecite{...} command in text so that reference numbers could appear on 
> the base line of text, rather than as superscripts dictated by the "s" for 
> superscript in the .tex-file command \bibpunct{}{}{,}{s}{}. As far as just 
> the correct reference numbers appearing was concerned, that custom 
> \onlinecite{..} command worked for me in the .dvi file produced by LaTeX, 
> but not in the .html file produced by LaTeX2HTML, perhaps because 
> LaTeX2HTML did not "recognize" citenum in the \newcommand.... in my .tex 
> file to define the custom \onlinecite{..} command (Instead in the .html 
> file the reference "KEY" for a reference appeared [RAT92 is the reference 
> key in the .bib-file entry I discussed earlier here.]; it was desired to 
> have had an internally hyperlinked reference number there in the .html 
> file corresponding to a .tex-file command of the form \onlinecite{KEY}.). 
> I also used captionsetup in my .tex file in the command
> \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=empty,labelsep=none} along with 
> \usepackage{.....,caption,....}.
> Following a suggestion posted by Professor Ross Moore for a different 
> problem than mine in the Internet thread which includes 
> http://www.mail-archive.com/latex2html@tug.og/msg02874.html, but might be 
> in a later reply to that message posted on that Web page, I found the file 
> /usr/share/doc/packages/latex2html/dot.latex2hmtl-init and in it after 
> "###Other global variables" entered a comment line of my own with a # at 
> its beginning and the pair of statements:
> if($DO_INCLUDE) {$DO_INCLUDE .= ':bbl'}
> else{ $DO_INCLUDE = 'bbl'};
> . Did I enter those lines in the correct file and in an acceptable 
> location in that file? But unfortunately the result of such entry was no 
> noticeable improvement for me in the bibliographic entries in the .html 
> file produced from the .bbl file by the program LaTeX2HTML. What did I 
> miss in all of this that 1) prevented the references in the .html file 
> from looking as good as they did in the .dvi file and 2) prevented the 
> custom \onlinecite{..} command from working in the .html file?
> Pat 

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