[l2h] html.sty and the Harvard style

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Sun May 22 15:23:39 CEST 2011

On 22/05/11 08:46, � wrote:
> Peter Flynn a �crit :
>> This is not a LaTeX2HTML question, but I'm hoping I might be able to
>> tap the expertise of LaTeX2HTML users or maintainers in respect of a
>> missing macro in html.sty
>> It appears that LaTeX2HTML's html.sty gets borrowed by harvard.sty in
>> LaTeX, and that when loaded with pdflatex, it then gags on the
>> BIBTeX-generated \harvardurl macro in the .bbl file (regardless of the
>> .bst: kluwer, dcu, agsm, etc) because it's looking for a starred
>> version of
>> \htmladdnormallink* which does not exist in the distributed html.sty
>> Does anyone out there know what \htmladdnormallink* might be expected
>> to do?
> As far as I see, in html.sty:
> \def\htmladdnormallink#1#2{\href{#2}{#1}}
> in harvard.sty:
> \IfFileExists{html.sty}{\RequirePackage{html}
> \newcommand{\harvardurl}[1]{\htmladdnormallink*{\textbf{URL:}
> \textit{##1}}{##1}}
> }{
> \newcommand{\harvardurl}[1]{\textbf{URL:} \textit{##1}}
> }
> Two args in html.sty, only one in harvard.sty, seems that the starred
> version does not make a difference between anchor and link, and adds the
> string URL: before the link.

I managed to dig down that far, but I was wondering more what the 
author's intentions were (ie what the starred version is supposed to do 

It also (wrongly, IMHO) includes the "URL:" prefix in the link; but 
perhaps that is just a Harvard requirement.

> So
> \def\htmladdnormallink*#1{\href{#1}}
> could maybe do the trick.
> Another way would be to fall back to the command not using html.sty with:
> \def\htmladdnormallink*#1{}

I also don't like the way that Harvard switches to hyperref when it is 
run using pdflatex. This kind of gratuitous automation is almost always 

In my installation (texlive-full), html.sty is in 
/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/html, but I don't know if this is installed 
for most other users, on MikTeX, MacTeX, etc.

> This said, I remember having cursed a lot of time this harvard.sty
> package, which seems buggy and unmaintained for years, I went to natbib
> (very flexible package) with relief. natbib is easy to manage with LyX,
> which is my preferred interface to LaTeX.

I have never used natbib. The application I am working on is a thesis 
class for my university, where Harvard is a requirement for many 
disciplines. Is there a prewritten natbib setup that will emulate 
Harvard -- surely someone has done one...


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