[l2h] Inconsistent results in a LaTeX2HTML, output, .html file for the command {\mathrsfs {L}} and no script H for the command {\mathrsfs {H}}, each using \usepackage{mathrsfs, ...., ....., .....}
Pat Somerville
l_pat_s at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 7 23:12:12 CEST 2011
Hello again. I had trouble producing a script L_{int} as (an) inline mathematical image( s ) within ordinary text with the program LaTeX2HTML using LaTeX code like that below in a file I called Throwaway8.tex. The best I could do so far was something different than the LaTeX code below, which was a "workaround" of putting text inside the equation mode using a \mbox command for the ordinary text and then within that \mbox command inserting, say something like \fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont ${\mathscr {L}}_{int}$, altogether something like this:
\mbox{Here is a sentence containing \fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont ${\mathscr {L}}_{int}$.}
I suspect that the above technique might work within a \begin{eqnarray}, \end{eqnarray} pair of commands in a LaTeX, .tex file as well; but I haven't tried that. Already I hope you will agree with me that having to manually input the font size between \begin{equation} and \end{equation} in order to see the script L_{int} displayed outside of a fraction might indicate some sort of problem to an expert more knowledgeable about these things than myself. The Ralph Smith Formal Script (rsfs) was apparently originally developed by Ralph Smith. But according to mathrsfs.rme the portion of the software package mathrsfs used by I think LaTeX2e was apparently written by J"org Knappen. I tried writing to each of those individuals; but the e-mail addresses I found on the Internet for them are apparently no longer in use by each of them.
Once again my problems with displaying the script L_{int} were in the .html (HyperText Markup Language) file produced by LaTeX2HTML and generally not in the .dvi (DeVice Independent) file produced by LaTeX and viewed with the program Okular. I tried to probe things a bit deeper; but I must admit that I am pretty ignorant of the Perl, I think scripting language and the deep inner workings of the year-2008 version 1.71 of the program LaTeX2HTML. In an openSUSE-11.4, Linux operating system I have the files /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/jkapltx/mathrsfs.sty, /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/jkapltx/ursfs.fd, /usr/share/texmf/doc/latex/jkapltx/mathrsfs.rme, /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/rsfs/rsfs7.mf, /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/rsfs/rsfs5.mf, and /usr/share/texmf/fonts/source/public/rsfs/rsfs10.mf installed. The three .mf files are on the Internet reported to be necessary for use with the package mathrsfs in MikTex. If the numbers within the .mf font file names represent font point sizes, only the three font point sizes seem to be sufficient for LaTeX's, I think 9/24/2009 version. Are those three font files supposed to be sufficient for LaTeX2HTML, too? I ask this because I noticed that the Comprehensive TeX Archive? Network (CTAN) Web side provides more rsfs font information, for example, rsfs9.mf, etc., at I think ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/cm/sauter/holin/ready-mf/rsfs on the Internet. But being pretty ignorant of the inner workings of LaTeX2HTML and Perl, I hesitate to install such additional files.
I found a manual for LaTeX2HTML on the Internet at http://www.astr.ku.dk/software/latex2html/manual/node8.htm#SECTION00052100000000000000. According to what I read there to implement a .sty file of the form Name.sty there should be a corresponding file of the form Name.perl within a directory ..../styles. But I did not find any such mathrsfs.perl file in my installation of the directory ..../styles; a search of the entire Internet for mathrsfs.perl also yielded no found results. So I presume that a mathrsfs.perl file might not exist in public. Could some of the awkwardness I found using mathrsfs with LaTeX2HTML be because of that? Assuming so, could one of you familiar with the Perl scripting language suggest a mathrsfs.perl which would minimally enable the implementation of the command \mathscr, apparently used by or within the software package mathrsfs.sty, for various font point sizes and letters of the common Roman alphabet for the English language?
Toward "diagnosing" some problems in generating an inline (within text) script L_{int} with the contents below of the file Throwaway8.tex, I tried roughly following a few of the suggestions I found on the Internet by:
1) generating a .tex file I might have called Throwaway9.tex with contents similar to the following:
some text \fbox{ more text }
I didn't discover any problems as a result of executing the command "latex Throwaway9.tex".
2) As a result of executing the command "latex Throwaway8.tex", with the file Throwaway8.tex containing the contents below, I saw messages like "Font shape 'U/rsfs/m/n' in size <13> not available
size <12> substituted in input line 10". But apparently that was inconsequential because the inline script L_{int} was gratefully displayed well in the resulting output file Throwaway8.dvi when viewed in the program Okular.
3) inputting the command: dvips -o Throwaway8.ps Throwaway8.dvi
My notes do not indicate any problems that command.
4) inputting the command: gs -dNODISPLAY pstoppm.ps
Error: /undefinedfilename in (pstoppm.ps)
Last OS error: 2
GPL Ghostscript 9.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
5) inputting the command: pnmcrop Throwaway8.ppm >Throwaway8.crop.ppm
pnmcrop: Unable to open file 'Throwaway8.ppm' for reading ....(No such file or directory)
6) After running a latex2html command on the file Throwaway8.tex to generage png (Portable Network Graphics) images, I found the following messages:
pnmcrop: The image is entirely background; there is nothing to crop.
pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose -sides -bot < /tmp/l2h5852/p5934.pnm > /tmp/l2h5852/p5934.t02" failed:
Image "/tmp/l2h5852/p5934.pnm" is PPM, 4x5
Running "/usr/bin/ppmquant -floyd 256 < /tmp/l2h5852/p5934.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmtopng -interlace -trans 'gray85' > img6.png"
In the file images.log a missing } was reported and reported as inserted, apparently associated with a mathscr-containing line in Throwaway8.tex. But the program LaTeX did not display such a message in the same terminal-program window in which the command "latex Throwaway8.tex" was entered using the same file Throwaway8.tex. As a result of latex2html executions it has been common to see the messages
*********** WARNINGS ***********
No implementation found for style `mathrsfs'
No implementation found for style `hyperref'
Unknown math command: \mathscr , image needed.
displayed after inputting a latex2html command on a file like Throwaway8.html. The message "No implementation found for style `hyperref'" is understandable because, except within \usepackage{....,...,hyperref,......}, I did not use \hyperref in my current file Throwaway8.tex. However, the messages "No implementation found for style `mathrsfs'" and "Unknown math command: \mathscr, image needed" are strange because the mathrsfs-package command \mathscr does appear several times within the file Throwaway8.tex.--So I guess that these messages might mean that LaTeX2HTML did not recognize one or more appearances of \mathscr within Throwaway8.tex; or perhaps some part of LaTeX2HTML could not work with \mathscr because no image was produced which could be associated with that command(??).
Please help with an answer to a question above, an explanation of the cause of the problems with the Ralph Smith Formal Script (rsfs) package mathrsfs using LaTeX2HTML, and/or solutions which are less awkward than the "workaround" solutions of which I wrote in this chain of e-mail letters. Thanks for your consideration.
Contents of the file Throwaway8.tex on June 7, 2011:
\setlength{\parskip}{20pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
% \DeclareMathSizes{12}{12}{8}{4}
\vspace{5 mm}
\mbox{\fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont ${\mathscr {H}}_{int}$}=\frac{\partial {\mathscr {L}}_{int}}{\partial \dot{\eta }_{\sigma }}\dot{\eta }_{\sigma }\mbox{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont $-$}\mbox{\fontsize{13}{15}\selectfont ${\mathscr {L}}_{int}$}=\mbox{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont $-$}\mbox{\fontsize{13}{15}\selectfont ${\mathscr {L}}_{int}$}
\noindent For inline mathematics within text I am trying $\mbox{\fontsize{12}{14}\selectfont ${\mathscr {L}}_{int}$}$.
From: Lawrence Patrick Somerville
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 1:51 PM
To: latex2html at tug.org
Subject: Inconsistent results in a LaTeX2HTML, output, .html file for the command {\mathrsfs {L}} and no script H for the command {\mathrsfs {H}}, each using \usepackage{mathrsfs, ...., ....., .....}
Here I revised the "Subject:" line and the spelling of "output" on the "Subject:" line for the e-mail letter contents below which I previously sent to you; sorry for that error of mine.
Hello. Below are the contents of my LaTeX, Throwaway8.tex file which uses the package mathrsfs.sty, I think, intended to produce script L and script H. Via the command "latex Throwaway8.tex" the script L and script H symbols were gratefully all visible in the output file Throwaway8.dvi when viewed with the program Okular. But via my typical latex2html command, which was probably "latex2html -nonavigation -no_math -html_version 3.2,math -split 0 Throwaway8.tex," the output file Throwaway8.html, when viewed in a Konqueror Web browser, showed the script L only in the derivative corresponding to the LaTeX command \frac{\partial {\mathscr {L}}_{int}}{\partial \dot{\eta }_{\sigma }}, but not for the other instances of {\mathscr {L}}_{int}} or the script H for {\mathscr {H}}_{int} in the equation commanded below. So how may I code Throwaway8.tex or use an appropriate latex2html command so that after executing my latex2html command on Throwaway8.tex I in Throwaway8.html may obtain script L and script H for every instance commanded of, respectively, {\mathscr {L}} and {\mathscr {H}} in Throwaway8.tex? I probably used the LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71) for the LaTeX2HTML results I report here; anyhow it was the latest version of LaTeX2HTML distributed with probably both an OpenSuSE-11.3 and openSUSE-11.4 Linux operating system; and I think that 1.71 was probably that version of LaTeX2HTML.
Contents of the file Throwaway8.tex:
\setlength{\parskip}{20pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
\vspace{5 mm}
{\mathscr {H}}_{int}=\frac{\partial {\mathscr {L}}_{int}}{\partial \dot{\eta }_{\sigma }}\dot{\eta }_{\sigma }-{\mathscr {L}}_{int}=-{\mathscr {L}}_{int}
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