[l2h] TMP strikes again! TMP folder blues with latex2html on windows

Les R openadmin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 03:33:57 CEST 2010

HI Nasser,

Praise be to Ross, the Master! (grin)

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Les R.

On 11 April 2010 17:24, Ross Moore <ross at ics.mq.edu.au> wrote:
> On 12/04/2010, at 5:12 AM, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
>> I get this error when I run latex2html on a tex file:
>> "Error: Cannot read 'img62.png': No such file or directory
>> Converting image #33
>> pstoimg.bat: Error: Ghostscript returned error status 16777215
>> pstoimg.bat: Error: Couldn't find pnm output of
>> G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h288\image033.ps"
>> I never seen error 16777215. I've seen this error below before. It seems
>> to be coming from pnmcrop.exe, please see error messages below. It seems to
>> be looking for files with names such as p2668.t01
> No; the error is occurring whilst failing to create  p2668.t01  ...
>> in the TMP folder where images are processed. But when I look in the TMP
>> folder, I see no such files, but ones extensions .t00 (next to .pnm and .ps
>> files).
>> =============== screen log ==========
>> $latex2html -debug -verbosity 8 -split 0  -no_reuse -show_section_numbers
>> EE_409_HW7.tex
>> pstoimg.bat: Running \LATEX\gsAFLP\gs8.54\bin\gswin32c.exe
>>  -sDEVICE=ppmraw -g675x68  -r115 -dTextAlphaBits=4
>>  -sOutputFile=G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h2
>> 228\p2668.pnm
>> GS>-57 -679 translate
>> GS>(G:/LATEX/TMP/l2h2228/image032.ps) run
>> GS>showpage
>> GS>quit
>> AFPL Ghostscript 8.54 (2006-05-17)
>> Copyright (C) 2005 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
>> This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
>> GS>GS>>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
>> GS>>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
>> GS>
>  Ghostscript finished fine here, supposedly creating  p2668.pnm .
> Having used -debug  you should be able to look at this image
> in some graphics programs. If not, then try to find the
> correct page in  images.ps , using GSview say.
> Aside:
> It would be better if there were an extra \n (<return> character)
> in the output log, at this point.
>> Running "G:\LATEX\GnuWin32\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose   <
>> G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h2228\p2668.pnm > G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h2228\p2668.t01"
>> pstoimg.bat: Error: "G:\LATEX\GnuWin32\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose   <
>> G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h2228\p2668.pnm > G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h2228\p2668.t01" failed:
>> No such file or directory
> This kind of failure occurs when the .pnm  image has been
> cropped away completely, leaving nothing behind.
> Look at the .pnm file.
> Do you see any of the contents that you expected to be there?
> Or is it a completely blank page?
>  --- if blank, then that certainly explains the error.
> Are there other images in the same document, occurring after
> this one? Do they have the correct content?
> If not, then maybe you have an oversized image, causing
> an extra page in the LaTeX run on images.tex.
> This will cause images to get out of synch. and the extra
> blank page (not the final page) will cause at least one
> on the image-generation steps to fail, as you seem to have here.
>> Error while converting image
>> *** Warning:
>> Failed to convert image G:\LATEX\TMP\l2h2228\image032.ps
>> extracted tex2html_wrap_indisplay453 as 32
>> embedding img32.png for tex2html_wrap_indisplay453, with
>> ALT="$\displaystyle =\left( \frac{1}{s+1}-\frac{1}{s+2}\right) +\left(
>> \frac{1}{2}<t
>> e...
>> ...>45
>> \frac{e^{-s}}{s}-\frac{e^{-s}}{s+1}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{e^{-s}}{s+2}\right) %
>> $"
> This looks like a very long line of input for inline-math.
> So long, in fact, that part of it has been removed
> for creating the ALT tag.
> It can certainly lead to a too-large image --- too wide.
> But more than this, the place where the cut occurs:
>    <te... ...>45
> looks like the remnant of a LaTeX2HTML internal tag that
> has not been replaced during the processing.
> So something has going quite wrong with the LaTeX content.
> To find out what, simply manually run LaTeX on  images.tex
> and have a look at the images. Or use GSview  with the
> images.ps  file that you should already have.
> The fact that there is a problem will just jump out at you.
> How to fix it? That's a different matter.
> But once having found where it occurs, the kind of rewrite
> to your source should be reasonably easy to find.
>> Error: Cannot read 'img32.png': No such file or directory
>> *** image done ***
>> ======= end of screen log =======
>> I'll keep looking, but if someone have seens this error message, and have
>> a clue, please let me know.
>> Thanks!
>> --Nasser
> Hope this helps,
>        Ross
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> Ross Moore                                       ross at maths.mq.edu.au
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