[l2h] color of the text for the 'next' type of button

Dr Nicola L C Talbot n.talbot at uea.ac.uk
Sun Jun 21 12:22:21 CEST 2009

Christian Salas wrote:
> how can i change the color of the text of the 'next' (and up, etc) type 
> of buttons in latex2html?
> my current .latex2html-init file is
> $BODYTEXT = "BGCOLOR=\"BLACK\" #color de fondo #BLACK,WHITE
>     TEXT=\"WHITE\" #color de la letra #YELLOW,WHITE,BLACK
>     LINK=\"YELLOW\" #color de los links #BLUE
>     ALINK=\"BLUE\" #color del link ???#BLUE
>     VLINK=\"ORANGE\""; #color del link after cliking it#ORANGE
> you can see in my current webpage, that giving that the background color 
> is black, the color of the text of the 'next' type of buttons is red or 
> something, which is really hard to read.

The text on the button is a part of the button image so you need to copy 
the image files and edit them using a paint application.

Nicola Talbot
Dr Nicola Talbot
School of Computing Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich. NR4 7TJ. UK

web    : http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/

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