[l2h] Anything "new"?

Gerree Pecht gerree at Math.Princeton.EDU
Wed Aug 29 17:02:56 CEST 2007

Hi ...

Not sure if you received my message of a few minutes ago ...

I spoke with our Systems Manager ... the latex2html works on our
system ...

He instructed me to do the following:

1.  Get into the directory where the .tex file you wish to be converted 

2. Once in that particular directory ...

at prompt type:

latex2html {filename.tex}  (do not include the parens

it runs perfectly ...

and ...

by doing this conversion ... it creates a DIRECTORY (named after the file 
you just converted)

... to view the file


firefox directoryname/index.html

the directoryname above is the one that latex2html created ...

... note firefox is the name of our "viewer"

However, one drawback ... the html version is not too pretty ...

Systems person seems to think that converting the file into a .pdf
appears as was typeset ... no distortion of any kind ... and mentioned
that the .pdf file can be read by almost all systems world-wide ...

Anyway, I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my query.

Best regards,

Gerree :-)

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Amy Kidd wrote:

> Hello!
> When you try running latex2html do you get error messages?
> What about it "doesn't seem to work"?
> When I began using latex2html, I had to spend a lot of time trying to
> figure out the command-line options to get the output that I wanted. I
> noticed some packages I used weren't supported.  For example, I had used
> the "newvbtm" package (to change the appearance of the verbatim blocks)
> and the "shadethm" package (for theorems and examples), but latex2html did
> not support the packages, so I had to change the definition of my
> redefined environments. I learned that it did not support the package
> by examining the screen output when latex2html was processing my file.
> Also, I use conditional text and I include files by reference. I found
> that to get everything to work properly, I had to make an texexpand file,
> strip out the undesired conditional text using scripts, and then process
> that file using latex2html. If there was a better way, I couldn't find it.
> I am pleased with the result, but it did take some trial and error.
> I hope your situation is much easier!
> Good luck,
> Amy Kidd
> Technical Writer
> SNMP Research, Inc.
> http://www.snmp.com
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Gerree Pecht wrote:
>> Hello again,
>> Regarding  the typesetting of
>> books, manuscripts, letters, coursework, slides (sliTeX) contain 99.55% of
>> highly complex equations, figures, etc.  Letters, technical reports also
>> contain large amounts of mathematical formulae, tables, figures ...
>> I have tried using latex2html {filename.tex} ... don't seem to work for
>> me.
>> I will continue to work at it.
>> Thanks!
>> Gerree :-)
>>   On
>> Tue, 28 Aug 2007, Hakan Kuecuekyilmaz wrote:
>>> On Di, 2007-08-28 at 11:35 -0400, Gerree Pecht wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to know an easy way to convert LaTeX documents replete with
>>>> mega-amounts of equations/matrices/figures/tables, etc. into
>>>> html and instructions on how to "link" same onto web pages.
>>> What do you mean by "mega-amounts"? I am regularly converting a 400+
>>> pages book with latex2html. The book has a lot of code examples in
>>> verbatim environment, but not that much equations.
>>>> Simple and Easy instructions and examples are very much appreciated.
>>>  latex2html <your_latex_master_file.tex>
>>> See how it works out
>>> Best regards,
>>> Hakan
>> --
>> Gerree P. Pecht
>> Princeton University Mathematics Department
>> (609) 258-3011
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Gerree P. Pecht
Princeton University Mathematics Department
(609) 258-3011

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