[l2h] How can I get complete ALT comments?

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Wed Oct 26 09:59:45 CEST 2005

Hello Gian,

On 25/10/2005, at 6:48 AM, gian piero aielli wrote:

> Dear all,
> how can I get complete descrptions of LaTeX formulas
> in the ALT comment of the IMG tag?

Long formulas are deliberatly truncated (in the middle) for
a combination of reasons:

  * browsers may not be able to show very long strings;

  * the full LaTeX source of mathematics is in the HTML file
     anyway, as a comment;

  * the data-base structure used by LaTeX2HTML to hold these
     ALT strings may not be able to manage long strings.
    (This may no longer be a problem with Perl 5.6+ )

Here is the code snippet that implements this:

     #RRM: too long strings upset the DBM. Truncate to <= 165 chars.
     if ( length($alt) > 163 ) {
         $start = substr($alt,0,80);
         $end = substr($alt,length($alt)-80,80);
         $alt = join('',$start,"...\n ...",$end);

See the limit of  163  that is imposed.

You could try changing that to something much larger; e.g. 1000 .
See what happens.
With luck there'll be no problems, but I don't guarantee that.

Report back here on your results, please.

Hope this helps,

     Ross Moore

Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
Sydney, Australia  2109                            fax: +61 +2 9850 8114

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