[l2h] eps images problem
Paolo Ariano
paolo.ariano at unito.it
Thu Nov 24 11:35:40 CET 2005
Hi Ross,
i'm trying all your good tricks but:
> Try adding an extra entry:
> \graphicspath{{./figure/}{../figure}}
no way i've also added the absolute path:
but nothing chnges
> a symbolic link: ln -s ../figure .
> (assuming that you are using Unix or Linux ).
yes, why i didn't try ? ... all images are linked
for exaample i'm trying to compile only the first chaper
with only 1 image:
Basch_fig1.eps -> ./figure/Basch_fig1.eps
but nothing change, it creates only two images .png that are
two math symbols but the figure Basch_fig1.eps is not
present (only the caption)
> If the above doesn't help, then show me the images.log
> file that results after a fresh run --- i.e., remove *all*
yes this is the result of a fresh run becouse evry time i
delete the directory created by latex2html, i tried to look
at these files but i can't find nothing about the .eps :(
thanks for help
This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
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\headheight = 28pt %aggiunto io perche' diceva che 12pt era
piccolo, 15pt anche ...
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\titolo{Glial cells, calcium signals\\
and {\it in vitro} migration of \\
peripheral neurons}
\laureando{Paolo Ariano}
\relatore[Prof.]{Davide Lovisolo}
\correlatore[Prof.]{Piergiorgio Strata}
\dedica{A Tiziana, Mattia e chi venne prima ...}
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$ ^{*}$%
$ \beta$%
Paolo Ariano
Neuroscience PhD @ UniTo
Paolo Ariano
Neuroscience PhD @ UniTo
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