[l2h] image generation problem

Bob van der Poel bvdp at uniserve.com
Sun Apr 24 00:53:27 CEST 2005

Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Apr 2005, Bob van der Poel wrote:
>>Okay, I just installed a new version of Linux (Mandrake 2005) and think
>>I have everything I need to use latex2html on my documetation. But ...
>>it doesn't work.
>>Running the program gives me a whole bunch of error messages in the form:
>>Error: Cannot read 'img2.png': No such file or directory
>>Converting image #25
>>pstoimg: Warning: Cannot use /var/tmp/l2h1260 as temporary directory.
>>pstoimg: Error: Cannot find file "/var/tmp/l2h1260/_image025.ps": No such file or directory
>>I have checked and I (as a user) can create files and directries in /var/tmp.
>>I have also converted a simple .ps file to .png with pstoimg. So, I know that
>>pstoimg is installed and works.
>>I have looked at the .log files generated by latex2html. I probably
>>don't know what I'm looking for, but don't see anything unusual.
>>mandrake seems to be missing the perldoc stuff, so I grabbed an rpm of
>>that from the mandrake site. It needed to be 'forced' to install, but
>>the result of that was the pstoimg now works. Not sure if that buggered
>>things or not.
>>The tex I'm running is tetex 3.0.
>>And the version of the program:
>>latex2html --version
>>This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2002-2-1 (1.71)
>>by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
>>BTW, the html generation seems to work just fine. Just no images.
>>A quiet plea for HELP!

Thanks. I have tried this now.

> Try running latex2html with a -debug flag.  That should keep all the
> temporary files around, as well as produce some useful messages in the

YEs, lots of extra files :)

> log.  Another place to look is the images.log file (which may explain why

Nothing I can find there to give me a clue.

> the images weren't produced).  One caveat: the \begin{latexonly} ..
> \end{latexonly} (or the equivalent %-forms) aren't used in image
> production -- you need to replicate the necessary code in a
> \begin{imagesonly} .. \end{imagesonly} section, or extract it to a .sty
> file.
> HTH,
> 	Igor

I was hoping too :) But, I'm still having the same problems. I did try 
to use different settings for -tmp (which is normally not set in my 
makefile), but it made no difference. I think this error:
Error while converting image

Error: Cannot read 'img2.png': No such file or directory
Converting image #14
pstoimg: Warning: Cannot use /home/bob/tmp/l2h6263 as temporary directory.
pstoimg: Error: Cannot find file "/home/bob/tmp/l2h6263/_image014.ps": 
No such file or directory

has more to do with the img2.png not being found at all, not the 
directory problem? But, which isn't img2.png (and 30 or 40 others) being 
created. I'm sure I'm missing a program, but have no idea what.

Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
EMAIL: bvdp at uniserve.com
WWW:   http://mypage.uniserve.com/~bvdp

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