[l2h] Tabular problems - malformed tabular after section or subsection

Ross Moore ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Fri Feb 20 07:09:58 CET 2004

Hello John,

On 21/02/2004, at 12:24 AM, John O'Gorman wrote:

> I am using LyX 1.3.2 and converting a book class to HTML using 
> latex2html.2002-2-1(1.70)
> l2h is misrendering the HTML table.
> Ploughing back through the email archives, I found this has been 
> reported before.
> Has there been any progress on a fix or workaround.
> The symptoms:
>   A table has only its 1st row rendered if it follows a section or 
> subsection header (even if text intervenes).
> If I remove all sections and subsections etc, the table is perfectly 
> rendered.
> Any suggestions?

Please send an example where this has failed for you.
Better yet, create the website and send a URL, both
for the source and the result.
(Another for a similar document that works correctly
may prove to be of use when debugging.)

Please include *everything* since frequently bugs are triggered
by something else in the document, not just the portion of your
document that is obviously not producing the desired result.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> John O'Gorman
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Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
Mathematics Department                             office: E7A-419
Macquarie University                               tel: +61 +2 9850 8955
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