[l2h] multline environment numbering

José Rincón mail01789-latex2html at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 10 03:09:17 CEST 2004

This is probably either known or has a simple solution, but I couldn't find
anything about it searching in the internet.

When converting the document you will find below, the numbering of equations
that come after a multline environment is wrong. The multline equation seems 
to be ignored, so the next equation is still numbered as (1). However, the
hyperlinks still point to the right place.

I have a web page where you can find the result after conversion:
You can also find in http://www.ugr.es/local/ozarfreo/tmp/ the tex source and 
any other output that might be of help (the converted file was prueba.tex).


Here is the output of latex2html, run in a Debian/testing system:

This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2002-2-1 (1.70)
by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

Revised and extended by:
 Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan and others
...producing markup for HTML version 4.0

Extension: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/latin1.pl
HTML version: loading /usr/share/latex2html/versions/html4_0.pl

 *** processing declarations ***

OPENING /home/ja/webs/ugr/tmp/prueba.tex

Note: Working directory is /home/ja/webs/ugr/tmp/prueba
Note: Images will be generated in /tmp/l2h1936

texexpand V2002-2-1 (Revision 1.11)

Loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/texdefs.perl...
Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/article.perl
Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/amsmath.perl
Package: loading /usr/share/latex2html/styles/more_amsmath.perl
Reading ...

Reading aux file: /home/ja/webs/ugr/tmp/prueba.aux ...
Processing macros ...++...
Translating ...
0/1:top of prueba: for prueba.html

 *** translating preamble ***
 *** preamble done ***

1/1:sectionstar:.."About this document ..." for node1.html

Writing image file ...

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5)
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, nohyphenation, loaded.

 *** processing 2 images ***

Generating postscript images using dvips ...
This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software
' TeX output 2004.07.03:1605' -> /tmp/l2h1936/image
(-> /tmp/l2h1936/image001) <tex.pro><alt-rule.pro><texc.pro><aae443f0.enc>
(-> /tmp/l2h1936/image002) <tex.pro><alt-rule.pro><texc.pro><aae443f0.enc>
Converting image #2
Converting image #1

Doing section links ......
 *** Adding document-specific styles ***

%% This is the LaTeX source:



Here goes a multline environment:
  x + 99999999999999999 x =\\
  100000000000000000 x
And here an equation:
  a = \pi
Referring to the first one, one gets this: (\ref{eq:1}).



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