[l2h] verbatim.perl: foreach $dir ("$texfilepath", split(/:/,$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'})) {

Erling D. Andersen e.d.andersen at mosek.com
Mon Apr 26 11:56:56 CEST 2004




I found the the following code

 foreach $dir ("$texfilepath", split(/:/,$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'})) { 
        if (-f ($_ = "$dir/$file") || -f ($_ = "$dir/$file2")) {
            #overread $_ with file contents

a. I think


should be replaced by


I thought $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'} is the OS env variable that latex2html does not use it but rather
defines $TEXINPUTS.

b. /:/ should be replaced by /;/ on Windows?  Texinputs may have c:\mydir dir so splitting on : 
seems a bad idea.

I know nothing about PERL so I might have misunderstood it.


PS: My fix seems to solve a problem for me.

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