[l2h] \renewcommand{\contentsname}

Peter Morling pmorling at nat.sdu.dk
Thu Jun 26 15:06:48 CEST 2003


I have a problem, when using the following line with the HTMLcode tag the 'contentsname' is also added to the table of contents:

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{\HTMLcode{H3}{Module \moduleno: \moduletitle}}

The result is:

Module 2: Testing L2H
  a.. Module 2: Testing L2H 
  b.. 2.1 Introduktion 
  c.. 2.2 Krav 
    a.. 2.2.1 Krav til struktur 
    b.. 2.2.2 Krav til navigation 
    c.. 2.2.3 Krav til forfatter 

  d.. 2.3 Milepæle 
How can i avoid that the contentsname is added to the table of contents and still keep the <H3> tag ?

All the best,

Peter Morling

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