[l2h] Multirow in tables.

Egor Tur worldeb at ukr.net
Thu Jul 3 14:34:15 CEST 2003

I have problem with using \multirow in my tables.
I read archive this mail list and I cannot search answer why \multirow do not work.
I use  latex2html-2002-2-1, and I try create examples in multirow.sty package from
latex (tetex 2.x). 
For example, I try 


 \multirow{4}{1in}{ test } & Column g2a \\
       & Column g2b \\
       & Column g2c \\
       & Column g2d \\


and I see in html
|      |   Column g2b   |
|      |----------------|
|      |                       |
|      | ----------------|
|      |                       |
|      |----------------|
|      |                       |

Nothing error only warning when I translate my this example:
 Warning: No implementation found for package: multirow.


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