[l2h] picins

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Sun Feb 23 17:14:06 CET 2003

> Is it possible to make latex2html work together with the picins package?
> If not is there an alternative?
> At his moment I always get the following warning:
> *********** WARNINGS ***********
> No implementation found for style `picins'

What do you use this package for ?
If its commands are always used within {figure} environments,
then you should get appropriate images created.

However, if you are placing images within paragraphs, to have the
text flow around the images, then you have the \htmladdimg
command from the {html} package for this purpose.

On the other hand, if the purpose is to *draw* a picture,
*and* wrap the text around it, then yes there is some simple
programming that could be done to implement this for use
with LaTeX2HTML.

Sorry I don't have the time to do it myself, but if anyone 
wants to use it as an exercise in supporting LaTeX packages,
then I'm always available for consultation.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> regards,
> hugo
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