[l2h] converting quotes

James Howison jhowison at syr.edu
Sat Aug 9 02:09:08 CEST 2003

Hi all,

I'd really like to convert the latex quotation marks, `` and '' to the 
recommended HTML curly quotes, &#8220 instead of `` and &#8221 instead 
of '' - standard codes that render the curly quotes beautifully.

I'm sure that this is possible through latex2html - the codes are 
listed around unicode.pl:722 - but either I can't find the magic 
incantation to have latex2html do the conversion or there is a bug 
preventing this from working in my version (1.70) or set-up.

I've tried:

latex2html -html_version 4.0,unicode test.tex

What is strange is that this does work for, say \v{Z} which converts to 
the code Ž (and that is definitely happening through unicode.pl (I 
changed the translation and it worked fine).

So why doesn't the translation for `` (which is correctly listed in the 
unicode.pl as \`\`) and '' which is correctly listed as \'\' work?

I've had a good hunt around for this - but I can't see why the other 
codes are converted but not the quotes.


ps.  minimal test.tex follows


``Why are these quotes not converted to unicode''  (they are in the 
unicode.pl file)
While this symbol (also in the unicode.pl file) is? - \v{Z}

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