[l2h] Latex2html (forwarded by Ross)

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 22:34:50 +1000 (EST)

----- Forwarded message from William Furley -----

>From william.furley@urz.uni-heidelberg.de Fri Sep  6 21:58:00 2002
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From: William Furley <william.furley@urz.uni-heidelberg.de>
Message-ID: <15736.29280.701000.71877@gargle.gargle.HOWL>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 11:16:16 +0200
To: "Ross Moore" <ross@ics.mq.edu.au>
Subject: Latex2html
X-Mailer: VM 7.07 under Emacs 21.2.1
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hi Ross,

may I trouble you with a pesky question and request for help?

I have endless trouble with image conversion using latex2html on
Windows XP operating system. This is no new problem; on previous
Windows versions the same problem has plagued me: Ghostscript returns
message `no such file or directory' (i.e. can't find images for

Here is the excerpt from log after running with -debug:


Converting image #2
Debug (syswait): Running "c:\Programme\Perl\bin\perl.exe C:\programme\latex2html\bin\pstoimg.bat -type png -debug -tmp c:\TEMP\l2h1512 -discard -interlace -antialias -depth 1 -scale 1.6 -geometry 37x15 -margins 103,72 -crop abl -transparent -out img2.png c:\TEMP\l2h1512\image002.ps"
pstoimg.bat V2002-2 (Revision 1.16, Perl 5.006001)
pstoimg.bat: Temporary directory is c:\TEMP\l2h1512
pstoimg.bat: Processing c:\TEMP\l2h1512\image002.ps
pstoimg.bat: EPSF dimensions are 41x21
pstoimg.bat: Running c:\gs\gs7.03\bin\gswin32c.exe  -sDEVICE=ppmraw -g66x34  -r115 -dTextAlphaBits=4  -sOutputFile=c:\TEMP\l2h1512\p1100.pnm 
GS>-102 -700 translate
GS>(c:/TEMP/l2h1512/image002.ps) run

AFPL Ghostscript 7.03 (2001-10-20)
Copyright (C) 2001 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
GS>GS>>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
GS>>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
GS>Running "c:\Programme\netPBM\bin\pnmcrop.exe  < c:\TEMP\l2h1512\p1100.pnm > c:\TEMP\l2h1512\p1100.t01"
pstoimg.bat: Error: "c:\Programme\netPBM\bin\pnmcrop.exe  < c:\TEMP\l2h1512\p1100.pnm > c:\TEMP\l2h1512\p1100.t01" failed: No such file or directory

Error while converting image


-- and it isn't true that the temp file doesn't exist: after
   checking, the file has been generated by dvips (in this case
   p1100.pnm in the correct temp directory).

The installation procedure all works fine and dandy; all the support
programmes are recognized (including Ghostscript and Ghostscript
paths). So WHY does Ghostscript fail to cooperate with latex2html?
Ghostscript works correctly with other programmes (MikTeX and
Ghostview). As I say, I've had this problem repeatedly; on previous
occasions, by endless fiddling and reinstalling of programmes, the
thing has miraculously worked. But I've drawn a blank so far. There
might be other Windows-TeX users in the same fix.

Bill Furley

----- End of forwarded message from William Furley -----