[l2h] bug under win32
Victor Zagorski
Victor Zagorski <zagorski@atom.krasnet.ru>
Sat, 5 Oct 2002 00:36:21 +0800
An error accures while trying to configure LaTeX2HTML Version 2002-2
(1.70) under Win32.
The code above cant understand the capabilities of Aladdin gs
<file:config.pl line:1052>
while (<GS>) {
if($flag == 0 && /Ghostscript\s*(?:Version|(?:PRE-|BETA |TESTER )RELEASE|)\s*(\d+[.]?\d*)/i) {
$gs_version = $1;
$flag = 1;
elsif($flag && /^\s*Available devices/i) {
$flag = 2; # Now look for the devices
elsif($flag && /^\s*Search path/i) {
$flag = 3; # Now look for the gs lib path
elsif ($flag == 2) {
# if line starts with whitespace, then we're in the devices list
if(/^\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
else {
$flag = 1; # no more devices
elsif ($flag == 3) {
# if line starts with whitespace, then we're in the search path list
if(/^\s+(.*?)\s*$/ && length($1)) {
foreach(split(/\s*[$pathd]+\s*/,$1)) {
push(@gs_lib_path,L2hos->path2os($_)) if(length && -d $_);
else {
$flag = 1;
} # no more path entries
I had fixed this by adding the following lines after the listd code:
$gs_version = 6.01;
@gs_devs = qw( pnmraw ppmraw pgnmraw pgmraw pbmraw ppm pgnm pgm pnm pbm );
@gs_lib_path = qw( . c:/Aladdin/gs6.01/lib c:/Aladdin/fonts );
But I dislike it.
Victor Zagorski 05.10.2002 00:28