[l2h] already generated image inclusion

Bruce Miller bruce.miller@nist.gov
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 23:50:04 -0400

bligneri@physique.usherb.ca wrote:
> Well,
> I think I spoke too fast. All my tests were local and were working.
> However, the problem is that the SRC arguments of the IMG tags are
> absolute ie something like
> /home/ben/oscar/doc/dev/install/figs/my_fig.png

I'm not sure which problem you're reporting with which solution,
since I seem to be only getting parts of the conversations out-of-sync.

Ross is describing the powerfull, fully-general approach of conditionalizing
the source so that you say explicitly what should go into the LaTeX
runs vs. what should go into the HTML runs.

I'm describing the much simpler approach using only the graphic(s|x) 
handy -- when it applies -- because the source works for any processor.

The graphicx solution _should_ copy the source image to the destination
directory -- it works for me.   Certainly in the simple cases where
the image is in the same directory as the tex, or a subdirectory,
say figs, then \includegraphics{figs/my_fig} ought to work.

When I originally wrote it ( ??? or did I add that feature to a local
copy ??? ), I tried to preserve the local structure
(eg. it would put my_fig.png in a subdirectory figs in the html destination
directory), to avoid name conflicts.  That doesn't seem to be in the
currently distributed version -- maybe it was removed for portability,
or maybe it wasn't in the version I submitted  (Ross; does this ring
any bells with you?).

At any rate, currently, it'll just put the image in the same directory
with the html -- but you're not seeing the image being copied at all ???

> I would like to have a relative path (ie just figs/) so that it can
> work directly on the web server.

Exactly what it _should_ do....

> I tried to play with the prefix argument but without success. Is there a
> simple way to do it without to much "sed-ing" ?
> Ben