[l2h] tabularx problem

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Tue, 21 May 2002 01:43:41 +1000 (EST)

> jo_latex2html@schlossers.org wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I am using latex2html and have the following problem:
> >latex2html creates images instead of HTML tables when I put in
> >tabularx tables.
> >Do I use it incorrectly or did I overlook a limitation?

Floats, by default, result in an image.

There are some exceptions, such as {tabular} within {table}.

The general override mechanism, to force interpretation of the contents
of the float within  <TABLE>...</TABLE> tags is to use the
\begin{makeimage}...\end{makeimage}  environment, from  html.sty,
to enclose that portion which needs to be an image.
Everything else is interpreted as normal.

To interpret *everything* in the float, use an empty {makeimage},
as follows:


> >Can you figure out why the result is the way it is and how I can 
> >change it to procude HTML tables?

Use an empty {makeimage} environment, as described above.
Make sure you load  \usepackage{html}  so that the coding is valid
in LaTeX as well as LaTeX2HTML.

> Suppport for tabularx seems to be missing in sub do_env_table, since the 
> tabularx outside of the float is translated correctly.
> Search for
>             /\\begin\s*($O\d+$C)\s*((super)?tabular|longtable)\s*\1/))) {
> (l2h v1.68, close to the start of the sub, l. 11575)
> and replace 'tabular' with 'tabularx?' (without quotes), this worked for 
> me.

Yes; this is a possible hack.
Better is:

    /\\begin\s*($O\d+$C)\s*((super)?tabular\w*|longtable)\s*\1/))) {
                                           ^^^------  add this.

I'll put this into the next revision of latex2html.pin .

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> >Thanks!
> >
> >sincerely
> >Joachim
> >--
> >Joachim Schlosser
> >  
> >
> Knut
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