[l2h] Bug in first hyperlink of TOC

Radhakrishnan CV cvr@river-valley.org
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 08:29:58 +0530 (IST)

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 at 16:12, Michael Chapman wrote:

   On Wednesday 27 March 2002 13:34, you wrote:
   > Hi,
   > it seems to me that there is a bug in the table of contents (TOC) generated
   > by LaTeX2HTML. I am using LaTeX2HTML version 2002 (1.62) on FreeBSD,
   > downloaded from http://www.latex2html.org/~latex2ht/current
   > as latex2html-2002.tar.gz (20-Mar-2002).
   > What I mean is that the generated hyperlink of the *first* TOC entry is
   > missing the anchor part. The anchor is correct in all following TOC
   > entries. Therefore clicking on the first hyperlink in the TOC brings you to
   > the top of the document instead of to the start of the section.
   For what its worth, I run Radhakrishnan's excellent pdfscreen.sty
   with pdflatex quite often.

   It may be a bug _I_ have introduced, but on each first run I get
   a first line in the file.toc which reads "\select@language
   {english}". If I open file.toc with an editor and delete the
   first line, the problem goes away however many times pdflatex is
   run again (on file.tex).
That is a due to a bug in the pdfscreen.sty, but is fixed now. I'm
yet to release the bug fixed version to CTAN. If you need, I can
send you a pre-release version.
