[l2h] Re: l2h and recent netpbm

Shigeharu TAKENO shige@iee.niit.ac.jp
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:12:27 +0900 (JST)

shige 07/11 2002

> Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 20:37:42 +0900 (JST)
> From: Shigeharu TAKENO <shige@iee.niit.ac.jp>
> To: latex2html@tug.org
> Subject: [l2h] Re: l2h and recent netpbm
> *** config/config.pl.ORG       Wed Jul 10 20:16:10 2002
> --- config/config.pl   Wed Jul 10 20:21:22 2002
> ***************
> *** 1274,1281 ****
>   #             $pnmcrop .= ' -sides ';
>                 $newcfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = ' -sides ';
>             }
> !       }
> !       $pnmcrop .= ' -verbose ' if ($sub_vers > 10);
>         print "\n$pnmcrop";
>         $msg = 'there is nothing to crop'; $stat = '';
>       } else {
> --- 1274,1281 ----
>   #             $pnmcrop .= ' -sides ';
>                 $newcfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = ' -sides ';
>             }
> !       } else { $newcfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = ' -sides '; }
> !       $pnmcrop .= ' -verbose ' if ($sub_vers > 10 || $vers >= 10);
>         print "\n$pnmcrop";
>         $msg = 'there is nothing to crop'; $stat = '';
>       } else {

Sorry, the following is better since $sub_vers = '' and it is not 
numeric for Netpbm-10.X: 

*** config/config.pl.ORG	Mon Apr 29 14:15:01 2002
--- config/config.pl	Wed Jul 10 22:33:18 2002
*** 1278,1285 ****
  #		$pnmcrop .= ' -sides ';
  		$newcfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = ' -sides ';
! 	}
! 	$pnmcrop .= ' -verbose ' if ($sub_vers > 10);
  	print "\n$pnmcrop";
  	$msg = 'there is nothing to crop'; $stat = '';
      } else {
--- 1278,1285 ----
  #		$pnmcrop .= ' -sides ';
  		$newcfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = ' -sides ';
! 	} else { $newcfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = ' -sides '; }
! 	$pnmcrop .= ' -verbose ' if ($vers >= 10 || $sub_vers > 10);
  	print "\n$pnmcrop";
  	$msg = 'there is nothing to crop'; $stat = '';
      } else {

 Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN
 shige@iee.niit.ac.jp   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161