[l2h] Phonetic fonts in latex2html

Michel DeGraff degraff@MIT.EDU
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:05:46 -0400

I am using latex2html on athena.  The version I use is v98.1 dated
1998.  This is the only version that I have available via my school
computer; I am hoping for an update but this may not happen soon

I am having trouble with phonetics (IPA) fonts.  I use the "tipa"
package (command: \usepackage[T1]{tipa} ) so I can produce various IPA
symbols, but these symbols do not get converted by latex2html.  So I
get lots of missing stuff in my html document.

For example, wherever I have a "\textopeno" command in my
LaTeX file, it comes out as blank in the html file.  What to do?

Thank you very much in advance.  I am trying to belatedly submit the
html version of a paper to my editor, and any prompt help will be
greatly appreciated.   Keeping fingers crossed... ;)


P.S.  Please, include my e-mail address <degraff@mit.edu> in the cc:
field of your reply. (I am a digest subscriber, but I'd like to get
any reply asap.  Thanks!)