[l2h] Inline math symbol with no descender

Raphael Clifford raphael.clifford@jesus.ox.ac.uk
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 15:45:12 +0000

I apologise for asking this simple question but I cannot find the 
answer.  I'm using Version 99.2beta8(1.46) and if the solution is 
to upgrade please let me know.

The problem occurs when I include a math symbol that has no 
descender (ie a symbol that does not descend below the base line of 
the text) 

For example, when Latex2html processes the line:

> Let $X$ be a random variable

it consistently locates the image for X above the line.  This is 
when viewed with both Netscape and IE.  IE is slightly better than 

Any help would be appreciated
