[l2h] math and images in generel

morten mobo@mailme.dk
Wed, 09 May 2001 13:33:58 +0200 (CEST)

> Are you pretty sure you're using last versions of both netpbm and
> latex2html ?
let's be systematic :-)
$ perl --version
This is perl, v5.6.0 built for i386-linux

$ latex --version
TeX (Web2C 7.3.1) 3.14159
kpathsea version 3.3.1

$ pnmcrop --version
pnmcrop: Version: Netpbm 9.9
this is the version from rh71

$ latex2html --version
This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2K.1beta (1.50)
by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

]$ gs --version

That should cover the versions. I've read the netpbm v9.9 is ok, with some
cosmetic issues, so it ought to be ok.

> If doing so, you *SHOULD NOT MODIFY* the perl scripts.
> They are good for RedHat (I'm using RH7.1, and with the last versions of
> all, everything is working perfectly with no changes).
do you use images?

I include the image.tex, image.log and l2htest.tex (my test file).

I notet this problem in image.log
! Argument of \Gin@iii has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.145 \lthtmlcheckvsize\clearpage}

When I try to convert I get some lyx-specifc warnings, like
Warning: No implementation found for option: `english' for `article' package
Warning: No implementation found for option: `T1' for `fontenc' package
but as I understand them, it means that I use some more or less obscure options
which isn't implemented in latex2html.

any suggestions

################# image.log #########
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (format=latex 2000.7.19)  9 MAY 2001
LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level 1
Babel <v3.6Z> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, i
talian, nohyphenation, loaded.

Document Class: article 1999/09/10 v1.4a Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 1999/09/10 v1.4a Standard LaTeX file (size option)
Package: ifthen 1999/09/10 v1.1b Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
Package: fontenc 1999/12/08 v1.9x Standard LaTeX package

File: t1enc.def 1999/12/08 v1.9x Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 38.
Package: inputenc 1999/09/17 v0.992 Input encoding file 

File: latin1.def 1999/09/17 v0.992 Input encoding file 
Package: babel 1999/09/09 v3.6Z The Babel package

Language: english 1999/04/11 v3.3i English support from the babel system

File: babel.def 1999/09/09 v3.6Z Babel common definitions
Package: graphics 1999/02/16 v1.0l Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)

Package: trig 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC)
Package graphics Info: Driver file: dvips.def on input line 80.

File: dvips.def 1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR)
Package: color 1999/02/16 v1.0i Standard LaTeX Color (DPC)

Package color Info: Driver file: dvips.def on input line 125.

File: dvipsnam.def 1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR)
\openout1 = `images.aux'.

LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 118.
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 118.

latex2htmlLength hsize=349.0pt

latex2htmlLength vsize=633.0pt

latex2htmlLength hoffset=0.0pt

latex2htmlLength voffset=0.0pt

latex2htmlLength topmargin=0.0pt

latex2htmlLength topskip=0.00003pt

latex2htmlLength headheight=0.0pt

latex2htmlLength headsep=0.0pt

latex2htmlLength parskip=0.0pt plus 1.0pt

latex2htmlLength oddsidemargin=62.0pt

latex2htmlLength evensidemargin=62.0pt

! Argument of \Gin@iii has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.145 \lthtmlcheckvsize\clearpage}
I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything.
For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce
this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that
I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway
argument that might be the root of the problem. But if
your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away.

Runaway argument?
]{belA-S.ps}\lthtmlpictureZ \lthtmlcheckvsize \clearpage 
! Paragraph ended before \Gin@iii was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.145 \lthtmlcheckvsize\clearpage}
I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this
control sequence to too much text. How can we recover?
My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.

(images.aux) )
(\end occurred inside a group at level 1) 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 1170 strings out of 20898
 12845 string characters out of 196686
 57809 words of memory out of 350001
 4142 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+15000
 4403 words of font info for 15 fonts, out of 400000 for 1000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 25i,1n,19p,178b,70s stack positions out of 1500i,100n,500p,50000b,4000s

No pages of output.

####################### image.tex ############









\count@=\the\catcode`\_ \catcode`\_=8 
  \expandafter\renewcommand\csname #1\endcsname}%
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% contents=\includegraphics[]{belA-S.ps}


############## my test file #############
%% LyX 1.1 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.




An equation:


og et billede

 \centering \includegraphics{belA-S.ps} \par 


E-Mail: morten <mobo@mailme.dk>
Date: 09-May-2001
Time: 13:16:55

Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon