[l2h] Black borders around math images

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 06:51:36 +1100 (EST)

> Hi to all !
> I use the latest version of SUSE's Linux 7.1. Prof. All the installation of
> Latex2Html (v. 99.2 beta8) works fine (./configure reports no problems,
> anything seems to be on it's place) . But even running latex2html on the
> included test-files produces inlined images with some ugly borders at the
> left and at the bottom. The other formulas have got a black line at the
> left.

Yes, this is a known problem.
It occurs because recent distributions ob the netpbm graphics utilities
include an insufficient version of  pnmcrop .

Image-generation in LaTeX2HTML requires the ability to crop each
side of an image separately, so as to remove those borders after
their purpose has been served.
The netpbm software from  sourceforge  has evolved from a version which
did not have this ability, ignoring a patch from 1994 where this feature
was added.

A request has been made to restore this feature, but it may be that
someone on this list should tackle the problem themself, and submit
the resulting code to the  sourceforge site.

In the meantime, it should be possible to find older binaries that
include the desired patch. The LaTeX2HTML manual gives sites where
the older version was available.

> It seems to be a problem with the image-generation, maybe in combination
> with a little misalignment of the formulas. But I really don't know how to
> fix it. Here are some further details that may help to investigate the
> problem:
> http://www-public.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/~jungra/latex2html/index.htm
> Has anybody spotted this problem, too?
> Could it be a bug somewhere ?

Hope his helps,

	Ross Moore

> Thanks in advance for any help.
>   Regards,
>   Ralph Jung
> +---------------------------------------+
> | Ralph Jung                            |
> | Institut für Laser und Plasmaphysik   |
> | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf |
> | email: jungra@uni-duesseldorf.de      |
> +---------------------------------------+
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