[l2h] Suggesting SVG-format for expression images
Ian MacPhedran
Ian MacPhedran <Ian_MacPhedran@young.usask.ca>
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 19:09:03 -0600 (CST)
On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Ross Moore wrote:
> To implement it, we need availability of tools to both read and write
> the format.
> Does Netpbm have a pnmtosvg tool ?
Converting bitmaps directly to SVG would likely not be advantageous - the
original author had suggested that SVG's strong point is scalability, so a
raster to vector tool like autotrace
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/autotrace/) might be of use. You could
also move a step back and use pstoedit (a "shareware" plugin for SVG
output is available for pstoedit) to render directly from the PostScript
> > Web-browser plug-ins is presently available for Windows and MacOS.
> > Unfortunately not for *nix:
> Hmm; that's definitely a drawback.
> It cuts down the audience for your web-pages.
> Hopefully it's just a temporary thing for the major browsers.
There is a Java interpretor available via the Apache people, which runs
outside a browser. (I haven't used this. I have used Amaya to view SVG,
but it is not satisfactory as a browser.)
PS Personally, I would be reluctant to recommend SVG at this time,
however, I have to admit that I have effectively no experience with it, so
you'll have to take my comments with a large grain of salt.
Ian MacPhedran, Engineering Computer Centre, 2B13 Engineering Building,
University of Saskatchewan, 57 Campus Drive, Saskatoon SK S7N 5A9, CANADA
Phone: (306)966-4832 Fax: (306)966-5205 Email: Ian_MacPhedran@engr.USask.CA