[l2h] Local style in <HEAD>

Michel A. de Bree Michel A. de Bree" <m.a.de_bree@lumc.nl
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 11:41:19 +0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)

Hello all,

	I want to override a style using CSS for one of my HTML files, which is
	generated from a corresponding TeX file. Right now I am setting the style
	using <STYLE> tags in the "sub meta_information" setting in
	.latex2html-init, but that means it ends up in *all* HTML files. I want to
	have be able to set it in just the one TeX file. Is there a way?

	Alternatively it would also be good if I could set the STYLE globally like I
	am now, but use a class (f.e. TD.justtheonefile) and then being able to
	somehow make all the TD tags in the one result file have the
	class="justtheonefile" property.

Michel A. de Bree