[l2h] Re: table of child-link / index in header / footer

Horst Eyermann Horst Eyermann <horst@freedict.de>
Sun, 19 Mar 2000 20:19:18 +0100 (CET)

Hi Jens,
thanks for asking. 
Basically yes, I want the whole index in the nav bar!
I split my document (frame like, just with tables) into two parts, and included
the whole index (15 pages or so) to access the document directly, (as prefered
by many people).

- sorry, the last reply was only to Ross Moore, not to the mailing list.

What I managed to do now was the code as attaced below.

However, I had to use version 99.1 rather then 99.2 beta 6
for the command 
to work.



sub top_navigation_panel {
                "<TR>" .
                '<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">' .
                '<IMG SRC="images/freedict.gif" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=100><BR>' .
                 'You are visitor <img src="http://www.freedict.de/cgi-bin/count
                '</TD><TD WIDTH=475  ROWSPAN=3>'

sub bot_navigation_panel {
        '<TR><TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=TOP BGCOLOR="FFCC66">' .
        '<A HREF="http://www.freedict.de/index.html">Home</A><BR><HR>' .
        &do_cmd_tableofcontents() .

        '<A HREF="http://www.freedict.de/Download.html">Downloads</A><BR><HR>' .
        '</TD></TR><TR><TD VALIGN=BOTTOM>' .
        '<ADDRESS>Zuletzt ge&auml;ndert: <!--#echo var="LAST_MODIFIED"--> von <a

On 17-Mar-2000 J. Lippmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Horst Eyermann wrote:
>> I was asked to use a "index" in the navigation bar, as this would make
>> navigaition easier - and I belive the comment was right.
>> So I tried to include:
>>  &add_child_links('',$file, 0 , $child_star,$key, @keys)
>> in  bot_navigation_panel - however this of course just generated the local
>> child links. - So I wrote:
>>      (defined $hey_child_links  ? $hey_child_links  : $hey_child_links =
>>          &add_child_links('',$file, 0 , $child_star,$key, @keys) )  .
>> However $hey_child_links was undefined for every page, even when I added a
>> global variable in latex2html.
> Could you define more properly what the index should look like?
> You wouldn't want to place the complete index contents into the
> navigator bar, would you?
> Regards,
> Jens Lippmann.
> -- 
># Jens Lippmann                 lippmann@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
>#               http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~lippmann
># Technische Universitaet Darmstadt          http://www.tu-darmstadt.de

Horst Eyermann 

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