[l2h] table of child-link / index in header / footer

Horst Eyermann Horst Eyermann <horst@freedict.de>
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 06:21:01 +0100 (CET)

I came across another problem using l2h.
I was asked to use a "index" in the navigation bar, as this would make
navigaition easier - and I belive the comment was right.

So I tried to include:
 &add_child_links('',$file, 0 , $child_star,$key, @keys)

in  bot_navigation_panel - however this of course just generated the local
child links. - So I wrote:
     (defined $hey_child_links  ? $hey_child_links  : $hey_child_links =
         &add_child_links('',$file, 0 , $child_star,$key, @keys) )  .

However $hey_child_links was undefined for every page, even when I added a
global variable in latex2html.

I also tried to generate a index, however nothing at all was generated here. 

Does anyone have suggestions what to do / try in order to get the index into
the (bottom) navbar?


Horst Eyermann 

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